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云南昆明人,长期从事交叉学科的研究工作。1992年赴加拿大、美国留学工作并定居加拿大,2014年回国,主要从事脊髓神经系统运动控制机制的研究,目的是在离子通道、细胞膜特性以及神经网络的基础上,研究哺乳动物行进运动产生、协调和控制的机制;探求运动干预对神经系统适应性重塑的原理;并在此基础上构建基于脊髓神经网络的“类脊髓”智能运动控制系统。在国家自然科学基金面上项目的资助下,主要研究成果包括:(1)在细胞形态和离子通道的水平上解释了运动干预对脑干和脊髓神经系统适应性重塑的机制;(2)在小鼠中脑5-HT神经元和脊髓神经元中发现一种对tetrodotoxin(TTX)、dihydropyridine(DHP) 和 riluzole(RIL)具有强烈阻抗作用的电压门控钠离子通道;(3)通过生理实验和模型仿真预测并验证了五种离子通道NaT、NaP、CaL、K(DR)和K(AHP)在行进运动中的控制作用。这些成果推进了学界同行对细胞兴奋性调节与脊髓运动控制机制的认识和理解。 教育经历 2003 年:美国 University of Washington 医学院生理系,博士后(生物物理学), 导师:Marc Binder 2002 年:加拿大 University of Manitoba 医学院生理系,博士(神经生理学), 导师:Larry Jordan 1995 年:加拿大 University of Manitoba 理学院数学系,硕士(应用数学), 导师:Peter Aitchison 1982 年:云南大学理学院数学系,学士(计算数学) 工作经历 2014 至今:华东师范大学紫江特聘教授 2003-2013:加拿大 University of Manitoba 医学院脊髓研究中心(SCRC)资深合作研究员


我研究的方向是脊髓运动控制与干预(spinal motor control and exercise intervention)。脊椎动物的行进运动(locomotion)由位于中脑的运动中枢(Mesencephalic Locomotor Region:MLR)引导和控制,由分布于脊髓系统中的神经网络群执行和操作,这个网络群称为中枢模式发生器(Central Pattern Generator:CPG)。CPG在行进运动中扮演着时钟调控、节律发生和运动控制的作用,它由多层次的神经细胞群组成,沿着脊髓腹侧的胸段和腰段分布,具有特殊的神经细胞膜特性,与不同兴奋和抑制类型的神经突触相互连接,受多种神经递质的调控。由于神经网络的复杂性和技术手段的有限性,尽管我们对CPG的结构有了深刻的认识和了解,但对于脊髓神经网络能够引导肢体产生运动这种内源能力依然知之甚少。我研究的目的就是在神经元和离子通道的水平上认识这种能力,探求行进运动产生的原理;揭示运动干预对运动神经系统适应性重塑的机制;并将这些机制与原理应用于人工智能运动控制系统的研发中,构建类脑智能运动控制系统的核心结构。鉴此,我的研究包括:运动干预、智能仿生、通道调节和细胞识别等四个方面的内容: 运动干预:研究长期运动训练(chronic exercise)如何在离子通道和细胞形态的水平上修饰和调控脑干-脊髓神经元的细胞膜特性,重塑神经系统的适应性,使运动系统更加有效地适环境的变化。 智能仿生(类脊髓研究):究神经元和神经网络的计算特性,分析神经元基于离子通道的信息编码与解码原理,通过生物信息仿真技术,运用交叉学科的研究方法,探索类脊髓研究的生理与技术手段,建立从神经元到神经网络、从脑干到脊髓的大型神经网络模型,集成化设计多足智能机器人的运动控制系统。 通道调节:研究脑干-脊髓神经元中离子通道的生物物理学特性,探索作为一种机制离子通道是如何调节神经元的兴奋性进而参与行进运动的控制和协调。 细胞识别:识别和特征化描述参与引导、控制、执行和协调行进运动的脑干-脊髓神经元,分析它们在行进运动中的功能和作用,研究它们的细胞膜特性如何接受神经递质的调节进而对运动控制发挥作用。 电生理和计算神经学是我从事研究的主要方法,这是将运动神经生理学与生物物理学、数学模型以及计算机仿真模拟技术相互结合的交叉学科的研究方法,也是生物信息学在脊髓神经系统研究中的拓展和应用。其特点是将膜片钳技术与神经元数学模型相结合,以神经系统建模仿真为平台,运用神经生理与信息仿生的方法研究脊髓运动控制的机制和原理。我研究的最终目的是认识行进运动产生、控制和协调的机制;解释运动干预对脊髓神经系统适应性重塑的规律。研究的结果可以为青少年和普通民众的运动锻炼、脊髓损伤病人的康复治疗、以及智能机器人的应用研发提供生物医学方面的依据和参考。


查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

Selected Publication (2018-2024) Yue Dai*, Yi Cheng, Renkai Ge, Ke Chen and Liming Yang (2024) Exercise-induced adaptation of neurons in the vertebrate locomotor system Journal of Sport and Health Science 13(2) 160-171, 2024 (一区, IF=12.2) https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2095254623001047 戴跃 《智能运动控制系统》,上海科学技术文献出版社 (ISBN: 9787543982833),2022年2月第一版。 Ke Chen and Yue Dai* (2022) Chronic exercise increases excitability of lamina X neurons through enhancement of persistent inward currents and dendritic development in mice Journal of Physiology 600 (16): 3775-3793, 2022 (一区, IF=6.2) https://physoc.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1113/JP283037 Qiang Zhang, Yue Dai* , Zhou Junya, Renkai Ge, Yiyun Hua, Randall K Powers and Marc D Binder(2022)The Effects of Membrane Potential Oscillations on the Excitability of Rat Hypoglossal Motoneurons Frontiers in Physiology 13:955566 (二区, IF=4.8) https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fphys.2022.955566/abstract Qiang Zhang, Yi Cheng, Mei Zhou and Yue Dai* (2022) Locomotor pattern and force generation modulated by ionic channels: a computational study of spinal networks underlying locomotion. Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience 16:809599 (三区,IF=3.4) https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fncom.2022.809599/full Ke Chen, Xing Ge and Yue Dai* (2022) Cholinergic modulation of persistent inward currents is mediated by activating muscarinic receptors of serotonergic neurons in the brainstem of ePet-EYFP mice. Experimental Brain Research 240: 1177-1189, 2022 (四区, IF=2.2) https://doi.org/10.1007/s00221-022-06322-w Yi Cheng, Nan Song, Renkai Ge, and Yue Dai* (2021) Serotonergic Modulation of Persistent Inward Currents in Serotonergic Neurons of Medulla in ePet-EYFP Mice. Frontiers in Neural Circuits 15:657445 (三区,IF=3.5) https://doi.org/10.3389/fncir.2021.657445 Renkai Ge and Yue Dai* (2020) Three-week treadmill exercise enhances persistent inward currents, facilitates dendritic plasticity, and upregulates the excitability of dorsal raphe serotonin neurons in ePet-EYFP mice. Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience 14:575626 (二区,IF=5.5) https://doi.org/10.3389/fncel.2020.575626 Qiang Zhang and Yue Dai* (2020) A modelling study of spinal motoneuron recruitment regulated by ionic channels during fictive locomotion. Journal of Computational Neuroscience 48 (4): 409-428, 2020 (三区, IF=1.8) https://doi.org/10.1007/s10827-020-00763-4 Yi Cheng, Qiang Zhang and Yue Dai* (2020) Sequential Activation of Multiple Persistent Inward Currents Induces Staircase Currents in Serotonergic Neurons of Medulla in ePet-EYFP Mice. Journal of Neurophysiology 123:277-288, 2020 (三区, IF=3.0) Yi Cheng, Renkai Ge, Ke Chen, and Yue Dai* (2019) Modulation of NMDA-mediated intrinsic membrane properties of ascending commissural interneurons in neonatal rat spinal cord. Journal of Integrative Neuroscience 18 (2): 163-172, 2019 (四区, IF=2.1) Ke Chen, Renkai Ge, Yi Cheng, and Yue Dai* (2019) Three-week treadmill training changes the electrophysiological properties of spinal interneurons in the mice. Experimental Brain Research 237 (11), 2925-2938, 2019 (四区, IF=2.1) Renkai Ge, Ke Chen, Yi Cheng and Yue Dai* (2019) Morphological and Electrophysiological Properties of Serotonin Neurons with NMDA Modulation in the Mesencephalic Locomotor Region of Neonatal ePet-EYFP Mice. Experimental Brain Research. 237 (12), 3333-3350, 2019 (四区, IF=2.1) Yue Dai*, Yi Cheng, Brent Fedirchuk, Larry M. Jordan, and Junhao Chu (2018) Motoneuron Output Regulated by Ionic Channels: A Modelling Study of Motoneuron Frequency-Current Relationships during Fictive Locomotion. Journal of Neurophysiology 120:1840-1858, 2018 (三区, IF=3.0) 会议论文(Abstract) Yue Dai* and Yi Cheng (2019) Serotonergic Modulation of Tetrodotoxin-, Dihydropyridine-, and Riluzole-Resistant Persistent Inward Current in Serotonergic Neurons in the Medulla of ePet-EYFP Mice. The 13th Biennial Conference of Chinese Neuroscience Society (CNS 2019) P-078. Yi Cheng, Renkai Ge, Ke Chen, Qiang Zhang and Yue Dai* (2019) Multiple Components of Persistent Inward Currents with Serotonergic Modulation in Serotonergic Neurons of Medulla in ePet-EYFP Mice. The 13th Biennial Conference of Chinese Neuroscience Society (CNS 2019) P-079. Renkai Ge, Yi Cheng, Ke Chen, Qiang Zhang, Dongyan Yang and Yue Dai* (2019) Three-week treadmill training enhances persistent inward currents of raphe serotonergic neurons in ePet-EYFP mice.The 13th Biennial Conference of Chinese Neuroscience Society (CNS 2019) P-080. Ke Chen, Ge Xing, Renkai Ge, Yi Cheng, Zhang Qiang and Yue Dai* (2019) Cholinergic Modulation of Persistent Inward Currents is Mediated by Activating Muscarinic Receptors of Serotonergic Neurons in the Brainstem of ePet-EYFP Mice The 13th Biennial Conference of Chinese Neuroscience Society (CNS 2019) P-081. Qiang Zhang, Dongyan Yang, Xingyu Wang and Weihang Xu and Yue Dai* (2019)A Simulation Study of Spinal Motoneuron Recruitment Regulated By Ionic Channels. The 13th Biennial Conference of Chinese Neuroscience Society (CNS 2019) P-082. Dongyan Yang, Renkai Ge, Qiang Zhang, Xingyu Wang and Weihang Xu and Yue Dai* (2019) A Modeling Study of NMDA Modulation of Serotonergic Neurons in Mesencephalic Locomotor Region in ePet EYFP Mice. The 13th Biennial Conference of Chinese Neuroscience Society (CNS 2019) P-084. Yi Cheng, Ren-Kai Ge and Yue Dai* (2017) The mechanisms underlying the cholinergic modulation of 5-HT neurons in the brainstem of ePet-EYFP mice. The 12th Biennial Conference of Chinese Neuroscience Society (CNS 2017)P-215. Ke Chen, Yi Cheng, Nan Song, Xing Ge and Yue Dai* (2017) Effects of three weeks of-treadmill training on the electrophysiological properties of spinal interneuron in the mice. The 12th Biennial Conference of Chinese Neuroscience Society (CNS 2017)P-213. Renkai Ge, Yi Cheng, Shengkui Yang, Ke Chen, Nan Song, Xing Ge and Yue Dai* (2017) Electrophysiological and NMDA modulatory properties of neurons in the mesencephalic locomotor region of ePet-EYFP neonatal mice. The 12th Biennial Conference of Chinese Neuroscience Society (CNS 2017) P-216. Yue Dai* and Yi Cheng (2017) Motoneuron Output Regulated by Ionic Channels: A Modelling Study of Motoneuron Frequency-Current Relationships during Fictive Locomotion. The 12th Biennial Conference of Chinese Neuroscience Society (CNS 2017)P-212. Yue Dai*, Yang S, Chen K, Ge R, Cheng Y, Song N and Ge X (2016) Characterization of Serotonergic Neurons in the Medulla of ePet-EYFP Mice. Society for Neuroscience (SFN) Abs 687.10 Yue Dai*and Jordan LM (2014) Activation of muscarinic receptors underlies cholinergic modulation of serotonergic neurons in the brainstem of ePet-EYFP mice.Society for Neuroscience (SFN) Abs 507.20


1997年至今:美国神经科学学会(Society for Neuroscience )会员 2015年至今:中国神经科学学会(Chinese Neuroscience Society)会员 2018年至今:美国生理学学会(American Physiological Society)会员;Cell & Molecular Physiology Section 成员 国家自然科学基金项目评审专家 教育部学位与研究生教育评估评审专家 教育部学科评估评审专家 学术期刊特邀评审专家: Nature Reviews Journal of Neuroscience Scientific Reports Journal of Physiology Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience Neural Regeneration Research Journal of Neurophysiology 等
