担任多本国际期刊的匿名审稿人,包括 Journal of Labor Economics, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, Labour Economics, Scadinavian Journal of Economics, Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, Economics of Education Review, China Economic Review, Plos One, Journal of Business Ethics等。Google Scholar引用累计超过150次,H-index引用指数为4。
Best Poster Award, Society of Labor Economists 2017
Overseas Exchange Grant, CentER, Tilburg University 2016
Koopmans Scholarship for Academic Merits, CentER, Tilburg University 2012-2013
Orange Tulips Scholarship, NESO, Embassy of the Netherlands in China 2011-2012
Language Skills and Labor Market Performance of Immigrants in the Netherlands (with Jan C. van Ours), Labour Economics, 2015 (34), 76-85.
Educational Consequences of Language Proficiency on Young Children (with Asako Ohinata and Jan C. van Ours), Economics of Education Review, 2016 (54), 1-15.
Dialect Speech and Wages (with Jan C. van Ours), Economics Letters, 2019 (177), 35-38.
Daily Dialect-Speaking and Wages among Native Dutch Speakers (with Jan C. van Ours), Empirica, 2019 (46), 653-668.
Sex Ratio and Marital Matching Outcomes in the Chinese Marriage Market (with Yixian Li and Min Zhang), Economics Letters, 2023 (222): 110927.
The Long-run and Intergenerational Effects of Early-life Hunger Experience on Human Capital and Labor Market Outcomes: Evidence from Retrpspective Data (with Yi Zhang), China Economic Review, 2023 (77): 101914.
Sex Ratio and Timing of the First Marriage: Evidence from the One-and-A-Half Children Policy in China
Peer Effects of Misbehavior and Ability in Classroom: Evidence from a Seat Randomization Experiment (coauthored)
Conferences: SOLE conference 2023 (canceled), Asia Meeting of Econometric Society 2022/2019, Asia & Australian Society of Labor Economics 2021, ESA Global Congress 2021, Society of Labor Economists 2017, European Economic Association 2017/2015, Spanish Economic Association 2016, European Society for Population Economics 2016/2015, European Association for Labour Economists 2016/2014, SOLE/EALE World Conference 2015
Seminars: University of Cologne; Maastricht University; Tilburg University; University of California, Berkeley; Erasmus University Rotterdam; Tinbergen Institute