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肖卿俊 职称:副教授 个人主页:https://csqjxiao.github.io/PersonalPage/ 教育背景 2013/03-2014/05,佛罗里达大学,计算机系,博士后,合作导师:陈世刚; 2012/01-2013/02,佐治亚州立大学,计算机系,博士后,导师:宋文战; 2007/09-2011/06,香港理工大学,电子计算学系,博士,导师:肖斌, 曹建农; 2004/09-2007/06,上海交通大学,计算机科学与技术系,硕士,导师:陈英; 1999/09-2003/07,南京邮电大学,计算机科学与技术系,学士。 研究概况 肖卿俊,2014年加入东南大学,目前担任江苏省计算机网络技术重点实验室副主任。2011年博士毕业后在美国佛罗里达大学从事博士后工作,2007年在香港理工大学攻读博士学位。主持国家自然基金和江苏省自然基金的资助项目4项。在一流期刊和会议上发表论文37 篇,包括CCF推荐A类期刊/会议论文11篇,CCF推荐B类期刊/会议论文13篇。其中第一作者论文16篇,包括9篇A类,6篇B类论文。获得ACM TURC 2019中国图灵大会最佳论文奖、IEEE EUC会议的最佳论文奖、和国际计算机学会南京分部颁发的2016年度科研新星奖。 研究课题 江苏省自然基金的面上项目,SBK2020020242,软件定义网络中的高速流量测量和跨时空域行为分析,2020/08-2023/12,主持; 中国国家自然基金的面上项目,61872080,海量网络流量数据的跨时空域协同分析和性能优化研究,2019/01-2022/12,64万元,主持; 中国博士后科学基金面上资助,2016M601699,基于略图挖掘的在不同时空域的网络流式数据实时处理,2016/11/10-2019/12,5万元,主持; 中国国家自然基金的青年项目,61502098,基于略图挖掘的在不同时空域的网络流式数据实时处理,2016/01-2018/12,24.89万元,主持; 江苏省自然基金的青年项目,BK20150629,基于略图挖掘的在不同时空域的网络流式数据实时处理,2015/07-2018/06,20万元,主持; 美国思科公司资助项目,云存储安全:Dare You Put Your Data in Cloud?,2013/04 – 2014/05,金额$ 101,716美元,参与,职责:佛罗里达大学 ---博士后研究员; 美国国家自然基金项目,Making Online Network Functions Fast and Compact,2013/04 – 2014/05,金额$ 400,000美元,参与,职责:佛罗里达大学 ---博士后研究员。 奖励与荣誉 1. 获得ACM国际计算机学会南京分部颁发的科研新星奖(江苏省当年三人获奖),2016年; 2. 获得2019年ACM中国图灵大会SIGCOMM China分会最佳论文奖(通讯作者),2019年; 3. 指导网络空间安全学院研究生,获得江苏研究生网络空间安全创新实践大赛二等奖,2018年; 4. 指导东南大学计算机学院的本科生团队,获得全国高校软件定义网络应用创新SDN开发大赛年度全国一等奖 (教育部科技发展中心主办),2018年; 5. IEEE/IFIP EUC国际会议的最佳论文奖(第一作者),2012年。 学术成果 专著发表 Shigang Chen, Min Chen, Qingjun Xiao, Traffic measurement for big network data, Springer International Publishing, ISBN 978-3-319-47340-6, 2017.


基于模式识别的网络异常行为检测识别:已搭建Nvidia RTX2080ti GPU的机器学习平台、网络流量和行为数据数据库平台,供研究使用。依托华东区教育网CERNET管理中心的采集数据。 Gbps级高速网络流量的统计测量:已搭建可编程高速网络设备平台,能完成万兆或10万兆光纤通信网络的实验测量及研究工作。 网络大数据分析、资源受限的高效流式数据处理理论:在相关领域发表中国计算机学会CCF A类或B类论文十余篇,撰写专著Springer《Traffic Measurement for Big Network Data》。 数据中心网络的高速流量分析和网络管理:为云数据中心内的恶意攻击行为检测、网络流量调度工程、网络性能故障分析提供服务。 大图数据的在线分析方法和硬件加速技术


查看导师最新文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

会议论文 [1] Qingjun Xiao, Zhiying Tang, Shigang Chen, “Universal online sketch for tracking heavy hitters and estimating moments of data streams”, accepted by IEEE INFOCOM, 2020. (acceptance rate of 19.8\%) [2] Yu-e Sun, He Huang, Chaoyi Ma, Shigang Chen, Yang Du, Qingjun Xiao, “Online spread estimation with non-duplicate sampling”, accepted by IEEE INFOCOM, 2020. [3] Zhiying Tang, Qingjun Xiao*, Junzhou Luo, “A memory-compact and fast sketch for online tracking heavy hitters in a data stream,” accepted by ACM TURC'19 SIGCOMM China, 2019. (acceptance ratio 103/278=37%) [4] Shang Gao, Zhe Peng, Bin Xiao, Qingjun Xiao, Yubo Song, “SCoP: Smartphone energy saving by merging push services in fog computing,” Proc. of IEEE IWQoS, 2017. (acceptance ratio 29/146=19.9%) [5] Qingjun Xiao, You Zhou, Shigang Chen, “Better with fewer bits: Improving the performance of cardinality estimation of large data streams”, in Proc. of IEEE INFOCOM, Atlanta, USA, 2017. (Acceptance ratio: 20.93%) [Slides Download] [6] Min Chen, Jia Liu, Shigang Chen, Qingjun Xiao, “Efficient anonymous category-level joint tag estimation”, in Proc. of IEEE ICNP, Singapore, November 2016. (Acceptance ratio: 20.1%) [7] You Zhou, Yian Zhou, Min Chen, Qingjun Xiao, Shigang Chen, Highly compact virtual counters for per-flow traffic measurement through register sharing, in Proc. of IEEE GLOBECOM (Global Communications Conference), Washington, DC, USA, 2016. [8] Qingjun Xiao, Shigang Chen, Min Chen, “Joint property estimation for multiple RFID tag sets using snapshots of variable lengths”, in Proc. of ACM MOBIHOC (International Symposium on Mobile Ad Hoc Networking and Computing), Paderborn, Germany, 2016. (Acceptance ratio: 18.7%) [9] Min Chen, Jia Liu, Shigang Chen, Qingjun Xiao, “Anonymous category-level joint tag estimation: Poster”, in Proc. of ACM MOBIHOC (International Symposium on Mobile Ad Hoc Networking and Computing), Paderborn, Germany, 2016. [10] Qingjun Xiao, Shigang Chen, Min Chen, Yian Zhou, “Temporally or spatially dispersed joint RFID estimation using snapshots of variable lengths”, in Proc. of ACM MOBIHOC (International Symposium on Mobile Ad Hoc Networking and Computing), HongZhou, China, 2015. (Acceptance ratio: 14.8%) [11] Yian Zhou, Shigang Chen, Zhen Mo, Qingjun Xiao, “Point-to-Point traffic volume measurement through variable-Length bit array masking in vehicular cyber-physical systems”, in Proc. of IEEE ICDCS, Columbus, Ohio, 2015. (Acceptance ratio: 13%) [12] Qingjun Xiao, Shigang Chen, Min Chen, Yibei Ling, “Hyper-compact virtual estimators for big network data based on register sharing”, in Proc. of ACM SIGMETRICS, Portland, Oregon, 2015. (Acceptance ratio: 13%) [13] Qingjun Xiao, Yan Qiao, Zhen Mo, Shigang Chen, Estimating the persistent spreads in high-speed networks'', in Prof. of IEEE ICNP, North Carolina, USA, 2014. (Acceptance ratio: 20%) [14] Min Chen, Shigang Chen, Qingjun Xiao, “Pandaka: A lightweight cipher for RFID systems”, in Proc. of IEEE INFOCOM, Toronto, Canada, 2014. [15] Zhen Mo, Qingjun Xiao, Yian Zhou, Shigang Chen, “On deletion of outsourced data in cloud computing”, in Proc. of IEEE ClOUD, Alaska, USA, June 2014. (Acceptance ratio: 20%). [16] Yian Zhou, Qingjun Xiao, Zhen Mo, Shigang Chen, Yafeng Yin, “Privacy-preserving point-to-point transportation traffic measurement through bit array masking in intelligent cyber-physical road systems”, the IEEE CPSCom (International Conference on Cyber, Physical and Social Computing), Beijing, China, 2013. [17] Lei Shi, Wenzhan Song, Mingsen Xu, Qingjun Xiao, Jonathan Lees, Guoliang Xing, “Imaging seismic tomography in sensor network”, IEEE SECON, Best Paper Nominee, New Orleans, USA, June 24-27, 2013. [18] Qingjun Xiao, Bin Xiao, and Shigang Chen, “Differential estimation in dynamic RFID systems”, in Proc. of IEEE INFOCOM, Turin, Italy, April 14-19, 2013. (Main+mini acceptance ratio: 25%) [19] Kai Bu, Bin Xiao, Qingjun Xiao, Shigang Chen, “Efficient pinpointing of misplaced tags in large RFID systems”, in Proc. of IEEE SECON, Salt Lake City, USA, June, 2011, pp. 260-268. [20] Qingjun Xiao, Bu Kai, Bin Xiao, “Efficient monitoring of dynamic tag populations in RFID systems”, in Proc. of IEEE/IFIP EUC (Embedded and Ubiquitous Computing), Best Paper Award, Melbourne, Australia, October 2011. [19] Qingjun Xiao, Bin Xiao, Jiaqing Luo, Guobin Liu, “Reliable navigation of mobile sensors in wireless sensor networks without localization service”, in Proc. of IEEE IWQoS, Charleston, SC, USA, 2009. [20] Qingjun Xiao, Ruonan Rao, Jinyuan You, “A language for reliable service composition”, in Proc. of 33rd SOFSEM (International Conference on Current Trends in Theory and Practice of Computer Science), Harrachov, Czech Republic, LNCS Springer, 2007. 期刊论文 [1] Qingjun Xiao, Shigang Chen, You Zhou, Junzhou Luo, Estimating cardinality for arbitrarily large data stream with improved memory efficiency, IEEE/ACM TON (Transactions on Networking), Volume: 28 , Issue: 2, April 2020. (WOS:000528838300001) [2] Qingjun Xiao, Youlin Zhang, Shigang Chen, Min Chen, Jia Liu, Guang Cheng, Junzhou Luo, Estimating cardinality of arbitrary expression of multiple tag sets in a distributed RFID system, accepted by IEEE/ACM TON (Transactions on Networking), 2019. [3] Qingjun Xiao, Shigang Chen, Jia Liu, Guang Cheng, Junzhou Luo, A protocol for simultaneously estimating moments and popular groups in a multigroup RFID system, IEEE/ACM TON (Transactions on Networking), vol. 27, issue 1, pp. 143-158, Feb. 2019. [4] Jia Liu, Shigang Chen, Qingjun Xiao, Min Chen, Bin Xiao, Lijun Chen, Efficient information sampling in multi-category RFID systems, IEEE/ACM TON (Transactions on Networking), vol 27, issue 1, pp. 159-172, Feb. 2019. [5] Heng Zhang, Zhiping Cai, Qiang Liu, Qinjun Xiao, Yangyang Li and Chak Fone Cheang, A survey on security-aware measurement in SDN, Security and Communication Networks, 2018, 2459154, DoI:10.1155/2018/2459154, 2018. (ESI 高引论文, WOS:000431593200001) [6] Qingjun Xiao, Shigang Chen, You Zhou, Min Chen, Junzhou Luo, Tengli Li, Yibei Ling, Cardinality estimation for elephant flows: A compact solution based on virtual register sharing, IEEE/ACM TON (Transactions on Networking), vol. 25, no. 6, pp. 3738-3752, December 2017. (WOS:000418581900036) [7] Qingjun Xiao, Shigang Chen, Min Chen, Yian Zhou, Zhiping Cai, Junzhou Luo, Adaptive joint estimation protocol for arbitrary pair of tag sets in a distributed RFID system, IEEE/ACM TON (Transactions on Networking), vol. 25, no. 5, pp. 2670-2685, October 2017. (WOS:000413332100007) [8] Qingjun Xiao, Bin Xiao, Shigang Chen, Jimin Chen, Collision-aware churn estimation in large-scale dynamic RFID systems, IEEE/ACM TON(Transactions on Networking), vol. 25, no. 1, pp. 392-405, Feb. 2017. (WOS:000395867000030) [9] Yian Zhou, Zhen Mo, Qingjun Xiao, Shigang Chen, Yafeng Ying, “Privacy-preserving transportation traffic measurement in intelligent cyber-physical road systems, IEEE TVT (Transactions on Vehicular Technology), vol. 65, no. 5, pp. 3749-3759, May 2016. [10] Yian Zhou, Shigang Chen, You Zhou, Min Chen, Qingjun Xiao, “Privacy-preserving multi-point traffic volume measurement through vehicle to infrastructure communications”, IEEE TVT (Transactions on Vehicular Technology), vol. 64, no. 12, pp. 5619-5630, December 2015. [11] Qingjun Xiao, Bin Xiao, Bu Kai, Jiannong Cao, “Iterative localization of wireless sensor networks: An accurate and robust approach”, IEEE/ACM TON(Transactions on Networking), vol. 22, no. 2, pp. 608-621, April 2014. [12] Qingjun Xiao, Kai Bu, Zhijun Wang, and Bin Xiao, “Robust localization against outliers in wireless sensor networks”, ACM TOSN (Transactions on Sensor Networks), vol. 9, no. 2, article 24, March 2013. [13] Qingjun Xiao, Kai Bu, Bin Xiao, Limin Sun, “Efficient protocol design for dynamic tag population monitoring in large-scale RFID systems”, Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, vol. 25, no. 14, pp. 2080-2097, 25 September 2013. [14] Kai Bu, Bin Xiao, Qingjun Xiao, and Shigang Chen, “Efficient misplaced-tag pinpointing in large RFID systems”, IEEE TPDS (Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems), vol. 23, issue 1, article 5, pp. 2094-2106, 2012. [15] Jiaqing Luo, Bin Xiao, Qingjun Xiao, Jiannong Cao and Minyi Guo, “Modeling and defending against adaptive BitTorrent worms in peer-to-peer networks”, ACM TAAS (Transactions on Autonomous and Adaptive Systems), vol. 9, no. 1, 2011. [16] Qingjun Xiao, Bin Xiao, Jiannong Cao, Jianping Wang, “Multihop range-free localization in anisotropic wireless sensor networks: A pattern driven scheme”, IEEE TMC (Transactions on Mobile Computing), vol. 9, no. 11, pp. 1592-1607, November 2010. [17] Bin Xiao, Lin Chen, Qingjun Xiao, and Minglu Li, “Reliable anchor-based sensor localization in irregular areas”, IEEE TMC (Transactions on Mobile Computing), vol. 9, no. 1, pp. 60-72, January 2010.


2018.04 –现在:江苏省计算机网络技术重点实验室副主任; 2016.10 –现在:中国计算机学会CCF网络与数据通信专委会,委员; 2016.11 –现在:国际计算机学会ACM Member; 2014.11 –现在:中国计算机学会CCF会员; 2010.01 –现在:IEEE会员。
