2024.01 - 2028.12, 课题参加人员, 基于信息融合和迁移的多源异质数据统计推断, 国家自然科学基金重点项目
2022.01 - 2024.12, 项目负责人, 高维线性回归模型参数变点统计推断问题的研究, 国家自然科学基金青年项目
2021.11 - 2022.06, 项目负责人, 大宗商品价格预测模型研究, 山东卓创资讯股份有限公司
2020.01 - 2023.12, 课题参加人员, 高维大数据的若干统计推断问题研究, 国家自然科学基金面上项目
2018.01 - 2021.12, 课题参加人员, 大数据时代异构模型的统计推断及应用, 国家自然科学基金面上项目
2023.08 - 2027.08, 理事, 中国现场统计研究会统计交叉科学研究分会
Bin Liu, Xinsheng Zhang, and Yufeng Liu. 2024. Simultaneous change point detection and identification for high dimensional linear models. Statistica Sinica forthcoming.1-40.
Xianru Wang, Bin Liu, Xinsheng Zhang, and Yufeng Liu. 2023. Efficient multiple change point detection for high-dimensional generalized linear models. The Canadian Journal of Statistics 51(2).596-629.
Xianru Wang, Bin Liu, and Xinsheng Zhang. 2022. A computationally efficient and flexible algorithm for high dimensional mean and covariance matrix change point models. Journal of the Korean Statistical Society 51.1216-1246.
Bin Liu, Xinsheng Zhang, and Yufeng Liu. 2022. High dimensional change point inference: Recent developments and extensions. Journal of Multivariate Analysis 188.1-19.
Bin Liu, Xinsheng Zhang, and Yufeng Liu. 2021. Simultaneous change point inference and structure recovery for high dimensional Gaussian graphical models. Journal of Machine Learning Research 22(1).1-62.
Bin Liu, Cheng Zhou, Xinsheng Zhang, and Yufeng Liu. 2020. A unified data-adaptive framework for high dimensional change point detection. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series B-Statistical Methodology 82(4).933-963.
Bin Liu, Cheng Zhou, and Xinsheng Zhang. 2019. A tail adaptive approach for change point detection. Journal of Multivariate Analysis 169.33-48.
Mingjuan Zhang, Chen Zhou, Yong He, and Bin Liu. 2018. Data-adaptive test for high-dimensional multivariate analysis of variance problem. Australian & New zealand Journal of Statistics 60(4).447-470.
Yong He, Xinsheng Zhang, Jiadong Ji, and Bin Liu. 2017. Joint estimation of multiple high-dimensional Gaussian copula graphical models. Australian & New Zealand Journal of Statistics 59(3).289-310.