1976年9月出生。2000年于曲阜师范大学物理系获理学学士学位,2003年于中科院固体所凝聚态物理专业获硕士学位,2008年在德国马普协会Fritz-Haber-Institute理论部获得博士学位。曾先后在德国马普协会Fritz-Haber-Institute和美国西北大学从事科学研究工作。 2014年获聘为中科院合肥物质科学研究院研究员,入选中科院“百人计划”。
迄今在国际刊物发表SCI学术论文20多篇,包括Nature 1篇(影响因子38.6),Phys. Rev. Lett. 1篇(影响因子7.7), Chem. Mater. 1篇 (影响因子8.5), Chem. Sci. 1篇(影响因子8.3), J. Phys. Chem. C 5篇(影响因子4.8),Phys. Rev. B 7篇 (影响因子3.7),取得了既具有基础研究意义也具有应用指导性的创新工作。
1. Yongsheng Zhang, Vidvuds Ozolins, Donald Morelli, and C. Wolverton; Prediction of new stable compounds and promising thermoelectrics in the Cu-Sb-Se system; Chem. Mater. 26, 3427 (2014).
2. Li-Dong Zhao, Shih-Han Lo, Yongsheng Zhang, Hui Sun, Gangjian Tan, Ctirad Uher, C. Wolverton, Vinayak Dravid, and Mercouri Kanatzidis; Ultralow thermal conductivity and high thermoelectric figure of merit in SnSe crystals; Nature 508, 373 (2014).
3. Yongsheng Zhang, Georg Kresse and C. Wolverton; Non-local first-principles calculations in Cu-Au and other intermetallic alloys; Phys. Rev. Lett. 112, 075502 (2014).
4. Xuenian Chen, Yongsheng Zhang, Yongli Wang, Wei Zhou, Douglas A. Knight, Teshome B. Yisgedu, Zhenguo Huang, Hima K. Lingam, Beau Billet, Terrence J. Udovic, Terrence J. Udovic, Gibert M. Brown, Sheldon G. Shore, Christopher M. Wolverton, and Ji-Cheng Zhao; Structure determination of an amorphous compound AlB4H11; Chem. Sci. 3, 3183 (2012).
5. Yongsheng Zhang, Eric Skoug, Jeffrey Cain, Vidvuds Ozolins, Donald Morelli, and C. Wolverton; First-principles description of anomalously low lattice thermal conductivity in thermoelectric Cu-Sb-Se ternary semiconductors;
Phys. Rev. B 85, 054306 (2012).