博士学位(2017年),气象学, 南京信息工程大学
2012年 — 2013年,助理工程师,辽宁省气象台
2018年 — 2020年,博士后,复旦大学
2020年 — 今,工程师,复旦大学
Zhang Peng, Z. Wu*, J. Li and Z. Xiao, 2020: Seasonal prediction of the northern and southern temperature modes of the East Asian winter monsoon: the importance of the Arctic sea ice, Climate Dyn, https://doi.org/10.1007/s00382-020-05182-w
Zhang Peng, Z. Wu* and J. Li, 2019: Reexamining the relationship of La Ni?a and the East Asian winter monsoon. Climate Dyn., 53(1), 779-791.
Zhang Peng., B. Wang and Z. Wu*, 2019: Weak El Ni?o and Winter Climate in the mid-high latitude Eurasia. J. Climate, 32, 402-421.
Luo, R., Z. Wu*, Zhang Peng and J. Dou 2019: Potential influence of the developing La Ni?a on the sea-ice reduction over the Barents-Kara Sea. Atmos.-Ocean, DOI: 10.1080/07055900.2019.1587375.
Jin R., Z. Wu* and Peng Zhang, 2018: Tibetan Plateau capacitor effect during the summer preceding ENSO: from the Yellow River climate perspective, Climate Dyn., 51(1), 57-71
Zhang Peng, Z. Wu* and H. Chen, 2017: Interdecadal Variability of the ENSO–North Pacific Atmospheric Circulation in Winter, Atmos.-Ocean, 55(2):110~120.
Wu Z. *, Peng Zhang, H. Chen and Y. Li, 2016: Can the Tibetan Plateau snow cover influence the interannual variations of Eurasian heat wave frequency?, Climate Dyn., 46(11-12): 3405~3417.
Wu Z. * and Peng Zhang, 2015: Interdecadal variability of the mega-ENSO–NAO synchronization in winter, Climate Dyn, 45(3-4): 1117~1128.