Selected papers
Yibo CHEN, Jiufa CHEN, Umberto BERARDI, Baojiang Xu. A multi-integrated renewable energy system in a commercial building in Beijing: lessons learnt from an operating analysis. Int. J. Low-Carbon Tech. (2012) doi: 10.1093/ijlct/cts020. 2012. 1-7
徐相梅,陈九法. 低品位太阳能热机系统[J]. 能源研究与利用,2011,4,32-34.
Jiufa Chen, Qin Xue, Weilai Qiao, Erming An. Energy saving Analysis of a Hybrid Ground-coupled Heat Pump Project. Journal of Southeast University,2010 26(2) P177-81,
Jiufa Chen, Qin Xue, Weilai Qiao, Erming An. Energy saving Analysis of a Hybrid Ground-coupled Heat Pump Project. Journal of ???, Volume I. P436-443,
乔卫来,陈九法,薛琴. 地埋管换热器热响应测试与模拟研究[J]. 建筑热能通风空调,2010,29(1),1-4
郑红旗,徐催,陈九法,张建忠. 闭式U型地表水换热器传热的数值模拟与实验研究. 建筑热能通风空调,2009,28(1):92-94
乔卫来,陈九法,薛琴,郑红旗. 太阳能驱动有机朗肯循环工质比较. 能源研究与利用,2010,1,20-29.
安二铭,陈九法,薛琴,郑红旗. 太阳能驱动的蒸汽压缩式制冷与其它太阳能制冷技术的对比研究. 江苏暖通空调制冷,2010,2(125),20-31.
Jiufa Chen*, Weilai Qiao, Qin Xue, Hongqi Zheng and Erming An. Research on ground-coupled heat exchangers, International Journal of Low-Carbon Technologies 2010, 5, 35–41
乔卫来, 陈九法, 郑红旗. 非共沸混合工质节能循环及其应用. 江苏暖通空调制冷,2009 1,2-7.
薛琴,陈九法,祝合虎.某厂房建筑节能性模拟分析[J]. 建筑热能通风空调,2009,28(1):92-94
U型管地下换热器系统的传热数值模拟. (马健;祝合虎;陈九法). 江苏暖通空调制冷。2008.2. 20-23.
竖直U形地埋管换热器换热性能测试与分析.( 张银安;李斌;陈九法;郁云涛;周培海). 暖通空调HV&AC,2007年第37卷第7期, 72-78
地源热泵不同地源换热器的传热性能比较.(陈九法; 郭彬; 胡达剑; 沈炜华; 程洪涛):中国建设动态(阳光能源)。2006年06期。33-35。
Zeotropic refrigerants and the special characteristics. (J Chen): Proc. IMechE Vol. 219 Part E: J. Process Mechanical Engineering. 183-186, 2005
环保制冷剂R410A和R407C的性能比较. (陈九法,杨辰): 流体机械,33(7),78-81,2005.
Comprehensive approach to predict the circulation concentration of zeotropic refrigerants. (Chen Jiufa): Journal of Southeast University (English Edition) Vol.20, No.3, 315-318, 2004.
关于R407C用于替代R22的研究. (陈九法):流体机械, 32(8), 69-72, 2004
非共沸环保制冷剂的特点和应用技术. (陈九法):制冷技术, 4, 4-7,2004
Design and modeling of new egg-crate type forced flow evaporators in domestic refrigerators. (Bansal , P K; Wich, T.; Chen, J.; and Browne, M.): ASHRAE Transactions, 107 (2), 2001.
Heat Transfer Analysis For A Freeze Drier. (Chen, J.): Proc. 20Th International Congress of Refrigeration IIR/IIF. Sydney, Australia, 1999.
Calculating thermodynamic properties for pure and mixed refrigerants by Lee Kesler Ploecker equation of states. (Chen, J.): AIRAH Journal, p31-36, April 1997.
Concentration Shift Simulation for the Mixed Refrigerants R404A, R32/R134a, and R407C in an Air conditioning System. (Chen, J. and Kruse, H.). International Journal of HVAC&R Research, vol. 3, No. 2, p149-157, 1997.
Konzentrationsverschiebung beim Einsatz von Kältemittelegemischen. (Kruse, H.; Chen, J.): Ki Luft- und Kältetechnik p501-504, 11/1996.
Thermodynamische Eigenschaften technisch relevanter Kältemittelgemische. (Kruse, H.; Gorenflo, D.; Chen, J.; Koester, R.; Herres, G.; Buschmeier M.): Ki Luft-und Kältetechnik, p496-500, 11/1996.
Pressure-Enthalpy Diagrams For Alternative Refrigerants. (Chen, J.; Kruse, H.): ASHRAE Journal, p50-55, October 1996.
Abschluβbericht zum AiF-Forschungsvorhaben Nr. 9841. (Chen, J.; Kruse, H.): Kältemittelgemische als Substitute für R22, R502 und R13B1. Frakfurt, März 1996.
Calculating Circulation Concentration of Zeotropic Refrigerant Mixtures. (Chen, J. and Kruse, H.). International Journal of HVAC&R Research, vol. 1, No. 3, p219-231, 1995.
Berechnung der Zusmmensetzung des umlaufenden Kältemittels in Kompressionskälteanlagen. (Kruse, H.; Chen, J.; Burk, M.). Zwischenbericht, AiF-Forschungsvorhaben Nr. 9841. Kältemittelgemische als Substitute für R22, R502 und R13B1. 1995.
Zwischenbericht—Kältemittelgemische als Substitute für R22, R502 und R13B1. (Kruse, H.; Chen, J.): AiF-Forschungsvorhaben Nr. 9841, 1994.
A Computer simulation program for mixed refrigerant air conditioning. (Haselden, G.G.; Chen, J.): Int. J. Refrig., Vol 17, No. 5, 1994. p343-350.
Numerische Simualtion des Motorkühlsystems von klimatisierten Automobilen. (Essers, V.U.; Kruse,H.; Ambros, P.; Hu, J.; Arnemann, M.; Chen, J.): ATZ Automobiltechnische Zeitschift 96 Heft 2, p108-115, 1994.
Rückkoppelungseffekte zwischen Motorkülung und Fahrzeugklimatisierung. (Essers, V.U.; Kruse, H.; Ambros, P.; Hu, J.; Chen, J.; Genze, S.; Arnemann, M.): Forchungsvereinigung Verbrennungskraftmaschinen e.V. Abschlussbericht Vorhaben Nr. 452, Heft 525, 1993.
Rückkoppelungseffekte zwischen Motorkülung und Fahrzeugklimatisierung. (Essers, V.U.; Kruse, H.; Ambros, P.; Hu, J.; Chen, J.; Genze, S.; Arnemann, M.): Abschlussbericht über das Vorhaben Nr. 452. Informationstagung Motoren, Herbst, Heft R 474, Würzburg, 1993.
A versatile simulation programme for air conditioning systems. (Chen, J.; Genze, S.; Arnemann, M.; Kruse, H.:). DKV-Tagungsbericht, 20. Jahrgang, Nürnberg, Band II/2, p231-247, 1993.
Stoffdaten und Simulationsprogrammme für die Kältetechnik. (Chen, J.; Ruvinsky, G.; Rinne, F.): DIE KÄLTE und Klimatechnik, p782-784, 11/1993
Yibo CHEN, Jiufa CHEN, Umberto BERARDI. An Investigation Of Integrated Renewable Energy Systems In A Combined Factory-Office Building. The 2nd International Symposium on Low Carbon Buildings (ISLCB) in China, Centre for Sustainable Energy Technologies (CSET). University of Nottingham, Ningbo, China. October 29 - 30, 2011. ISLCB33.
ZHU Sheng,CHEN Jiufa. A simulation study for a low carbon consumption HVAC project using EnergyPlus. The 2nd International Symposium on Low Carbon Buildings (ISLCB) in China, Centre for Sustainable Energy Technologies (CSET). University of Nottingham, Ningbo, China. October 29 - 30, 2011. ISLCB31.
Jiufa Chen, Erming An, Hongqi Zheng, and Sheng Zhu. A Feasibility Study on Developing a Centralized Energy Management System to Provide Scattered Building HVAC System with Expert Service. IAQVEC 2010, August 15-18,2010, Syracuse, New York, USA
Jiufa Chen, Long Gao, Weilai Qiao, Qin Xue, and Xiangmei Xu. An Applicability Study of Ground Coupled Heat Pump Technology in Different Climatic Regions. IAQVEC 2010, August 15-18,2010, Syracuse, New York, USA
Qin Xue*, Jiufa Chen, Hongqi Zheng, Weilai Qiao, Erming An. Energy-saving Analysis of a Hybrid Ground-coupled Heat Pump Project. Proceedings for The 6th International Symposium on Heating,Ventilating and Air Conditioning. Nov 6-9, Nanjing, China, Volume I. P436-443,
Jia Caiying, Yang Yixin, Yang Shenghua, Chen Jiufa, Hu Dajian, Guo Bin. A study on ceiling radiant air conditioning system. Beijing: IRC. 2007. IRC07-E1-1211.
郭彬,沈炜华,陈九法: 节能热水器-空气源热泵热水器. 第四届全国制冷空调新技术研讨会论文集. 南京,2006年4月,816-819
沈炜华,程洪涛,郭彬,贾彩英,陈九法: 桩埋管换热器的传热性能研究. 第四届全国制冷空调新技术研讨会论文集. 南京,2006年4月,294-297
陈九法,Karston Beermann: 非共沸工质组分迁移的新问题.制冷空调新技术进展——第四届全国制冷空调新技术研讨会论文集.南京市.东南大学. 2006
Simulation of concentration shift for multi-component zeotropic fluids. (Jiufa Chen, Bin Guo, Caiying Jia, Weihua Shen): 5th International Symposium on Multiphase Flow, Heat Mass Transfer and Energy Conversion . Xi’an: Xi’an Jiaotong University Press, Paper No. 15, 2005.
Heat Recovery For A Refrigeration System. (Chen, J.): Proc. IPENZ Conference. Vol. 4, p146-147, Auckland, New Zealand, 1998.
Modeling And Simulating Concentration Shift Of Multicomponent Fluid Flow. (Chen, J.): Proc. of the IASTED International Conference Modeling, Simulation and Optimization (MSO ’97), p79-82, August 11-13, Singapore, 1997.
A Novel Air Conditioning/Heat Pumping System Using Mixed Refrigerants. (Chen, J.): A Seminar in Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, 1997.
Alternative Refrigerant For R22. (Chen, J.): Seminar to ASHRAE Singapore Chapter, Sheraton Hotel, Singapore, 1997.
R410A And R407C As Alternatives For Refrigerant R22. (Chen, J.): Proc. IPENZ Conference. Vol. 2, p66-72, Wellington, New Zealand, 1997.
Comparison of glycol with silicon oil as a heat transfer medium. (Chen, J.): Proc. IPENZ Conference. Vol. 2, p78-80, Wellington, New Zealand, 1997
Calculating Circulation Concentration of Zeotropic Refrigerant Mixtures in a Vapour Compression Cycle. (Chen, J.): Proc. IPENZ Annual Conference, Vol. 1, Part 1, p7-15, Dunedin, New Zealand, 1996
R227-An Environmentally Benign Refrigerant For High Temperature Heat Pump Applications. (Chen, J.; Kruse, H. and Beermann, K.). Proceedings to the IIR International Conference “CFCs The Day After”, Padova, Italy, 1994
Cycle Performance of Alternative Refrigerant Mixtures. (Kruse, H.; Chen, J.). Proc. Of international seminar on heat transfer, thermophysical properties and cycle performance of alternative refrigerants. Fukuoka, Japan, 1993.
Mixed Refrigerants for air conditioner/heat pumping. (Chen, J.; Haselden, G.G.:). Proc. Inst. R. 1992/1993, London, 1992.