Longzhen Fan, Xin Hou, and Qian Sun. 2023. A monetary policy–based explanation of swap spreads in China. Journal of Futures Markets 43(11).1645-1667.
Jian Xue, Laijun Zhao, Longzhen Fan, and Ying Qian. 2015. An interprovincial cooperative game model for air pollution control in China. Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association 65(7).818-827.
Longzhen Fan, Fuwei Jiang, and Guofu Zhou. 2015. The Chinese bond market: Risk, return, and opportunities. The Journal of Portfolio Management 41(5).110-126.
Lei Lu, Junsheng Duan, and Longzhen Fan. 2014. Solution of two-dimensional viscous flow in a rectangular domain by the modified decomposition method. Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences 100(6).463-475.
Longzhen Fan, Canlin Li, and Guofu Zhou. 2013. The supply and demand factor in the bond market: Implications for bond risk and return. The Journal of Fixed Income 23(2).62-81.
Fan, Longzhen, Bill Hu, and Christine Jiang. 2012. Pricing and information content of block trades on the Shanghai stock exchange. Pacific-Basin Finance Journal 20(3).378-397.
Longzhen Fan, Shu Tian, and Chu Zhang. 2012. Why are excess returns on China's treasury bonds so predictable? The role of the monetary system. Journal of Banking & Finance 36(1).239-248.
Longzhen Fan, Yihong Yu, and Chu Zhang. 2011. An empirical evaluation of China's monetary policies. Journal of Macroeconomics 33(2).358-371.
Longzhen Fan, Anders C. Johansson. 2010. China's Official Rates and Bond Yields. Journal of Banking & Finance Vol.34(5).996-1007.
Longzhen Fan and Chu Zhang. 2007. Beyond segmentation:The case of China's repo markets. Journal of Banking & Finance 31.939-954.
Longzhen Fan and Chu Zhang. 2006. The Chinese Interbank Repo Market:An Analysis of Term Premiums. Journal of Futures Markets 26(2).153-167.
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