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中共党员,2004年毕业于长沙理工大学市政工程专业,2007年获吉林大学环境科学硕士学位,2016年获华中科技大学热能工程与工程热物理博士学位。2007~2016年任教于长沙理工大学水利工程学院,2016年调入湖北工业大学经济与管理学院能源经济系。主要承担《工程热力学与传热学基础》、《节能监测与评价》、《能源技术概论》、《清洁生产理论与实践》、《New and Renewable Energy》等课程的教学。 近年科研状况:



主持科研项目 1、阳新县棚户区改造可行性研究,2017,2/10,在研 2、2017年湖北循环经济发展研究中心平台建设,湖北省教育厅,2017,10/20,在研


查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

Haiqing Sui, Haiping Yang*, Jingai Shao, Xianhua Wang, Yunchao Li, Hanping Chen. Fractional Condensation of Multicomponent Vapors From Pyrolysis of Cotton Stalk. Energy & Fuels. 2014, 28: 5095−5102. Haiqing Sui, Xianhua Wang, Hanping Chen. Rheological Behavior and Steam Gasification of Bio-slurry. Energy Procedia, 2015,75: 220-225. Hanping Chen*, Haiqing Sui, Xianhua Wan, Xianming Dai, Haiping Yang. Influence of Temperature and Residence Time of Gas on Property of Waste Tyre Pyrolysis. Waste management. 2018. (submitted) SUI Hai-qing, WANG Xian-hua*,Li Pan, et al. Influence on bio-oil by fractional condensation of biomass pyrolysis vapor. Proceedings of the CIESC, 2015, 10(66): 4138-4144. SUI Hai-qing, YANG Hai-ping, WANG Xian-hua*, et al. Analysis of Chemical Composition of Wood tar and its Upgrading. Solar Energy. 2014, 35(11): 2205-2210. Chen Hanping*, Sui Haiqing, Wang Xianhua, et al. Effects of Temperature on the Product Property During Multi-cogeneration Based on Waste Tyre Pyrolysis. Proceedings of the CSEE, 2012, 32(23): 119-125. Sui Haiqing, Wang Xianhua, Yang Haiping*, et al. Research Progress on Properties and Utilization of Each Component of Bio-oil. Solar Energy (Suppl). 2012, 33: 129-135. Conference Papers Haiqing Sui, Haiping Yang, Xianhua Wang, Hanping Chen. Fractional Condensation of Pyrolysis Multicomponent Vapors. 22nd European Biomass Conference & Exhibition. 2014. Hamburg, Germany. Haiqing Sui, Haiping Yang, Xianhua Wang. Rheological Behavior and Steam Gasification of Bio-slurry. The 7th International Conference on Applied Energy – ICAE2015. 2015, Abu Dhabi, UAE.
