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Andrew Goodwin is Professor of Materials Chemistry and a University Research Professor at Oxford. He leads a diverse and creative research group based in the Inorganic Chemistry Laboratory. As an undergraduate, Andrew studied Chemistry and Pure Mathematics at the University of Sydney, graduating in 2001. He then completed two separate PhDs: the first (with Cameron Kepert) in Inorganic Chemistry at Sydney, and the second (with Martin Dove) in Mineral Physics at Cambridge. In 2004 he was elected to a JRF in Materials Science at Trinity College, Cambridge; then in 2008 he took up an EPSRC Career Acceleration Fellowship, which he held (briefly) in Cambridge’s Department of Earth Sciences. Before leaving Cambridge, Andrew collaborated briefly with Tony Cheetham, who became a strong influence on his later work. Andrew moved to Oxford in 2009 to take up his first academic post, held jointly with the Tutorial Fellowship in Chemistry at St Anne’s College. Until 2018 he was the Inorganic Chemistry Tutor at both St Anne’s and Oriel Colleges. He was promoted to Professor in 2014, and then to Research Professor (known locally as ‘RSIV’) in 2018. Andrew’s work (and that of his team!) has been recognised by the RSC’s Harrison-Meldola (2010), Marlow (2013), and Corday-Morgan (2017) prizes. He was the inaugural UK Blavatnik Laureate in Chemistry (2018), and has held both Starting (2011-16) and Advanced (2018-) Grants of the ERC.


My particular research interest is in understanding and exploiting structural flexibility and disorder in functional materials. In general terms, the research program in my group covers four key areas: Fundamentals of disorder The world of correlated disorder is far more thrilling than a simple ‘spectrum’ between order and randomness. We try to understand the many strange and unexpected disordered states that occur in nature, how they are connected to one another, and under what conditions they are stabilised. Occasionally we discover new states that had never previously been imagined. Advanced characterisation We specialise in the use of advanced scattering techniques to characterise disordered states: total scattering; single-crystal diffuse scattering; PDF; 3D-ΔPDF. We use X-rays, neutrons, and electrons. We use polarised neutrons for disordered magnets. We develop algorithms for data analysis and then write the code that implements them. Disorder by design How does one make a material with a specific type of correlated disorder? We are trying to work out the rules to do just that. Our group specialises in the synthesis of disordered framework materials, including metal–organic frameworks, coordination polymers and hybrid perovskites. We also collaborate with leading solid-state synthesis groups to design ceramics that harbour various types of unconventional magnetic and electronic disorder. Disorder/property relationships Our long-term goal is to establish robust links between the disorder present in a material and its functional properties. New materials for energy storage, improved thermoelectrics for recovery of waste heat, magnetocalorics for efficient cooling, smart materials for adaptive sensing, error-correcting data storage platforms… We are working on many opportunities.


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Truchet-tile structure of a topologically aperiodic metal–organic framework January 2023 | Journal article | Science Anomalous evolution of the magnetocaloric effect in dilute triangular Ising antiferromagnets Tb1–xYx(HCO2)3 December 2022 | Journal article | Physical Review Materials Polarisation from sliding molecular rotors August 2022 | Journal article | Nature Materials Uncovering the interplay of competing distortions in the Prussian blue analogue K2Cu[Fe(CN)6] May 2022 | Journal article | Chemistry of Materials Interplay of thermal diffuse scattering and correlated compositional disorder in KCl1−xBrx May 2022 | Journal article | Acta Crystallographica Section B: Structural Science, Crystal Engineering and Materials Geometric frustration on the trillium lattice in a magnetic metal-organic framework April 2022 | Journal article | Physical Review Letters Magnetic structure and exchange interactions in the Heisenberg pyrochlore antiferromagnet Gd₂Pt₂O₇ March 2022 | Journal article | Physical Review B Efficient fitting of single-crystal diffuse scattering in interaction space: a mean-field approach January 2022 | Journal article | IUCRJ Suppressed-moment 2-k order in the canonical frustrated antiferromagnet Gd2Ti2O7 December 2021 | Journal article | NPJ QUANTUM MATERIALS Recovering local structure information from high-pressure total scattering experiments November 2021 | Journal article | Journal of Applied Crystallography Efficient fitting of single-crystal diffuse scattering in interaction space: a mean-field approach November 2021 | Journal article | IUCrJ Visualization and quantification of geometric diversity in metal-organic frameworks October 2021 | Journal article | Chemistry of Materials Structural complexity in Prussian blue analogues October 2021 | Journal article | Materials Horizons Perspectives for next generation lithium-ion battery cathode materials October 2021 | Journal article | APL MATERIALS Lithiation phase behaviors of metal oxide anodes and extra capacities August 2021 | Journal article | Cell Reports Physical Science Geometric frustration on the trillium lattice in a magnetic metal–organic framework August 2021 | Journal article | Acta Crystallographica Section A: Foundations and Advances 3D-Delta PDF from electron diffraction data August 2021 | Conference paper | ACTA CRYSTALLOGRAPHICA A-FOUNDATION AND ADVANCES Correlated Linker Disorder in Metal-Organic Frameworks August 2021 | Conference paper | ACTA CRYSTALLOGRAPHICA A-FOUNDATION AND ADVANCES Mean field theory calculations to model single crystal diffuse scattering August 2021 | Conference paper | ACTA CRYSTALLOGRAPHICA A-FOUNDATION AND ADVANCES MOFs as hosts to analogues of complex magnetic phases August 2021 | Conference paper | ACTA CRYSTALLOGRAPHICA A-FOUNDATION AND ADVANCES
