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学习及工作简历: (一)学习经历: 自2000年9月至2004年7月,在燕山大学机械工程学院获本科学历学士学位。(本科) 自2004年9月至2010年6月,在燕山大学机械工程学院获研究生学历博士学位。(博士研究生) (二)工作经历: 自2010年7月至今,在河北科技大学材料科学与工程学院新能源材料系(室)工作。 主讲课程: (一)主讲本科生课程:《炼铁设计原理》、《控制工程基础》、《现代冶金概论》、《传递过程原理》


主持的主要科研课题: 1.河北省优秀青年基金项目:大口径直缝焊管JCOE成型工艺稳健性研究(Y2012035)主持 2. 国家自然基金项目:金属固态剪切挤压连接塑性变形机理、关键参数及其动态装置关键技术研究(51475139)第三 3.河北省自然基金项目:粉煤灰回收氧化铝工艺中二次反应机理研究(E2016208107)第二


查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

1. Yao Yunfeng, Li Junxia, Fang Yiming. Motion Stability Analysis of Non-sinusoidal Oscillation of Mold Driven by Servomotor. Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 2015,28(6):1269-1276 (SCI检索) 2姚云峰,李军霞,方一鸣,李建雄.伺服电机驱动结晶器非正弦振动动力学分析. 机械设计,2016,33(11):77-81 3.姚云峰,李岭冲,张双杰,等. 中间坯快速剪切挤压连接机构特性分析与优化. 机械设计,2016,33(12):85-89 4. Zhang Shuangjie,Yao Yunfeng, Li Lingchong. Kinematics Analysis and Optimization of the Fast Shearing-extrusion Joing Mechanism for Solid-state metal.Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 2015,28(6):1123-1140 (SCI检索) 5 Yao Yunfeng, Li Xiankui, Fang, Yiming, Zhang Liping. Study of Non-sinusoidal Oscillation of Continuous Casting Mold Driven by Servomotor. Journal of Iron and Steel Research International, Vol.15 (supp1) Oct. 2008:558-562 (SCI检索) 6 Yun-feng YAO, Xian-kui LI, Jun-xia LI, Li-ping Zhang. Development and H-infinite Robust Control of Mechatronics System of Mold Non-sinusoidal Oscillation, Proceedings of Second International Conference on Modelling and Simulation, Vol.7, Manchester, England, UK, May. 21-22, 2009:324-329(EI检索) 7 Yunfeng Yao, Xiankui Li, Xingzhong Zhang, Junxia Li, Yiming Fang. Fuzzy PID control of mold non-sinusoidal oscillator driven by permanent magnet synchronous motor, International Journal of Modelling, Identification and Control,2010.11(3/4):194-202(EI检索) 8 姚云峰,李宪奎,李军霞,张立平. 永磁同步电动机驱动的结晶器非正弦振动,机械设计,2010,27(7):33-36 9 Li Xiankui, Zhang Liping, Yang Ladao, Yao Yunfeng. Dynamics Study on New Non-sinusoidal Oscillation System of Mold. Journal of Iron and Steel research International, Vol.15 (supp1), 2008: 517-522 (SCI) 10 Liping Zhang,Xiankui Li, Yunfeng Yao, Ladao Yang. Dynamics simulation on the nonsinusoidal oscillation system for the mold in continuous casting, 7th International Conference on System Simulation and Scientific Computing, Beijing, China, 10-12 Oct, 2008 ( EI) 11 Zhang, L.-P.; Li, X.-K.; Yao, Y.-F.; Yang, L.-D.. Study on the Cascaded Whole-leaf Spring Oscillation Mechanism for Mold in Continuous Casting, Ironmaking and Steelmaking v 37, n 3, p 204-210, April 1, 2010 (SCI) 12 张立平, 李宪奎, 杨红普,杨拉道,姚云峰. 逆平行四连杆机构的非正弦波及工艺参数,机械工程学报,2009,45(5):301-036(EI) 13. Wang Ge, Gao Jingna, Yao Yunfeng, Qi Jing, An Lingjun, Li Qiang. Numerical simulation on solidification of thin casting slab with core reduction. International Journal of Modelling, Identification and Control, 2011,7,3:178-183(EI)
