2011.01 - 2013.12, Fellow, Warton Financial Institutions Center
2019.09 - 2022.12, 项目负责人, 我国衍生品市场国际化进程中输入型系统风险防范问题研究, 上海市哲学社会科学规划一般课题
2016.11 - 2018.11, 项目负责人, FoF投资策略与基金业绩评估体系(方法)系列研究)--- 基于国外最新学术研究在中国市场的成果转化, 广发证券资产管理(广东)有限公司
2016.07 - 2016.10, 课题参加人员, 美钻石油钻采系统(集团)公司发展战略, 美钻石油钻采系统(集团)公司
2016.01 - 2018.12, 课题参加人员, 融合多源大数据的互联网金融个性化价值发现与风险评测, 国家自然科学基金重大研究计划培育项目
2015.09 - 2016.05, 课题参加人员, 新常态下的商业模式创新与战略突围, 浙江凯喜雅国际股份有限公司
2011.01 - 2013.12, 项目负责人, 基于金融高频数据对中国证券市场资产价格非常规突发性变动暨跳跃性风险的特征及其成因的实证研究, 国家自然科学基金青年项目
Haigang Zhou and John Qi Zhu. 2019. Firm characteristics and jump dynamics in stock prices around earnings announcements. The North American Journal of Economics and Finance 50.1-23.
Kevin X. D. Huang, Zheng Liu, and John Qi Zhu. 2015. Temptation and self-control: Some evidence and applications. Journal of Money, Credit and Banking 47(4).581-615.
Jun Wu, Yingli Pan, and Qi Zhu. 2014. The conditions and potential of RMB as an international reserve currency: The empirical evidences from the history of eight major international reserve currencies. China Finance Review International 4(2).103-123.
Haigang Zhou and John Qi Zhu. 2013. Asset pricing, jump risk, and China's B-share discount puzzle. International Journal of Financial Service Management 6(4).352-366.
Haigang Zhou and John Qi Zhu. 2012. An empirical examination of jump risk in asset pricing and volatility forecasting in China's equity and bond markets. Pacific-Basin Finance Journal 20(5).857-880.
Haigang Zhou and John Qi Zhu. 2012. Jump on the post-earnings announcement drift. Financial Analysts Journal 68(3).63-80.
Haigang Zhou and John Qi Zhu. 2011. Jump risk and cross section of stock returns: Evidence from China's stock market. Journal of Economics and Finance 35(3).309-331.
王华庆,李良松,李治国,侯玘松,朱祁. 我国网络借贷发展与监管的调研报告. 清华金融评论, 2019, (2): 101-106.
潘英丽,杰弗里. 萨克斯,胡永泰,朱祁. 安全有效地动员金融部门持续促进中国经济转型.载于:十字路口的金融体系:国际经验与中国选择. 中国金融出版社, 2013.
朱祁,2014. 英镑的兴衰. 收录于潘英丽等(主编),《国际货币体系未来变革与人民币国家化(上卷)》-- 国际货币体系的历史演变与现实问题. 格致出版社,pp.49-86.
Yingli Pan, Jeffrey David Sachs, Wing Thye Woo and John Qi Zhu, 2014. Mobilizing China's Financial Sector Efficiently and Safely for Sustaining Economic Transformation and Strengthening Global Financial Stability. In: Wing Thye Woo, Yingli Pan, Jeffrey David Sachs, Junhui Qian (Eds.), Financial Systems at the Crossroads: Lessons for China. World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd., Singapore, pp. 3-51.