Pharmacy and Experimental Pharmacology
Anti-oxidant effects of food constituents - Role of dietary fats & oils in human health & disease - Safety and efficacy of functional foods, nutraceuticals and dietary supplements - Anti-inflammatory effects of food constitutents - Development of novel nutraceuticals for improvement of human health
2016 Garg ML, Wood L, Dias C, 'Dietary Saturated Fat Promotes Omega-3 Polyunsaturated Fatty Acid Incorporation into Human Plasma and Erythrocytes', Eur J Clin Nutr., (2016)
2016 Ferguson JJ, Stojanovski E, MacDonald-Wicks L, Garg ML, 'Fat type in phytosterol products influence their cholesterol-lowering potential: A systematic review and meta-analysis of RCTs.', Prog Lipid Res, 64 16-29 (2016)
2016 Scott HA, Gibson PG, Garg ML, Upham JW, Wood LG, 'Sex hormones and systemic inflammation are modulators of the obese-asthma phenotype', Allergy: European Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, 71 1037-1047 (2016) [C1]
2016 Abbott KA, Veysey M, Lucock M, Niblett S, King K, Burrows T, Garg ML, 'Sex-dependent association between erythrocyte n-3 PUFA and type 2 diabetes in older overweight people.', Br J Nutr, 115 1379-1386 (2016)
2016 Dias CB, Wood LG, Garg ML, 'Effects of dietary saturated and n-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids on the incorporation of long-chain n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids into blood lipids', European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 70 812-818 (2016) [C1]
2016 Mingay E, Veysey M, Lucock M, Niblett S, King K, Patterson A, Garg M, 'Sex-dependent association between omega-3 index and body weight status in older Australians', Journal of Nutrition and Intermediary Metabolism, 5 70-77 (2016)
2016 Rose M, Veysey M, Lucock M, Niblett S, King K, Baines S, Garg ML, 'Association between erythrocyte omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid levels and fatty liver index in older people is sex dependent', Journal of Nutrition and Intermediary Metabolism, 5 78-85 (2016)
2016 Olliver M, Veysey M, Lucock M, Niblett S, King K, MacDonald-Wicks L, Garg ML, 'Erythrocyte omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid levels are associated with biomarkers of inflammation in older Australians', Journal of Nutrition and Intermediary Metabolism, 5 61-69 (2016)
2016 Ferguson JJA, Veysey M, Lucock M, Niblett S, King K, MacDonald-Wicks L, Garg ML, 'Association between omega-3 index and blood lipids in older Australians', Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry, 27 233-240 (2016) [C1]
2015 Dias CB, Phang M, Wood LG, Garg ML, 'Postprandial Lipid Responses do not Differ Following Consumption of Butter or Vegetable Oil when Consumed with Omega-3 Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids', Lipids, (2015) [C1]
2015 Jameel F, Thota RN, Wood LG, Plunkett B, Garg ML, 'Sex-dependent association between circulating irisin levels and insulin resistance in healthy adults', Journal of Nutrition and Intermediary Metabolism, 2 86-92 (2015) [C1]
2015 Petersen KS, Keogh JB, Meikle PJ, Garg ML, Clifton PM, 'Dietary predictors of arterial stiffness in a cohort with type 1 and type 2 diabetes', Atherosclerosis, 238 175-181 (2015) [C1]
2015 Parker HM, O'Connor HT, Keating SE, Cohn JS, Garg ML, Caterson ID, et al., 'Efficacy of the Omega-3 Index in predicting non-alcoholic fatty liver disease in overweight and obese adults: A pilot study', British Journal of Nutrition, 114 780-787 (2015) [C1]
2015 Phang M, Thorne RF, Alkhatatbeh MJ, Garg ML, Lincz LF, 'Circulating CD36+ microparticles are not altered by docosahexaenoic or eicosapentaenoic acid supplementation', Nutrition, Metabolism and Cardiovascular Diseases, (2015) [C1]
2015 Albert BB, Derraik JGB, Cameron-Smith D, Hofman PL, Tumanov S, Villas-Boas SG, et al., 'Fish oil supplements in New Zealand are highly oxidised and do not meet label content of n-3 PUFA', SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, 5 (2015) [C1]
2015 Scott HA, Gibson PG, Garg ML, Pretto JJ, Morgan PJ, Callister R, Wood LG, 'Determinants of weight loss success utilizing a meal replacement plan and/or exercise, in overweight and obese adults with asthma', Respirology, 20 243-250 (2015) [C1]
2015 Burrows TL, Williams R, Rollo M, Wood L, Garg ML, Jensen M, Collins CE, 'Plasma carotenoid levels as biomarkers of dietary carotenoid consumption: A systematic review of the validation studies', Journal of Nutrition and Intermediary Metabolism, 2 15-64 (2015) [C1]
2015 Grant R, Bilgin A, Guest J, Morris MJ, Garg ML, Pearce R, 'The Relative Value of Measures of Omega-3 Index, Perceived Stress, Cortisol and Sleep Time in Identifying Depression Among a Cohort of Australian Adolescents', International Journal of Child Health and Nutrition, 4 40-49 (2015) [C1]
2015 Garg M, 'Editorial for the launch/inaugural issue of the Journal of Nutrition & Intermediary Metabolism', Journal of Nutrition & Intermediary Metabolism, 2 1-1 (2015) [C2]
2015 Albert BB, Derraik JGB, Brennan CM, Biggs JB, Garg ML, Cameron-Smith D, et al., 'Supplementation with a blend of krill and salmon oil is associated with increased metabolic risk in overweight men', AMERICAN JOURNAL OF CLINICAL NUTRITION, 102 49-57 (2015) [C1]