2011-2015 博士,伦敦大学教育学院
2010-2011 硕士,伦敦大学教育学院
2008-2010 硕士,首都师范大学教育学院(学术型硕士,提前毕业)
2003-2007 学士,首都师范大学教育学院
2019 至今 华东师范大学教育学系
2017-2019 华东师范大学教育学部高峰博后
2016-2017 首都师范大学教育学院
2024-2025 访问学者,哈佛大学教育学院
2023 访问学者,京都大学大学院教育学研究科
2018 访问学者,香港教育大学刘銮雄慈善基金亚太领导与变革中心
2015 英国国际和比较教育协会(BAICE)2014年度学生论文奖
2012 伦敦大学教育学院与香港大学教育学院交换生全额奖学金
2011-2015 伦敦大学教育学院“世纪”博士全额奖学金
2010-2011 伦敦大学教育学院“世纪”硕士全额奖学金
游韵,余沐凌. 在“人类世”危机中构建“共同世界教育学” ——联合国教科文组织《学会与世界共同生成:为了未来生存的教育》评述[J]. 华东师范大学学报(教育科学版), 2023, 12: 46-5
游韵,梁言. 对国际教育测评项目跨文化比较性的反思——以OECD社会与情感技能研究为例[J]. 教育发展研究, 2023, 15-16: 100-110.
You, Y., and Choi, T. H. (2023). The halted neoliberalising of public schools: Policy trajectories of two ‘failed’ privatisation reforms in South Korea and China. Compare: A Journal of Comparative and International Education. DOI:10.1080/03057925.2023.2254215
You, Y., and Yang, X. (2023). Modernizing education with Chinese characteristics? The Chinese academic discourse on education modernization (1985–2021). Asian Pacific Education Review. DOI: 10.1007/s12564-023-09853-1
You, Y. (2023). Learn to become a unique interrelated person: An alternative of social-emotional learning drawing on Confucianism and Daoism. Educational Philosophy and Theory, 55(4): 519-530. (interview with FreshEd: https://freshedpodcast.com/you/, VPN needed in mainland China)
You, Y., and Nussey, C. (2023). The resurgence of ‘ignorance is women’s virtue’: Leftover women and the construct of an ‘ideal’ level of female education in China. Gender and Education, 34(8): 1058-1073.
游韵. 中国文化观照下的社会情感学习[J]. 西北师大学报(社会科学版), 2022, 59(2): 38-47.
游韵,余沐凌. “去一存多”:对PISA价值取向的审思[J]. 教育发展研究, 2021, 22: 7-16.
杨小微,游韵. 教育现代化的中国视角[J]. 教育研究, 2021, 3: 135-148.
You, Y. (2021). Run by others: School autonomy in Shanghai’s entrustment management reform. Asia Pacific Journal of Education, 41(3): 594-608.
You, Y. (2020). Learning experience: An alternative understanding inspired by thinking through Confucius. ECNU Review of Education, 3(1): 66-87.
Silova, I., Rappleye, J. and You, Y. (special issue co-guest editors, equal contribution). (2020). Beyond the western horizon in educational research: Toward a deeper dialogue about our interdependent futures (editorial). ECNU Review of Education, 3(1): 3-19.
You, Y. (2020). A ‘New Orientalism’: The English representation of East Asian education.Compare: A Journal of Comparative and International Education, 50(5): 742-763.
You, Y. (2019). The ‘round trip’ of learner-centred education: A ‘best practice’ derived from China’s New Curriculum Reform? Comparative Education, 55(1): 97-115.
Auld, E., and You, Y. (2019). Brave new world(s): Intelligent governance, smart schools, and AIEd.The Educational Intelligent Economy: Big Data, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and the Internet of Things in Education. Emerald Publishing.
You, Y. (2017). Comparing school accountability in England and its East Asian sources of ‘borrowing’.Comparative Education, 53 (2): 224-244.
You, Y., and Morris, P. (2016). Imagining school autonomy in high-performing education systems: East Asia as a source of policy referencing in England. Compare:A Journal of Comparative and International Education, 46(6): 882-905.
游韵,谭斌. 看上去很美——从“另类儿童”的小红花情结反思儿童教育[J]. 教育学报,2009,5(1): 25-32.
游韵. 共同世界教育学: 一种促进人类与万物共同生长的教育学. 上海教育, 2021, 6: 5-9.
Book review: You. Y. (2020). Education and Society in Post-Mao China by Edward Vickers and Zeng Xiaodong (Routledge, 2017). China Review International, 24(4): 339-343.
2022至今,编委,Compare: A Journal of Comparative and International Education (SSCI)
2021,评审委员,George Bereday Award,Comparative and International Education Society (CIES)