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教育经历 2010 / 09 - 2012 / 09 荷兰瓦格宁根大学环境系统分析专业,硕士 2013 / 11 - 2018 / 05 荷兰乌特勒支大学人文地理及区域经济专业,博士 工作经历 2023 / 09 - 至今 华东师范大学,地理科学学院/中国现代城市研究中心,教授/博士生导师 2023 / 01 - 08 华东师范大学,城市与区域科学学院/中国现代城市研究中心,教授(破格)/博士生导师 2018 / 10 - 2022 / 12 华东师范大学,城市与区域科学学院/中国现代城市研究中心,副教授,硕士生导师 2016 / 03 - 2017 / 04 荷兰SEO经济研究中心(SEO Amsterdam Economics)访问博士生,和航空部门主管Dr.Guillaume Burghouwt 撰写中国高铁航空竞争关系分析报告 2012 / 09 - 2013 / 09 瓦格宁根大学及研究中心(Wageningen University and Research center)议会全职议员,国际事务委员会委员,学生议会国际事务委员会主席。荷兰大学研究机构由董事会进行管理,议会进行监督(参与制订瓦格宁根大学及研究中心国际事务战略发展方向,对董事会的方案行使表决、建议权。参与完成瓦格宁根大学及研究中心与其他发展中国家的合作项目以及学生交流合作项目) 2012 / 04 - 2012 / 08 荷兰可持续发展基金会(FSD)实习:欧洲海洋生态系统评价管理项目,参与生态服务数据库的构建和经济效益分析 2011 /10 - 2012 / 02 澳大利亚联邦与工业科学组织(CSIRO)论文研究和实习:参与南澳州环境署对南莫瑞达令流域的社会、生态、经济综合评价管理 荣誉及奖励 个人荣誉奖励 2023华东师范大学研究生教育卓越育人奖(优秀研究生导师奖),2023年 上海市“浦江人才”荣誉称号,上海市人力资源与社会保障局,2019年 国际地理联盟交通地理协会优秀论文奖,2016年 指导学生荣获奖励 荣获,上海市高等学校“优秀硕士毕业生”指导教师 (学生:张钦然),2023年 荣获,华东师范大学“优秀硕士学位论文”指导教师 (学生:王潇萌),2022年 荣获,华东师范大学学生社团“优秀指导教师”(2020-2021学年),2021年


交通地理:交通大数据在城市复杂网络研究的应用中及出行行为研究 健康城市:城市建成环境和人类出行健康关系研究


查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

期刊论文(*通讯作者) Yang, H., Du, D.*, Wang, J.*, Wang, X., Zhang, F. Reshaping China’s urban networks and their determinants: High-speed rail vs. air networks[J]. Transport Policy, 2023,143:83–92. (SSCI) Cui, X., Wen, J., Yang, H.*, Marco, H., Martin, D., Hannah, R., Tian, S. Pathways from street network design to symptoms of depression among emerging adults in China[J]. Travel Behaviour and Society 33 (2023) 100644 (SSCI) Liu, J., Yang, H.*, Income allocation and distribution along with high-speed rail development in China[J]. Transportation Research Part A 175 (2023) 103767. (SSCI) Yang, H., Jing, W*., Lu, Y*., Peng, Q., A quasi-experimental study on the impact of park accessibility on the mental health of undergraduate students[J]. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening 2023(86):127979. (SSCI) Yin, C., Helbich M., Yang, H.*, Sun B. Pathways from the campus-based built environment to obesity: Evidence from undergraduates in China[J]. Cities 137 (2023) (SSCI) Du, Y., Jiang, H*., Huang, Z., Yang, H.* Associations between neighborhood environment and sense of community belonging in urban China: Examining mediation effects of neighborly interactions and community satisfaction[J]. January 2023, Front. Public Health 10:1105473 (SSCI) Li,Y., Geertman S., Hooimeijer P., Lin Y., Yang H.*, Yang L., Interaction effects of socioeconomic factors on long-distance commuting after disentangling residential self-selection: An empirical study in Xiamen, China[J]. Journal of Transport Geography, 2022,105 (SSCI) Zhang, Q., Yang, H.*, Geovisualizing the changes in metro passenger flows of Kunming under the impact of COVID-19[J]. Journal of Transport Geography, 2022,104 103420 (SSCI) Wang J., Hang J., Yang H.*, Levinson D., Resilience and recovery of public transport use during COVID-19[J]. NPJ Urban Sustainability 2, 18 (2022). (Nature系列刊物) Yang, H., Cui, X.*, Dijst, M., Tian, S., Chen, J. and Huang, J. Association Between Natural/Built Campus Environment and Depression Among Chinese Undergraduates: Multiscale Evidence for the Moderating Role of Socioeconomic Factors After Controlling for Residential Self-Selection[J]. April 2022, Front. Public Health 10:844541. (SSCI) Yang, H., Zhang, Q., Helbich, M., Lu, Y., He, D.*, Ettema, D. Examining non-linear associations between built environments around workplace and adults’ walking behaviour in Shanghai, China[J]. Transportation Research Part A 155 (2022) 234–246. (SSCI) ESI高被引论文 Yang, H., Wang, C., You, Y*. The Spatial Structure Evolution of China's High‑Speed Rail Network and Its Impacts on Real Estate Investment[J]. Applied Spatial Analysis and Policy,2021,14(1) (SSCI) Li Y., Geertman, S., Hooimeijer, P., Lin, Y., Yang, H.* Do migrants and locals differ in commuting behavior? A case study of Xiamen, China[J]. Transport Policy, 2021,108:1-10. (SSCI) Yang, H., He, D.*, Lu, Y.*, Ren, C., Huang, X. Disentangling residential self-selection from the influence of built environment characteristics on adiposity outcomes among undergraduate students in China[J]. Cities, 2021,113(4). (SSCI) Yang, Y., Lu, Y., Yang, H.*, Yang, L., & Gou, Z. Impact of the quality and quantity of eye-level greenery on park usage[J]. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, 2021(6):127061. (SSCI) Yang, J., Yang, H.*, Xu A. and He L. A Review of Advancement on Influencing Factors of Acne: An Emphasis on Environment Characteristics[J]. September 2020, Frontiers in Public Health 8:450 (SSCI) Yang, H.*, You Y., A Review for the Classification of Urban Systems[J]. 中国城市研究 Vol.13,2019.11:56-65. Yang, H.*, Dijst, M., Feng, J., Ettema, D. Mode choice in access and egress stages of high-speed railway travelers in China[J]. Journal of Transport and Land Use, 2019,12(1),701-721. (SSCI) Yang, H.*, Dijst, M., Witte, P., Ginkel, H. V., Wang J. Comparing passenger flow and time schedule data to analyse High-Speed Railways and urban networks in China[J]. Urban Studies, 2019, 56(6):1267-1287. (SSCI) Wang, J., Yang, H.*, Wang H. The Evolution of China's International Aviation Markets from a Policy Perspective on Air Passenger Flows[J]. Sustainability, 2019, 11(13):3566. (SSCI) Yang, H.*, Martin, D., Patrick, W., Hans, V. G. , & Yang, W. The Spatial Structure of High Speed Railways and Urban Networks in China: A Flow Approach[J]. Tijdschrift voor economische en sociale geografie, 2018,109,109-128. (SSCI) Yang, H., Burghouwt, G., Wang, J.*, Boonekamp, T., Dijst, M. The implications of high-speed railways on air passenger flows in China[J]. Applied Geography, 2018, 97:1-9. (SSCI) Yang, H., Dobruszkes, F., Wang, J.*, Dijst, M., & Witte, P. Comparing China's urban systems in high-speed railway and airline networks[J]. Journal of Transport Geography, 2018, 68:233-244. (SSCI) ESI高被引论文 游悠洋,杨浩然*,高铁与民航网络对房地产投资影响的对比研究[J].地理科学,2023,43(11):1965-1972.(CSSCI) 杨浩然,王潇萌*,张钦然,张凡,王姣娥.基于航空和高铁流的中国城市网络格局及演化[J].地理科学,2022,42(03):436-445.(CSSCI) 熊美成,黄洁,王姣娥*,杨浩然.活动空间视角下的老年群体地铁出行时空特征——以昆明市为例[J].热带地理,2022,42(12):2052-2062 游悠洋,杨浩然*.中国高铁开通地级市的房地产投资空间格局分析[J].世界地理研究,2021,30(05):1073-1082.(CSSCI) 游悠洋,杨浩然*,王姣娥.“高铁流”视角下的中国城市网络层级结构演变研究[J].世界地理研究,2020,29(04):773-780. (CSSCI) 王姣娥,杜德林,魏冶,杨浩然.新冠肺炎疫情的空间扩散过程与模式研究[J].地理研究,2020,39(07):1450-1462. (CSSCI) 王姣娥,景悦,杨浩然.中国高铁-民航竞争网络的空间演化模式及影响因素[J].地理科学,2020,40(05):675-684. (CSSCI) 王姣娥,景悦,杨浩然.高速铁路对国内民航旅客运输的替代效应测度[J].自然资源学报,2019,34(09):1933-1944. (CSSCI) 专著/书籍 Yang, H. High-speed railway and urban networks in China, 2018, ISBN:978-94-028-0998-5, Utrecht University, Utrecht. Yang, H. and Li, Y. Complex Network Theory on High-Speed Transportation Systems. In X. Ye and H. Lin (eds.). December 2020, Spatial Synthesis, Human Dynamics in Smart Cities,147-162, Springer Nature Switzerland AG 研究或咨询报告 红军长征红色资源的挖掘保护与开发利用建议,决策参考,2023.3,第三 高质量发展要求下高铁—航空网络发展对策及建议,决策参考,2023.3,第一 深入推进健康云南建设-加快完善环境健康促进体系的建议,决策参考,2023.1,第一


专业学术协会成员 世界航空运输学会中国分会委员 (ATRS Air Trasnprot Research Soceity China Chapter) 华东师范大学联络人 专业学术期刊审稿人 Urban Studies, Cities, Computer Environment and Urban System, Research in International Business and Finance, Transportation Research Part A/D/E,Journal of Transport Geography,Journal of Transport and Landuse, Applied Spatial Analysis and Policy,Air Transport Management,Asian Geographer,Built Environment, Frontier in Sustainable Cities,Frontier in Environmental Sciences, Frontier in Public Health, BMJ Public Health, Journal of Geographical Sciences,Regional Sustainability,Travel behavior and Society,Socio-Economic Planning Sciences, 世界地理研究,地理学报,地理科学,地理研究,地理科学进展,地球信息科学
