Chen, J., Zhao, F.*, Zeng, N. and Oda, T., 2020: Comparing a global high-resolution downscaled fossil fuel CO2 emission dataset to local inventory-based estimates over 14 global cities. Carbon Balance and Management, 15(9), 1-15.
Do, H. X.*, Zhao, F.*, Westra, S., and coauthors, 2020: Historical and future changes in global flood magnitude – evidence from a model – observation investigation. Hydrological and Earth System Sciences, 24, 1543–1564.
Zhao, F.*, T.I.E. Veldkamp, K. Frieler and coauthors, 2017: The critical role of the routing scheme in simulating peak river discharge in global hydrological model. Environmental Research Letters, 12: 075003.
Zhao, F.*, Zeng, N., Asrar, G.R., and coauthors, 2016: Role of CO2, climate and land use in regulating seasonal amplitude increase of carbon fluxes in terrestrial ecosystems: a multimodel analysis. Biogeosciences, 13: 5121–5137.
Zeng, N.*, Zhao, F., Collatz, G.J., Kalnay, E., Salawitch, R.J., West, T.O., and Guanter, L., 2014: Agricultural Green Revolution as a driver of increasing atmospheric CO2 seasonal amplitude. Nature, 515: 394–397.
Zhao, F. and N Zeng*, 2014: Continued increase in atmospheric CO2 seasonal amplitude in the 21st century projected by the CMIP5 Earth system models. Earth System Dynamics, 5, 423–439.
Zhao, F. and J.M. Shepherd*, 2012: Precipitation changes near Three Gorges Dam, China-part I: A spatio-temporal validation analysis. Journal of Hydrometeorology 13: 735-745.
Zhao, F., Deng, H., Zhao, X.Y.*, 2010: Rainfall regime in Three Gorges area in China and the control factors. International Journal of Climatology 30: 1396-1406.
Zhou, S., Chen, T., Zeng, N., Cai, Q., Zhao, F., Han, P., & Yan, Q,2022. The Impact of Cropland Abandonment of Post-Soviet Countries on the Terrestrial Carbon Cycle Based on Optimizing the Cropland Distribution Map. Biology, 11(5), 620.
Grant, L., Vanderkelen, I., Gudmundsson, L., and coauthors including Zhao, F., 2021. Attribution of global lake systems change to anthropogenic forcing. Nature Geoscience, 14(11), 849–854.
Thiery, B. W., Lange, S., Rogelj, J and coauthors including Zhao, F., 2021. Intergenerational inequities in exposure to climate extremes. Science.
Gudmundsson, L., Boulange, J., Do, H. X., and coauthors including Zhao, F., 2021. Globally observed trends in mean and extreme river flow attributed to climate change. Science, 371(6534), 1159–1162.
Pokhrel, Y., Felfelani, F., Satoh, Y., and coauthors including Zhao, F., 2021. Global terrestrial water storage and drought severity under climate change. Nature Climate Change, 11(3), 226–233.
Telteu, C.-E., Müller Schmied, H., Thiery, W., Leng, G., Burek, P., Liu, X., et al. (2021). Understanding each other’s models: an introduction and a standard representation of 16 global water models to support intercomparison, improvement, and communication. Geoscientific Model Development, 14(6), 3843–3878.
Jia, B., Cai, X., Zhao, F., and coauthors, 2020: Potential future changes of terrestrial water storage based on climate projections by ensemble model simulations. Advances in Water Resources, 103635.
Pan, S., Yang, J., Tian, H., and coauthors including Zhao, F., 2020: Climate Extreme Versus Carbon Extreme: Responses of Terrestrial Carbon Fluxes to Temperature and Precipitation. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 125(4).
Schewe, J.*, Gosling, S. N., Reyer, C., Zhao, F. and coauthors, 2019: State-of-the-art global models underestimate impacts from climate extremes. Nature Communications, 10(1), 1005.
Dottori, F.*, Szewczyk, W., Ciscar, J. C., Zhao, F., and coauthors, 2018: Increased human and economic losses from river flooding with anthropogenic warming. Nature Climate Change, 8 781–786.
Willner, S., Levermann, A.*, Zhao, F. and Frieler, K., 2018: Adaptation required to preserve future high-end river flood risk at present levels. Science Advances, 4(1): eaao1914.
Veldkamp, T.I.E.*, Zhao, F., P.J. Ward, and coauthors, 2017: Human impact parameterization in global hydrological models improves estimates of monthly discharges and hydrological extremes: a multi-model validation study. Environmental Research Letters, 13: 055008.
Frieler, K.*, Betts, R., Burke, E., and coauthors including Zhao, F., 2017: Assessing the impacts of 1.5°C global warming – simulation protocol of the Inter-Sectoral Impact Model Intercomparison Project (ISIMIP2b). Geoscientific Model Development, 10: 4321-4345.
Han, P.*, Zeng, N.*, Zhao, F., and Lin., X., 2017: Estimating global cropland production from 1961 to 2010. Earth System Dynamics, 8(3): 875-887.
Chen, M*, Rafique, R., Asrar, G.R., and coauthors including Zhao, F., 2017: Regional contribution to variability and trends of global gross primary productivity. Environmental Research Letters, 12 105005
Huntzinger, D.N.*, Michalak, A.M., Schwalm, C., and coauthors including Zhao, F., 2017: Uncertainty in the response of terrestrial carbon sink to environmental drivers undermines carbon-climate feedback predictions. Scientific Reports 7: 4765.
Chang, J*., Ciais, P., Wang, X., and coauthors including Zhao, F., 2017: Benchmarking carbon fluxes of the ISIMIP2a biome models. Environmental Research Letters, 12: 045002.
Ito,A.*, Nishina, K., Reyer, C., and co-authors including Zhao, F., 2017: Photosynthetic productivity and its efficiencies in ISIMIP2a biome models: benchmarking for impact assessment studies Photosynthetic productivity and its efficiencies in ISIMIP2a biome models: benchmarking for impact assessment studies. Environmental Research Letters, 12: 085001.
Rafique, R.*, Zhao, F., de Jong, R., Zeng, N. and Asrar, G.R., 2016: Global and Regional Variability and Change in Terrestrial Ecosystems Net Primary Production and NDVI: A Model-Data Comparison. Remote Sensing, 8(3), 177.
Li, Y. *, Zhao, M., Mildrexler, D. J., and coauthors including Zhao, F., 2016: Potential and Actual impacts of deforestation and afforestation on land surface temperature. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 2016JD024969.
Ito, A.*, and coauthors including Zhao, F., 2016: Decadal trends in the seasonal-cycle amplitude of terrestrial CO2 exchange resulting from the ensemble of terrestrial biosphere models. Tellus B, 68(1), 1–20.
Peng, S.*, Ciais, P., Chevallier, F., and coauthors including Zhao, F., 2015: Benchmarking the seasonal cycle of CO2 fluxes simulated by terrestrial ecosystem models. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 29(1), 47-64.
Mao, J.*, Fu, W., Shi, X., and coauthors including Zhao, F., 2015: Disentangling climatic and anthropogenic controls on global terrestrial evapotranspiration trends. Environmental Research Letters, 10(9), 094008.
Yang, H. *, Zeng, Z., Ciais, P., and coauthors including Zhao, F., 2015:Multi-criteria evaluation of discharge simulation in Dynamic Global Vegetation Models.Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 2: 7488-7505.
Huntzinger, D.N. *, Schwalm, C., Michalak, A.M., and coauthors including Zhao, F., 2013: The North American Carbon Program Multi-scale synthesis and Terrestrial Model Intercomparison Project: Part I - Overview and experimental design. Journal of Geoscientific Model Development6: 2121-2133.
Eby, M. *, Weaver, A.J., Alexander, K., and coauthors including Zhao, F., 2013: Historical and idealized climate model experiments: an EMIC intercomparison. Climate of the Past 9: 1111-1140.
Zickfeld, K. *, Eby, M., Weaver, A.J., and coauthors including Zhao, F., 2013: Long-term Climate Change Commitment and Reversibility: An EMIC Intercomparison. Journal of Climate 26: 5782-5809.
Deng, H., Zhao, F., and Zhao, X.Y.*, 2012: Changes of extreme temperature events in Three Gorges Area, China. Environmental Earth Science 66: 1783-1790.
Grundstein, A.*, Ramseyer, C., Zhao, F., and coauthors, 2011: A retrospective analysis of American football hyperthermia deaths in the United States. International Journal of Biometeorology 56: 11-20.