Much of my earlier research focused on developing phylogenetic methods to resolve evolutionary relationships, usually among mammals or birds. Although I continue this work, my research now primarily involves using molecular and morphological phylogeny to infer macroevolutionary patterns and processes. I am particularly interested in integrating data from DNA sequences, ecology and fossils to better understand the origins and maintenance of mammalian biodiversity. Other long-term interests include inferring how dinosaurs and their extinction influenced the evolution of birds and mammals and understanding evolutionarily stable niche discontinuities between species and their impact on evolvability.
Research Interests
Phylogenetic methods
Ancient DNA
Understanding the origins and maintenance of biodiversity among Australian mammals
Extinction and survival around the Cretaceous/Palaeogene (aka K/T boundary)
Modelling ecological niche evolution
Phillips M, Bennett T, Lee MS, (2010) Reply to Camens: How recently did modern monotremes diversify?, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America pE13
Phillips M, Gibb GC, Crimp EA, Penny D, (2010) Tinamous and moa flock together: Mitochondrial genome sequence analysis reveals independent losses of flight among ratites, Systematic Biology p90-107
Phillips M, (2009) Branch-length estimation bias misleads molecular dating for a vertebrate mitochondrial phylogeny, Gene p132-140
Phillips M, Bennett T, Lee MS, (2009) Molecules, morphology, and ecology indicate a recent, amphibious ancestry for echidnas, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America p17089-17094
Phillips M, Pratt RC, (2008) Family-level relationships among the Australasian marsupial 'herbivores' (Diprotodontia: Koala, wombats, kangaroos and possums), Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution p594-605
Penny D, Phillips M, (2007) Evolutionary biology: Mass survivals, Nature: international weekly journal of science p501-502
Phillips M, McLenachan PA, Down C, Gibb GC, Penny D, (2006) Combined mitochondrial and nuclear DNA sequences resolve the interrelations of the major Australasian marsupial radiations, Systematic Biology p122-137
Drummond A, Ho SY, Phillips M, Rambaut A, (2006) Relaxed phylogenetics and dating with confidence, PLoS Biology p0699-0710
Barnett R, Barnes I, Phillips M, Martin LD, Harington C, Leonard JA, Cooper A, (2005) Evolution of the extinct Sabretooths and the American cheetah-like cat, Current Biology p589-590
Ho SY, Phillips M, Cooper A, Drummond A, (2005) Time dependency of molecular rate estimates and systematic overestimation of recent divergence times, Molecular Biology and Evolution p1561-1568