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教育背景 博士,统计学,美国宾夕法尼亚大学 学士,数学与应用数学专业,浙江大学 荣誉称号 2022.03,2021年度复旦大学巾帼创新奖,复旦大学 2022.01,杰出教授贡献奖,复旦大学管理学院,复旦大学管理学院 2021.03,2019-2020年度复旦大学三八红旗手,复旦大学妇女委员会 2020.12,第十七届青年女科学家奖提名奖,中国现场统计研究会,中国现场统计研究会 2018.01,2017年度青年教师新星奖,复旦大学管理学院,复旦大学管理学院 2014.12,UNC Junior Faculty Development Award,The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill 2013.04,IMS Travel Award,IMS 科研获奖 2023.11,上海市第十六届哲学社会科学优秀成果奖,一等奖,中共上海市委员会 2021.01,2020年度优秀科研奖,复旦大学管理学院 2020.12,第八届高等学校科学研究优秀成果奖(人文社会科学),青年成果奖,中华人民共和国教育部 2020.01,2019年度优秀科研奖,复旦大学管理学院




查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

T. Tony Cai, Zijian Guo, and Yin Xia. 2023. Statistical inference and large-scale multiple testing for high-dimensional regression models. Test 32.1135–1171. Yinrui Sun, Li Ma, and Yin Xia. 2023. A decorrelating and debiasing approach to simultaneous inference for high-dimensional confounded models. Journal of the American Statistical Association forthcoming.1-35. Li Ma, Yin Xia, and Lexin Li. 2023. NAPA: Neighborhood-assisted and posterior-adjusted two-sample inference. Statistica Sinica forthcoming.1-42. Yin Xia and T. Tony Cai. 2023. Discussion of “A Scale-Free Approach for False Discovery Rate Control in Generalized Linear Models” by Dai, Lin, Xing, and Liu. Journal of the American Statistical Association 118(543).1569-1572. Hao Chen and Yin Xia. 2023. A normality test for high-dimensional data based on the nearest neighbor approach. Journal of the American Statistical Association 118(541).719–731. Xin Chen, Dan Yang, Yan Xu, Yin Xia, Dong Wang, and Haipeng Shen. 2023. Testing and support recovery of correlation structures for matrix-valued observations with an application to stock market data. Journal of Econometrics 232(2).544-564. Tianxi Cai, Molei Liu, and Yin Xia. 2022. Individual data protected integrative regression analysis of high-dimensional heterogeneous data. Journal of the American Statistical Association 117(540).2105-2119. T. Tony Cai, Wenguang Sun, and Yin Xia. 2022. LAWS: A locally adaptive weighting and screening approach to spatial multiple testing. Journal of the American Statistical Association 117(539).1370-1383. Yin Xia and Lexin Li. 2022. Hypothesis testing for network data with power enhancement. Statistica Sinica 32(1).293-321. Yuting Ye, Yin Xia, and Lexin Li. 2021. Paired test of matrix graphs and brain connectivity analysis. Biostatistics 22(2).402–420. Molei Liu, Yin Xia, Kelly Cho, and Tianxi Cai. 2021. Integrative high dimensional multiple testing with heterogeneity under data sharing constraints. Journal of Machine Learning Research 22.1-26. Yin Xia, Lexin Li, Samuel N. Lockhart, and William J. Jagust. 2020. Simultaneous covariance inference for multimodal integrative analysis. Journal of the American Statistical Association 115(531).1279-1291. Yin Xia, T. Tony Cai, and Wenguang Sun. 2020. GAP: A general framework for information pooling in two-sample sparse inference. Journal of the American Statistical Association 115(531).1236-1250. T. T. Cai, H. Li, J. Ma, and Y. Xia. 2019. Differential Markov random field analysis with an application to detecting differential microbial community networks. Biometrika 106(2).401-416. Yin Xia and Lexin Li. 2019. Matrix graph hypothesis testing and application in brain connectivity alternation detection. Statistica Sinica 29(1).303-328. Yin Xia, T.Tony Cai, and Hongzhe Li. 2018. Joint testing and false discovery rate control in high-dimensional multivariate regression. Biometrika 105(2).249-269. Yin Xia, Tianxi Cai, and T. Tony Cai. 2018. Multiple testing of submatrices of a precision matrix with applications to identification of between pathway interactions. Journal of the American Statistical Association 113(521).328-339. Yin Xia, Tianxi Cai, and T. Tony Cai. 2018. Two-sample tests for high-dimensional linear regression with an application to detecting interactions. Statistica Sinica 28(1).63-92. Yin Xia. 2017. Testing and support recovery of multiple high-dimensional covariance matrices with false discovery rate control. Test 26(4).782-801. Yin Xia and Lexin Li. 2017. Hypothesis testing of matrix graph model with application to brain connectivity analysis. Biometrics 73(3).780-791. Yin Xia, Tianxi Cai, and T.Tony Cai. 2015. Testing differential networks with applications to the detection of gene-gene interactions. Biometrika 102(2).247-266. T.Tony Cai and Yin Xia. 2014. High-dimensional sparse MANOVA. Journal of Multivariate Analysis 131.174-196. T. Tony Cai, Weidong Liu, and Yin Xia. 2014. Two-sample test of high dimensional means under dependence. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series B-Statistical Methodology 76(2).349-372. T.Tony Cai, Mark G. Low, and Yin Xia. 2013. Adaptive confidence intervals for regression functions under shape constraints. The Annals of Statistics 41(2).722-750. Tony Cai, Weidong Liu, and Yin Xia. 2013. Two-sample covariance matrix testing and support recovery in high-dimensional and sparse settings. Journal of the American Statistical Association 108(501).265-277.
