复旦大学 计算机学院 教授、博导,上海市引进海外高层次留学人员 荣誉称号 获得者,上海市计算机学会 理论与人工智能专业委员会 副主任。
陈雁秋 1995年 获 英国南安普顿大学 电子与计算机科学 博士学位,1988年 获 同济大学 信号与系统 硕士学位,1985年 获 同济大学 工业自动化 学士学位。
陈博士 2001年 被 复旦大学 作为 中青年杰出人才 引进,担任 信息学院 教授,2003年 评为 博士生导师,2004年 获 上海市引进海外高层次留学人员 荣誉称号。陈博士 2004-2007年 历任 通信系主任,2002-2004年 历任 计算机系副主任, 1996-2001年 历任 新加坡南洋理工大学 电气电子工程学院 助理教授,1995年 历任 英国格拉摩根大学 计算机系 助理研究员。
Guyue Zhang, Jun Liu, Ye Liu, Jingwen Zhao, Luchao Tian, Yan Qiu Chen (2018) Physical blob detector and Multi-Channel Color Shape Descriptor for human detection. Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation, Vol 52.
Luchao Tian, Mingchen Li, Yu Hao, Jun Liu, Guyue Zhang, and Yan Qiu Chen (2018) Robust 3-D Human Detection in Complex Environments With a Depth Camera. IEEE Trans. on Multimedia, Vol 20, No 9.
Xiang Liu, Jia Lin Song, Shuo Hong Wang, Jing Wen Zhao, and Yan Qiu Chen (2017) Learning to Diagnose Cirrhosis with Liver Capsule Guided Ultrasound Image Classification. Sensors, 17, 149.
Guyue Zhang, Jun Liu, Hengduo Li, Yan Qiu Chen, and Larry S. Davis (2017) Joint Human Detection and Head Pose Estimation via Multi-Stream Networks for RGB-D Videos. IEEE Signal Processing Letters.
Jingwen Zhao, Shuo Hong Wang, Xiang Liu, Ye Liu, and Yan Qiu Chen (2017) Early diagnosis of cirrhosis via automatic location and geometric description of liver capsule. The Visual Computer, Vol 34, No 12.
Zhi-Ming Qian and Yan Qiu Chen (2017) Feature point based 3D tracking of multiple fish from multi-view images. PLoS ONE 12(6).
Xiyang Dai, Bharat Singh, Guyue Zhang, Larry S. Davis, and Yan Qiu Chen (2017) Temporal Context Network for Activity Localization in Videos. International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV).
Shuo Hong Wang, Hai Feng Su, Xi En Cheng, Ye Liu, Aike Guo, Yan Qiu Chen (2017) Tracking the 3D position and orientation of flying swarms with learned kinematic pattern using LSTM network. In Proceedings of International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME).
Shuo Hong Wang, Jingwen Zhao, Xiang Liu, Zhi-Ming Qian, Ye Liu, Yan Qiu Chen (2017) 3D TRACKING SWIMMING FISH SCHOOL WITH LEARNED KINEMATIC MODEL USING LSTM NETWORK. In Proceedings of ICASSP.
Luchao Tian, Mingchen Li, Guyue Zhang, Jingwen Zhao, Yan Qiu Chen (2017). Robust Human Detection with Super-pixel Segmentation and Random Ferns Classification Using RGB-D Camera. In Proceedings of International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME).
Jingwen Zhao, Guyue Zhang, Luchao Tian, Yan Qiu Chen (2017), Real-time human detection with depth camera via a physical radius-depth detector and a CNN descriptor (ICME).
Jingwen Zhao, Hui Li, Meng Duan, Shuo Hong Wang, Yan Qiu Chen (2016) Rapid identification of neuronal structures in electronic microscope image using novel combined multi-scale image features. Neurocomputing, Neurocomputing 230: 152-159.
Shuo Hong Wang, JingWen Zhao, Yan Qiu Chen (2016) Robust tracking of fish schools using CNN for head identification. Multimedia Tools and Applications.
Zhi-Ming Qian, Shuo Hong Wang, Xi En Cheng, Yan Qiu Chen (2016) An effective and robust method for tracking multiple fish in video image based on fish head detection. BMC Bioinformatics 17:251.
Shuo Hong Wang, Xiang Liu, Jingwen Zhao, Jia Lin Song, Jian Quan Zhang and Yan Qiu Chen (2016) Learning to Diagnose Cirrhosis via Combined Liver Capsule and Parenchyma Ultrasound Image Features. In Proceedings of BIBM.
Shuo Hong Wang, JingWen Zhao, Yan Qiu Chen (2016) Robust tracking of fish schools using CNN for head identification. Multimedia Tools and Applications.
Shuo Hong Wang, Xi En Cheng, Zhi-Ming Qian, Ye Liu, Yan Qiu Chen (2016) Automated Planar Tracking the Waving Bodies of Multiple Zebrafish Swimming in Shallow Water. PLoS ONE 11(4).
Luchao Tian, Guyue Zhang, Mingchen Li, Jun Liu, Yan Qiu Chen (2016) Reliably Detecting Humans in Crowded and Dynamic Environments Using RGB-D Camera. In Proceedings of International Conference on Multimedia and Expo.
Guyue Zhang, Jun Liu, Luchao Tian, Yan Qiu Chen (2016) Reliably Detecting Humans with RGB-D Camera with Physical Blob Detector Followed by Learning-Based Filtering. In Proceedings of International Conference on Acoustics Speech and Signal Processing.
Guyue Zhang, Luchao Tian, Ye Liu, Jun Liu, Xiang An Liu, Yang Liu, Yan Qiu Chen (2016) Robust Real-Time Human Perception with Depth Camera. In Proceedings of European Conference on Artificial Intelligence.
Jun Liu, Guyue Zhang, Ye Liu, Luchao Tian, Yan Qiu Chen (2015) An ultra-fast human detection method for color-depth camera. Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation 31, 177-185.
Jun Liu, Ye Liu, Guyue Zhang, Peiru Zhu, Yan Qiu Chen (2014) Detecting and tracking people in real time with RGB-D camera. Pattern Recognition Letters 53, 16-23.
Jun Liu, Ye Liu, Ying Cui, Yan Qiu Chen (2013) Real-time Human Detection and Tracking in Complex Environments Using Single RGBD Camera. IEEE International Conference on Image Processing.
Xi En Cheng, Zhi-Ming Qian, Shuo Hong Wang, Nan Jiang, Aike Guo, Yan Qiu Chen (2015) A Novel Method for Tracking Individuals of Fruit Fly Swarms Flying in a Laboratory Flight Arena. Plos One 10 (6).
Xi En Cheng, Shuo Hong Wang, Zhi-Ming Qian, Yan Qiu Chen (2015) Estimating Orientation of Flying Fruit Flies. Plos One 10 (7).
Zhi-Ming Qian, Xi En Cheng, Yan Qiu Chen (2014) Automatically Detect and Track Multiple Fish Swimming in Shallow Water with Frequent Occlusion. Plos One 9 (9).
Ye Liu, Hui Li, Yan Qiu Chen (2012) Automatic Tracking of a Large Number of Moving Targets in 3D. In Proceedings of European Conference on Computer Vision.
Danping Zou, Qi Zhao, Hai Shan Wu, Yan Qiu Chen (2009) Reconstructing 3D motion trajectories of particle swarms by global correspondence selection. In Proceedings of International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV).
Hai Shan Wu, Qi Zhao, Danping Zou, Yan Qiu Chen (2009) Acquiring 3D Motion Trajectories of Large Numbers of Swarming Animals. In Proceedings of International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV).