Biological Sciences
My research in the field of testicular biology has focused on spermatogonial development with particular emphasis on the identification and characterization of key regulators of spermatogonial stem cell replication (HOW), microRNA in germ cells, stem cell maintenance (Musashi), and male germ cell differentiation (c-Kit) and sperm function (Fertilin) (see McIver et al 2012 Human Reproduction Update, Monk et al 2010 Cell Stem Cell, Monk et al PLoS One 2012, Siddall et al 2006 PNAS, Prahbu et al 2006 Reproduction, McLaughlin et al 2001 Molecular Human Reproduction). In addition we study cytokines that control the activation of primordial follicles in the mammalian ovary and ovotoxic xenobiotics which cause oocyte loss and early menopause ( see Sutherland et al 2012 J Cellular Physiology, Sobinoff et al 2012, 2011, 2010 Toxicological Sciences, Blackmore et al 2004 Biology of Reproduction, Holt et al 2006 Developmental Biology, Hutt et al 2006 Biology of Reproduction, McLaughlin & McIver Reproduction 2009). In addition my lab has contributed to cell and molecular research in human and animal assisted reproduction with an emphasis on the characterization of gene and protein expression and function in male and female gametogenesis, reproductive tracts, roles in fertilization and as contraceptive targets (McLaughlin et al 2001, Asquith et al 2004, 2005, Nixon et al 2007, 2009, McLaughlin et al 2010, Redgrove et al 2011, Walker et al 2011).
2016 Stanger SJ, Law EA, Jamsai D, O'Bryan MK, Nixon B, McLaughlin EA, et al., 'A novel germ cell protein, SPIF (sperm PKA interacting factor), is essential for the formation of a PKA/TCP11 complex that undergoes conformational and phosphorylation changes upon capacitation.', FASEB J, 30 2777-2791 (2016) [C1]
2016 Bromfield EG, McLaughlin EA, Aitken RJ, Nixon B, 'Heat shock protein member A2 forms a stable complex with angiotensin convertingenzymeand protein disulfide isomerase A6 in human spermatozoa', Molecular Human Reproduction, 22 93-109 (2016) [C1]
2016 Shapouri F, Saeidi S, de Iongh RU, Casagranda F, Western PS, McLaughlin EA, et al., 'Tob1 is expressed in developing and adult gonads and is associated with the P-body marker, Dcp2', Cell and Tissue Research, 364 443-451 (2016) [C1]
2016 Reilly JN, McLaughlin EA, Stanger SJ, Anderson AL, Hutcheon K, Church K, et al., 'Characterisation of mouse epididymosomes reveals a complex profile of microRNAs and a potential mechanism for modification of the sperm epigenome.', Sci Rep, 6 31794 (2016)
2016 Trinh TN, McLaughlin EA, Abdel-Hamid MK, Gordon CP, Bernstein IR, Pye V, et al., 'Quinolone-1-(2H)-ones as hedgehog signalling pathway inhibitors.', Org Biomol Chem, 14 6304-6315 (2016)
2016 Kumar M, Camlin NJ, Holt JE, Teixeira JM, McLaughlin EA, Tanwar PS, 'Germ cell specific overactivation of WNT/Ãcatenin signalling has no effect on folliculogenesis but causes fertility defects due to abnormal foetal development.', Sci Rep, 6 27273 (2016)
2016 Camlin NJ, Sobinoff AP, Sutherland JM, Beckett EL, Jarnicki AG, Vanders RL, et al., 'Maternal smoke exposure impairs the long-term fertility of female offspring in a murine model', Biology of Reproduction, 94 (2016) [C1]
2015 Sutherland JM, Sobinoff AP, Fraser BA, Redgrove KA, Davidson TL, Siddall NA, et al., 'RNA binding protein Musashi-1 directly targets Msi2 and Erh during early testis germ cell development and interacts with IPO5 upon translocation to the nucleus', FASEB Journal, 29 2759-2768 (2015) [C1]
2015 Mihalas BP, Western PS, Loveland KL, McLaughlin EA, Holt JE, 'Changing expression and subcellular distribution of karyopherins during murine oogenesis', REPRODUCTION, 150 485-496 (2015) [C1]
2015 Anderson AL, Stanger SJ, Mihalas BP, Tyagi S, Holt JE, McLaughlin EA, Nixon B, 'Assessment of microRNA expression in mouse epididymal epithelial cells and spermatozoa by next generation sequencing', Genomics Data, 6 208-211 (2015) [C1]
2015 Sobinoff AP, Dando SJ, Redgrove KA, Sutherland JM, Stanger SJ, Armitage CW, et al., 'Chlamydia muridarum infection-induced destruction of male germ cells and sertoli cells is partially prevented by Chlamydia major outer membrane protein-specific immune CD4 cells.', Biol Reprod, 92 27 (2015) [C1]
2015 Nixon B, Stanger SJ, Mihalas BP, Reilly JN, Anderson AL, Dun MD, et al., 'Next generation sequencing analysis reveals segmental patterns of microRNA expression in mouse epididymal epithelial cells', PLoS ONE, 10 (2015) [C1]
2015 Nixon B, Stanger SJ, Mihalas BP, Reilly JN, Anderson AL, Tyagi S, et al., 'The MicroRNA Signature of Mouse Spermatozoa Is Substantially Modified During Epididymal Maturation', Biology of Reproduction, 93 (2015) [C1]
2015 Reid AT, Anderson AL, Roman SD, McLaughlin EA, McCluskey A, Robinson PJ, et al., 'Glycogen synthase kinase 3 regulates acrosomal exocytosis in mouse spermatozoa via dynamin phosphorylation', FASEB JOURNAL, 29 2872-2882 (2015) [C1]
2015 Bromfield EG, Aitken RJ, Anderson AL, McLaughlin EA, Nixon B, 'The impact of oxidative stress on chaperone-mediated human sperm-egg interaction.', Hum Reprod, 30 2597-2613 (2015) [C1]
2015 Sutherland JM, Sobinoff AP, Gunter KM, Fraser BA, Pye V, Bernstein IR, et al., 'Knockout of RNA Binding Protein MSI2 Impairs Follicle Development in the Mouse Ovary: Characterization of MSI1 and MSI2 during Folliculogenesis.', Biomolecules, 5 1228-1244 (2015) [C1]
2014 Robker RL, Watson LN, Robertson SA, Dunning KR, McLaughlin EA, Russell DL, 'Identification of sites of STAT3 action in the female reproductive tract through conditional gene deletion', PLoS ONE, 9 (2014) [C1]
2014 Redgrove KA, McLaughlin EA, 'The role of the immune response in chlamydia trachomatis infection of the male genital tract: A double-edged sword', Frontiers in Immunology, 5 1-22 (2014) [C1]
2014 Camlin NJ, McLaughlin EA, Holt JE, 'Through the smoke: Use of in vivo and in vitro cigarette smoking models to elucidate its effect on female fertility', Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology, 281 266-275 (2014) [C1]
2014 Yun Y, Holt JE, Lane SIR, McLaughlin EA, Merriman JA, Jones KT, 'Reduced ability to recover from spindle disruption and loss of kinetochore spindle assembly checkpoint proteins in oocytes from aged mice', Cell Cycle, 13 1938-1947 (2014) [C1]