李莉,新加坡国立大学经济学博士,浙江大学本硕。曾就职于新加坡国立大学李光耀公共政策学院水政策研究所,为新加坡国家水务局PUB提供科学支持和决策咨询 。2018年加入华东师范大学经济与管理学部公共管理学院。主要研究领域为劳动经济学(人力资本)、资源经济学(水政策)。近年在Journal of Human Resources、Journal of Environmental Economics and Management、Journal of Comparative Economics、Labour Economics等国际知名学术期刊发表论文;主持国家自然科学基金青年项目、上海市浦江人才计划等。
2022.12 - 华东师范大学,经管学部公共管理学院,副教授
2018.6 - 2022.12 华东师范大学,经管学部公共管理学院,助理教授
2013.7 - 2018.6 新加坡国立大学,李光耀公共政策学院水政策研究所,研究员
Li Li and Liu Haoming*. 2024. “Minimum wage and cross-community crime disparities.” Journal of Population Economics, accepted.
Yvonne Jie Chen, Deniz Dutz, Li Li, Sarah Moon, Edward J. Vytlacil*, and Songfa Zhong. 2024. “Eliciting willingness-to-pay to decompose beliefs and preferences that determine selection into competition in lab experiments.” Journal of Econometrics, 105652. NBER working paper No. 31930.
Li Li* and Xiao Yun. 2023. “Beyond boiling: The effect of in utero exposure to treated tap water on childhood health.” Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 119:102814.
Li Li and Marc Jeuland*. 2023. “Household water savings and response to dynamic incentives under nonlinear pricing.” Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 119:102811.
Li Li and Zhao Liqiu*. 2022. “Does a ‘bad apple’ spoil the bunch? The impact of low-achieving peers on students’ noncognitive outcomes.” China Economic Review, 76, 101875.
Chen Jie Yvonne, Li Li*, and Xiao Yun. 2022. “Early-life exposure to tap water and the development of cognitive skills.” Journal of Human Resources, 57(6):2113–2149.
Li Li and Liu Haoming*. 2022. “The quantity–quality fertility–education trade-off.” IZA World of Labor, 143v2.
Li Li*. 2019. “New Cooperative Medical Scheme (NCMS) and medical expenditure in rural China.” Pacific Economic Review, 24(1):46–68.
Li Li, Eduardo Araral, and Marc Jeuland*. 2019. “The drivers of household drinking water choices in Singapore: Evidence from multivariable regression analysis of perceptions and household characteristics.” Science of the Total Environment, 671:1116–1124.
Li Li*. 2018. “Private sector participation and performance of county water utilities in China.” China Economic Review, 52:30–53.
Xiao Yun, Li Li, and Zhao Liqiu*. 2017. “Education on the cheap: The long-run effects of a free compulsory education reform in rural China.” Journal of Comparative Economics, 45(3):544–562.
Li Li*, Wu Xun, and Tang Yaojia. 2017. “Adoption of Increasing Block Tariffs (IBTs) among urban water utilities in China.” Urban Water Journal, 14(7):661–668.
Li Li and Liu Haoming*. 2014. “Primary school availability and middle school education in rural China.” Labour Economics, 28:24–40.