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査宏远教授1993年从美国斯坦福大学毕业,获得科学计算及计算数学博士学位。査教授在其研究领域的主流科技期刊和顶级学术会议上发表了170余篇学术论文,目前的谷歌学术H-Index达到52, 论文总引用量超过一万次。在加入乔治亚理工学院之前,曾任宾夕法尼亚州立大学教授(1992--2006年),也曾在Inktomi公司工作过(1999--2001年)。曾荣获多项重要学术奖项,如 Institute of Mathematics and Applications(IMA)授予的“莱斯利福克斯奖(Leslie Fox Prize)”二等奖(1991年),第34界ACM SIGIR国际信息检索会议(SIGIR 2011)最佳学生论文奖(指导教授)(2011年),第26届NIPS“最佳论文奖”(2013年)。査教授的研究得到了美国国家科学基金会(NSF)、美国国防部高等研究计划署(DARPA)、美国国立卫生研究院(NIH)、美国国防部(DoD)、中国国家自然科学基金(NSFC)以及多个互联网公司的资助。


机器学习和数据挖掘,Web搜索,社交媒体和社交网络,科学计算, 以及大数据应用


查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

Tau-FPL: Tolerance-Constrained Learning in Linear Time. A. Zhang, N. Li, J. Pu, J. Wang, J. Yan and Hongyuan Zha. AAAI, 2018. Learning Conditional Generative Models for Temporal Point Processes. S. Xiao, H. Xu, J. Yan, M. Farajtabar, X. Yang, L. Song, Hongyuan Zha. AAAI, 2018. S.-N. Chow, X. Ye, Hongyuan Zha and H. Zhou. Influence Prediction for Continuous-Time Information Propagation on Networks. To appear in Networks and Heterogeneous Media, 2018. A Dirichlet Mixture Model of Hawkes Processes for Event Sequence Clustering. H. Xu, Hongyuan Zha. NIPS, 2017. S. Xiao, M. Farajtabar, X. Ye, J. Yan, L. Song, Hongyuan Zha. Wasserstein Learning of Deep Generative Point Process Models. NIPS, 2017. Y. Wang, X. Ye, Hongyuan Zha, and L. Song. Predicting User Activity Level in Point Processes with Mass Transport Equation. NIPS, 2017. S. Guo, K. Xu, R. Zhao, D. Gotz, Hongyuan Zha, N. Cao. EventThread: Visual Summarization and Stage Analysis of Event Sequence Data. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (VAST), 2017. H. Xu, D. Luo and Hongyuan Zha. Learning Hawkes Processes from Short Doubly-Censored Event Sequences. ICML, 2017. M. Farajtabar, J. Yang, X. Ye, H. Xu, S. Li, R. Trivedi, E. Khalil, L. Song and Hongyuan Zha. Fake News Mitigation via Point Process Based Intervention. ICML, 2017. S. A. Hosseini, K. Alizadeh, A. Khodadadi, A. Arabzadeh, M. Farajtabar, Hongyuan Zha and H. R. Rabiee. Recurrent poisson factorization for temporal recommendation. SIGKDD, 2017. H. Xu, J. Yan, N. Persson, W. Lin and Hongyuan Zha. Fractal Dimension Invariant Filtering and Its CNN-based Implementation. IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2017. Y. Wang, X. Ye, Hongyuan Zha, and L. Song. Linking Micro Event History to Macro Prediction for Point Process Models. The 20th Annual Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics (AISTAT), 2017. Liangda Li, Hongbo Deng, Anlei Dong, Yi Chang, Hongyuan Zha and Ricardo Baeza-Yates. Exploring Query Auto-Completion and Click Logs for Contextual-Aware Web Search and Query Suggestion. WWW, 2017. Xin Liu, Junchi Yan, Shuai Xiao, Xiangfeng Wang, Hongyuan Zha and Stephen Chu. On Predictive Patent Valuation: Forecasting Patent Citations and Their Types. AAAI, 2017. Zhe Ren, Junchi Yan, Bingbing Ni, Bin Liu, Xiaokang Yang and Hongyuan Zha. Unsupervised deep learning for optical flowe stimation. AAAI, 2017. Shuai Xiao, Junchi Yan, Xiaokang Yang, Hongyuan Zha and Stephen Chu. Modeling the Intensity Function of Point Process via Recurrent Neural Networks. AAAI,, 2017. Dongsheng Li, Chao Chen, Qin Lv, Li Shang, Stephen Chu and Hongyuan Zha. ERMMA: Expected Risk Minimization for Matrix Approximation-based Recommender Systems. AAAI, 2017. Ali Zarezade, Ali Khodadadi, Mehrdad Farajtabar, Hamid R. Rabiee and Hongyuan Zha. Correlated Cascades: Competeor Cooperate. AAAI, 2017. Changsheng Li, Junchi Yan, Fan Wei, Weishan Dong, Qingshan Liu and Hongyuan Zha. Self-Paced Multi-Task Learning. AAAI, 2017. M. Farajtabar, Y. Wang, M. Gomez-Rodriguez, S. Li, Hongyuan Zha, L. Song. COEVOLVE: A Joint Point Process Model for Information Diffusion and Network Evolution. To appear in Journal of Machine Learning Research (JMLR), 2017. H. Xu, W. Wu, S. Nemati and Hongyuan Zha. Patient Flow Prediction via Discriminative Learning of Mutually-Correcting Processes. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, 29 (1), 157-171, 2017. Q Fan, Z Wang, Hongyuan Zha, D Gao. MREKLM: A fast multiple empirical kernel learning machine. Pattern Recognition 61, 197-209, 2017. Q Fan, Z Wang, D Li, D Gao, Hongyuan Zha. Entropy-based fuzzy support vector machine for imbalanced datasets. Knowledge-Based Systems 115, 87-99, 2017. Z. Miao, K. Chen, Y. Fang, J. He, Y. Zhou, W. Zhang and Hongyuan Zha. Cost-effective Online Trending Topic Detection and Popularity Prediction in Microblogging. ACM Transactions on Information System, 2017. Y. Zhu, Z. Wang, H. Zha and D. Gao. Boundary-Eliminated Pseudoinverse Linear Discriminant for Imbalanced Problems. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, 2017. C. Li, F. Wei, J. Yan, X. Zhang, Q. Liu and Hongyuan Zha. A Self-Paced Regularization Framework for Multilabel Learning. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, 2017. L. Lan, K. Zhang, H. Ge, W. Cheng, J. Liu, A. Rauber, X.L. Li, J. Wang and Hongyuan Zha. Low-rank decomposition meets kernel learning: A generalized Nystrom method. Artificial Intelligence, 250:1-15, 2017. M. Farajtabar, X. Ye, S. Harati, L. Song and Hongyuan Zha. Multistage Campaigning in Social Networks. NIPS, 2016. H. Xu, M. Farajtabar and Hongyuan Zha. Learning Granger Causality for Hawkes Processes. ICML, 2016. L. Li and Hongyuan Zha. Enhancing Energy Disaggregation through Household Structure Analysis via Hawkes Processes. IJCAI, 2016. J. Yan, S. Xiao, C. Li, B. Jin, X. Wang, X. Yang and Hongyuan Zha. Modeling contagious M&A via point processes with a profile regression prior. IJCAI, 2016. S. Xiao, J. Yan, C. Li, B. Jin, X. Wang, X. Yang and Hongyuan Zha. On modeling and predicting individual paper citation count over time. IJCAI, 2016. L. Li, H. Deng, Y. He, A. Dong, Y. Chang and Hongyuan Zha. Behavior Driven Topic Transition for Search Task Identification. WWW, 2016. Du, N., Liang, Y., Balcan, M., Rodriguez, M., Zha, Hongyuan, and Song, L. Scalable influence maximization for multiple products. Journal of Machine Learning Research (JMLR), 2016. Rodriguez, M., Song, L., Du, N., Zha, Hongyuan, and Scholkopf, B. Influence estimation and maximization in continuous time diffusion networks. ACM Transactions on Information System, 2016. D. Luo, H. Xu, B. Delkina, X. Yang, Hongyuan Zha and W. Zhang. Learning Mixtures of Markov Chains from Aggregate Data with Structural Constraints. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, 2016. J. Yan, M. Cho, Hongyuan Zha, X. Yang and S. Chu. Multi-Graph Matching via Affinity Optimization with Graduated Consistency Regularization. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 2016. code. Y. Zhen, Y. Gao, D.-Y. Yeung, Hongyuan Zha, X. Li. Spectral Multimodal Hashing and Its Application to Multimedia Retrieval. IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, Vol. 46, Issue 1, pp. 27-38, 2016. M. Farajtabar, Y. Wang, M. Gomez-Rodriguez, S. Li, Hongyuan Zha, L. Song. COEVOLVE: A Joint Point Process Model for Information Diffusion and Network Co-evolution. Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS), 2015. H. Xu, Y. Zhou, W. Lin and Hongyuan Zha. Unsupervised Trajectory Clustering via Adaptive Multi-Kernel-based Shrinkage. International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV), 2015. J. Yan, Hongyuan Zha and X. Yang. A Matrix Decomposition Perspective to Multiple Graph Matching. International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV), 2015. L. Li, H. Deng, A. Dong, Y. Chang, Hongyuan Zha, R. Baeza-Yates. Analyzing User’s Sequential Behavior in Query Auto-Completion via Markov Processes. ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval (SIGIR), 2015. J. Yan, Hongyuan Zha, X. Yang. Discrete Hyper-graph Matching. Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2015. D. Luo, H. Xu, Y. Zhen, X. Ning, Hongyuan Zha. Multi-task Multi-dimensional Hawkes Processes for Modeling Event Sequences. International Joint Conferences on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI). 2015. H. Xu, Y. Zhen, Hongyuan Zha. Trailer Generation via A Point Process-based Visual Attractiveness Model. International Joint Conferences on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI). 2015. W. Shen, J. Wang, Y. Jiang, Hongyuan Zha. Portfolio Choices with Orthogonal Bandit Learning. International Joint Conferences on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI). 2015. M. Farajtabar, M. Gomez-Rodriguez, N. Du, M. Zamani, Hongyuan Zha, L. Song. Back to the Past: Source Identification in Diffusion Networks from Partially Observed Cascades. The 19th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics (AISTATS), 2015. L. Tran, M. Farajtabar, L. Song, Hongyuan Zha. NetCodec: Community Detection from Individual Activities. SIAM Data Mining Conference. 2015. Yi Zhen, Piyush Rai, Hongyuan Zha and Lawrence Carin. Cross-Modal Similarity Learning via Pairs, Preferences, and Active Supervision. The Twenty-Ninth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence. AAAI. 2015. Junchi Yan, Jun Wang, Hongyuan Zha and Xiaokang Yang. Multi-View Point Registration via Alternating Optimization. The Twenty-Ninth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence. AAAI. 2015. Junchi Yan, Chao Zhang, Hongyuan Zha, Min Gong, Changhua Sun, Jin Huang, Stephen Chu and Xiaokang Yang. On machine learning towards predictive sales pipeline analytics. The Twenty-Ninth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence. AAAI. 2015. Hongteng Xu, Licheng Yu, Dixin Luo, Hongyuan Zha and Yi Xu. Dictionary Learning with Mutually Reinforcing Group-Graph Structures. The Twenty-Ninth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence. AAAI. 2015. Hongteng Xu, Hongyuan Zha, Mark Davenport and Ren-Cang Li. Active Manifold Learning via Gershgorin Circle Guided Sample Selection. The Twenty-Ninth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence. AAAI. 2015. Liangda Li and Hongyuan Zha. Explore Energy Usage Behavior Modeling in Energy Disaggregation via Marked Hawkes Process. The Twenty-Ninth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence. AAAI. 2015. Junchi Yan, Jun Wang, Hongyuan Zha, Xiaokang Yang and Stephen Chu. Consistency-driven Alternating Optimization for Multi-Graph Matching: a Unified Approach. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, vol. 24: 994-1009, 2015. Ya Zhang, Weiyuan Chen, Hongyuan Zha, Xiao Gu. A Time-Topic Coupled LDA Model for IPTV User Behaviors. IEEE Transactions on Broadcasting, vol. 60: 56-65, 2015. M. Farajtabar, N. Du, I. Valera, L. Song, M. Gomez Rodrigez, Hongyuan Zha. Shaping Social Activity by Incentivizing Users. NIPS, 2014. L. Li, H. Deng, A. Dong, Y. Chang and Hongyuan Zha. Identifying and Labeling Search Tasks via Query-based Hawkes Processes. SIGKDD, 2014. J. Yan, Hongyuan Zha, and X. Yang. Graduated Consistency-Regularized Optimization for Multi-Graph Matching. ECCV, 2014. L. Li and Hongyuan Zha. Learning Parametric Models for Social Infectivity in Multi-dimensional Hawkes Processes. AAAI, 2014. H. Xu, Hongyuan Zha, M. Davenpot. Manifold Based Dynamic Texture Synthesis from Extremely Few Samples. CVPR, 2014. J. Choo, D. Lee, B. Dilkina, Hongyuan Zha, H. Park. To gather together for a better world: understanding and leveraging communities in micro-lending recommendation. WWW, 2014. J. Choo, C. Lee, D. Lee, Hongyuan Zha, H. Park. Understanding and promoting micro-finance activities in Kiva.org. WSDM, 2014. Z. Lu, X. Yang, W. Lin, Hongyuan Zha and X. Chen. Inferring User Image-Search Goals under the Implicit Guidance of Users. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, 24(3): 394-406, 2014. K. Zhou, Hongyuan Zha, Y. Chang and G. Xue. Learning the Gain Values and Discount Factors of Discounted Cumulative Gains. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge Discovery and Data Engineering, 26(2): 391-404, 2014. T. Perry, Hongyuan Zha, K. Zhou, P. Frias, D. Zeng and M. Braunstein. Supervised Embedding of Textual Predictors with Applications in Clinical Diagnostics for Pediatric Cardiology. Journal of American Medical Informatics Association, 21(e1):e136-42, 20143. D. Luo, H. Xu, Hongyuan Zha, J. Du, R. Xie, X. Yang, W. Zhang. You Are What You Watch and When You Watch: Inferring Household Structures From IPTV Viewing Data, IEEE Transactions on Broadcasting Technology,60(1): 61-72, 2014. Du, N., Song, L., Zha, Hongyan, and Rodriguez, M., Scalable influence estimation in continuous time diffusion networks, Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS), 2013. (Outstanding Paper Award) H. Xu and Hongyuan Zha. Manifold based Image Synthesis from Sparse Samples. Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV), 2013. J. Yan, Y. Tian, Hongyuan Zha, X. Yang, Y. Zhang and S. M. Chu. Joint Optimization for Consistent Multiple Graph Matching. Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV), 2013. L. Li and Hongyuan Zha. Dyadic Event Attribution in Social Networks with Mixtures of Hawkes Processes. Proceedings of 22nd ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM), 2013. (Short Paper) K. Zhou, Hongyuan Zha and L. Song. Learning Triggering Kernels for Multi-dimensional Hawkes Processes. Proceedings of the 30th International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML), 2013. S. Yang and Hongyuan Zha. Mixture of Mutually Exciting Processes for Viral Diffusion. Proceedings of the 30th International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML), 2013. J. Yan, Y. Wang, K. Zhou, J. Huang, C. Tian, Hongyuan Zha and W. Dong. Towards Effective Prioritizing Water Pipe Replacement and Rehabilitation. Proceedings of the 23rd. International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI), 2013. K. Zhou, Hongyuan Zha and L. Song. Learning Social Infectivity in Sparse Low-rank Networks Using Multi-dimensional Hawkes Processes. Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics (AISTATS), 2013. N. Du, L. Song and Hongyuan Zha. Uncover Topic-Sensitive Information Diffusion Networks. Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics (AISTATS), 2013. M. Sun, F. Li, J. Lee, K. Zhou, G. Lebanon and Hongyuan Zha. Learning Multiple-Question Decision Trees for Cold-Start Recommendation. Proceedings of the 6th ACM International Conference on Web Search and Data Mining (WSDM) , 2013. Z. Lu, Hongyuan Zha, X. Yang, W. Lin and Z. Zheng. A New Algorithm for Inferring User Search Goals with Feedback Sessions. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge Discovery and Data Engineering 25(3): 502-513, 2013. S.H. Yang, A. Smola, B. Long, Hongyuan Zha and Y. Chang. Friend or Frenemy? Predicting Signed Ties in Social Networks. SIGIR, 2012. K. Zhou and Hongyuan Zha. Learning Binary Codes for Collaborative Filtering. SIGKDD, 2012. Y. Tian, J. Yan, H. Zhang, Y. Zhang, X. Yang and Hongyuan Zha. On the Convergence of Graph Matching: Graduated Assignment Revisited. ECCV, 2012. Z. Lu, X. Yang, W. Lin, X. Chen and Hongyuan Zha. Inferring User Image-Search Goals by Mining Query Logs with Semi-Supervised Spectral Clustering. VCIP, 2012. K. Zhou, X. Li and Hongyuan Zha. Collaborative Ranking: Improving the Relevance for Tail Queries. CIKM, 2012. (short paper) T. Perry, Hongyuan Zha, M. Oster, P. Frias and M. Braunstein. Utility of a Clinical Support Tool for Outpatient Evaluation of Pediatric Chest Pain. AMIA Annu. Symp. Proc., 726-33, 2012. S. Crain, S. Yang and Hongyuan Zha. Understanding Group Dynamics in Health Forum. ASONAM, 2012. S. Crain, K. Zhou and Hongyuan Zha. Recommendation in Online Health Communities. HI-BI-BI, 2012. S. Crain, K. Zhou, S. Yang and Hongyuan Zha. Dimensionality Reduction and Topic Modeling: From Laten Semantic Indexing to Latent Dirichlet Allocation and Beyond. pp. 129-161, Mining Text Data, 2012. W. Zhang, D. Wang, G. Xue and Hongyuan Zha. Advertising Keywords Recommendation for Short-text Web Pages using Wikipedia. ACM TIST, 2012. Y. Chang, J. Bai, K. Zhou, G. Xue, Hongyuan Zha and Z. Zheng. Multi-task Learning to Rank for Web Search. Pattern Recognition Letter, 2012. K. Zhou, J. Bai, Hongyuan Zha and G. Xue. Leveraging Auxiliary Data for Learning to rank. ACM TIST, 2012. Z. Zhang, J. Wang and Hongyuan Zha. Adaptive Manifold Learning. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, Vol. 34, No. 2, pp. 253--265, 2012. K. Guo, X. Yang, Hongyuan Zha, W. Lin and S. Yu. Multiscale Semilocal Interpolation with Antialiasing. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, Vol. 21, No. 2, pp. 615--625, 2012. S.H. Yang, B. Long, A. Smola, Hongyuan Zha and Z. Zheng. Collaborative-competitive filtering: Learning recommender using context of user choice. SIGIR, 2011. (Best Student Paper Award) K. Zhou, S.H. Yang and Hongyuan Zha. Functional matrix factorizations for cold-start recommendation. SIGIR, 2011. Z. Lu, X. Yang, W. Lin, X. Chen and Hongyuan Zha. Inferring Users' Image-Search Goals with Pseudo-images. VCIP, 2011. S.H. Yang, S. Crain and Hongyuan Zha. Bridging the language gap: topic-level adaptation for cross-domain knowledge transfer. AISTATS, 2011 S.H. Yang, B. Long, A. Smola, N.Sadagopan, Z. Zheng and Hongyuan Zha: Like like alike -- Joint friendship and interest propagation in social networks. WWW, 2011. L. Li, K. Zhou, G. Xue, Hongyuan Zha, and Y. Yu. Video Summarization via Transferrable Structured Learning. WWW, 2011. W. Zhang, D. Wang, G. Xue and Hongyuan Zha. Advertising Keywords Recommendation for Short-text Web Pages using Wikipedia. ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology, 2011. K. Zhou, J. Bai, Hongyuan Zha and G. Xue. Leveraging Auxiliary Data for Learning to Rank . ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology, 2011. Z. Lu, Hongyuan Zha, X. Yang, W. Lin and Z. Zheng. A New Algorithm for Inferring User Search Goals with Feedback Sessions. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, 2011. X. Jiao, D. Wang and Hongyuan Zha. Simple and Effective Variational Optimization of Surface and Volume Triangulations. Engineering with Computers 27(1): 81-94, 2011. (Special Issue: 17th International Meshing Roundtable)


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