1. Tijun Fan, Yang Song, Huan Cao, Haiyang Xia *. Optimal Eco-Labeling Strategy with Imperfectly Informed Consumers[J]. Industrial Management & Data Systems, 2018. DOI(10.1108/IMDS-06-2018-0256). (Accepted)
2. Ya Yang, Huihui Chi, Ou Tang, Wei Zhou, Tijun Fan*. Cross perishable effect on optimal inventory preservation control. European Journal of Operational Research,2019, 276(3): 998-1012.
3. Xiangyun Chang, Jie Wu, Tian Li, Tijun Fan. The joint tax-subsidy mechanism incorporating extended producer responsibility in a manufacturing-recycling system. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2019, 210: 821-836.
4. Feng Tao, Tijun Fan, Yaoyu Wang, Kin Keung Lai. Joint pricing and inventory strategies in a supply chain subject to inventory inaccuracy. International Journal of Production Research, 2019, 57(9): 2695-271
5. Fangzheng Cheng, Qi Xu, Tijun Fan. Inventory Optimization Model Considering Consumers Shift and Inventory Transshipment in Dual-channel Supply Chain[J]. RAIRO - Operations Research, 2019, 53(1): 59-79.
6. Haiyang Xia, Tijun Fan and Xiangyun Chang*. Emission Reduction Technology Licensing and Diffusion Under Command-and-Control Regulation. Environmental and Resource Economics. 2019,72(2):477-500.
7. Fangzheng Cheng, Tian Li, Yiming Wei, Tijun Fan*. The VEC-NAR model for short-term forecasting of oil prices. Energy Economics, 2019,78: 656-667.
8. Feng Tao, Tijun Fan, Xuefeng Jia, Kin Keung Lai. Optimal production strategy for a manufacturing and remanufacturing system with return policy. Operational Research-An International Journal, 2019, DOI(10.1007/s12351-019-00450-y)
9. Lihao Zhang, Tian Li*, Tijun Fan. Radio-frequency Identification (RFID) adoption with inventory misplacement under retail competition [J]. European Journal of Operational Research, 2018, 270(3):1028-1043.
10. Feng Tao*, Tijun Fan and Kin Keung Lai. Inventory management under power structures with consignment contract subject to inventory inaccuracy[J]. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 2018,1-11, DIO(10.1109/TEM. 2018.2850003)
11. Lihao Zhang, Tian Li*, Tijun Fan. Profitable RFID strategies under wholesale and buy-back contracts [J]. International Journal of Production Research, 2018, 56(15):5188-5205.
12. Fangzheng Cheng, Tijun Fan, Dandan Fan, Shanling Li*. The prediction of oil price turning points with log-periodic power law and multi-population genetic algorithm. Energy Economics, 2018,72:341-355
13. Feng Tao, Kinkeung Lai, Yao-Yu Wang, Tijun Fan. Determinant on RFID technology investment for dominant retailer subject to inventory misplacement. International Transactions in Operations Research. 2018,(2):1–22.
14. Feng Tao, Tijun Fan and Kin Keung Lai, Lin Li. Impact of RFID technology on inventory control policy. Journal of the Operational Research Society, 2017,68(2): 207-220.
15. Qi Zheng, Petros Ieromonachou, Tijun Fan, Li Zhou*. Supply Chain Contracting Coordination for Fresh Products with Fresh-Keeping Effort. Industrial Management & Data Systems, 2017,117(3):538-559. 16. Debao Dai*, Wenfang Zheng, Tijun Fan. Function evaluation and performance test of popular personal cloud storage products in China. Industrial Management & Data Systems, 2017,117(1):131-148.
17. Huan Cao, Tian Li, Shuxia Li, Tijun Fan*. An integrated emergency response model for toxic gas release accidents based on cellular automata. Annals of Operations Research, 2017, 255(1), 617-638
18. Feng Tao*, Tijun Fan and Kin Keung Lai. Optimal inventory control policy and supply chain coordination problem with carbon footprint constraints. International Transactions in Operations Research. 2018, 25(6):1831-1853.
19. Tijun Fan*, Feng Tao, Sheng Deng, Shuxia Li. Impact of RFID technology on supply chain decisions with inventory inaccuracies. International Journal of Productions Economics, 2015,159 :117–125.
20. Tijun Fan, Wen-Chyuan Chiang*. Modeling urban hazmat transportation with road closure consideration. Transportation Research (Part D). 2015, 35: 104–115
21. Tijun Fan*, Ruiling Luo, Haiyang Xia, Xiaopeng Li. Using LMDI method to analyze the influencing factors of carbon emissions in China’s petrochemical industries. Natural Hazards, 2015,75(2):319-332.
22. Ti-jun Fan*, Xiangyun Chang et al.. Benefits of RFID Technology for Reducing Inventory Shrinkage. International Journal of Productions Economics, 2014,147: 659–665.
23. Li-Hao Zhang*, Ti-Jun Fan, Wen-Chyuan Chiang, and Feng Tao. Misplaced Inventory and Lead-Time in the Supply Chain: Analysis of Decision-Making on RFID Investment with Service Level. Journal of Applied Mathematics, 2014,135284.
24. Wei Yu, Zhaohui Liu*, Leiyang Wang, Tijun Fan. Routing Open Shop and Flow Shop Scheduling Problems, European Journal of Operational Research. 2011,23,(8):24-36 25. Yifan Wu, Ming Dong*, Tijun Fan, Shaoxuan Liu. Performance evaluation of supply chain networks with assembly structure under system disruptions. Computers & Operations Research. 2012 ,(39) :3229–3243. 26. Shuxia Li, Liping Liu*, Tijun Fan, Huan Cao. Environmental diffusion analysis and consequence prediction of liquefied ammonia leakage accident. Journal of Applied Sciences,2013,13(12): 2131-2138
27. Shuxia Li, Liping Liu*, Tijun Fan, Huan Cao. Environmental risk analysis of liquefied ammonia leakage accident based on ALOHA. Energy Education Science and Technology Part A: Energy Science and Research, 2012,30(1): 1013-1020.
28. Shuxia Li, Liping Liu*, Tijun Fan. Dynamic environmental risk assessment of hazardous chemicals accidents. Advances in Information Sciences and Service Sciences, 2012,4(19):345-354.
29. 唐跃武,范体军, 刘莎. 考虑策略性消费者的生鲜农产品定价和库存决策. 中国管理科学,2018, 26(11): 105-113.
30. 郑琪, 范体军. 考虑风险偏好的生鲜农产品供应链激励契约设计. 管理工程学报,2018, 32(2):171-178.
31. 戴德宝,范体军,安琪. 西部地区物流综合评价与协调发展研究. 中国软科学,2018,(1):90-99.
32. 曹欢,范体军,刘丽萍. 基于CVaR的危险品公铁联运路径选择研究. 运筹与管理,2017,(6):41-48.
33. 张李浩,范体军,刘斌. 基于库存错放的供应链RFID投资均衡策略. 系统工程理论与实践,2017,(12):3079-3087.
34. 曹欢,范体军,李淑霞. 基于CA的有毒气体泄漏事故风险动态评估. 系统工程理论与实践,2016,(1):253-262.
35. 杨亚,范体军,张磊. 新鲜度信息不对称下生鲜农产品供应链协调. 中国管理科学,2016,24(9):147-155.
36. 楼高翔,张洁琼,范体军,周炜星. 非对称信息下供应链减排投资策略及激励机制. 管理科学学报,2016,19(2):42-52.
37. 楼高翔,周可,周虹,范体军. 面向随机需求的绿色再制造综合生产计划. 系统管理学报,2016(1):156-164.
38. 戴德宝,范体军,刘小涛. 互联网技术发展与当前中国经济发展互动效能分析. 中国软科学,2016,(8):184-192.
39. 陶峰,范体军, 李琳. 基于RFID的竞争型供应链投资决策研究. 工业工程与管理,2016, 21(1): 89-95.
40. 张李浩,范体军,杨惠霄. 基于RFID技术的供应链投资决策及协调策略研究. 中国管理科学,2015,23(8):112-121.
41. 李琳,范体军.基于RFID技术的供应链投资决策及协调策略研究. 中国管理科学,2015,23(12):100-109. 42. 戴德宝, 刘西洋, 范体军. “互联网+”时代网络个性化推荐采纳意愿影响因素研究. 中国软科学,2015,(8):163-172.
43. 骆瑞玲,范体军,李淑霞,李小鹏. 我国石化行业碳排放权分配研究. 中国软科学,2014,(2):171-178.
44. 张李浩,范体军. 供应链企业投资RFID技术的成本分摊研究. 中国管理科学,2014,22 (4):25-35.
45. 李琳,范体军. 基于RFID 技术应用的鲜活农产品供应链决策研究[J].系统工程理论与实践,2014,(4):836-844.
46. 张李浩,范体军, 李琳.基于无线射频技术的供应链收益分析及协调策略. 系统管理学报, 2014, 23(1):83-90.
47. 范体军,张李浩,吴锋,杨惠霄.RFID技术压缩提前期对供应链收益的影响与协调.中国管理科学,2013,21(2):114-122.
48. 范体军,骆瑞玲,张丽丽,常香云. 我国化学工业二氧化碳排放影响因素研究. 中国软科学,2013,(3):166-174.
49. 范体军,张丽,李琳,徐燕翼. 基于RFID技术的零售型供应链投资决策研究. 管理学报,2013,10(8):1-8.
50. 范体军,杨鉴,骆瑞玲.碳排放交易机制下减排技术投资的生产库存[J].北京理工大学学报(社会科学版),2012,(6):14~21.
51. 张李浩,胡继灵,范体军,杨惠霄. 基于临界价格的易变质产品生产企业RFID技术投资决策[J].中国管理科学;2012,(2):146-153.
52. 夏海洋,黄培清,范体军,楼高翔.考虑订购费用压缩下含瑕疵品的订货批量模型.系统工程学报,2012,27(4):520-526.
53. 李琳,范体军. 不确定环境下两阶段供应链的期权式契约协调. 系统工程学报,2012,27(6):812-822.
54. 楼高翔,周虹,范体军. 考虑外包和生产能力约束的制造/再制造混合批量决策. 系统管理学报,2011,20(5): 549-555
55. 范体军, 楼高翔, 常香云. 基于绿色再制造废旧产品回收外包决策分析. 管理科学学报,2011,14(8):8-16.
56. 范体军, 张莉莉. 我国海外石油开发利用国家风险评估. 管理学报, 2011,8(6):943-948.
57. 范体军,常香云,陈荣秋. 大型废旧产品回收网络的数学模型与算法研究. 管理科学学报,2009, 12(4):82-90.
58. 匡奕军,范体军,李宏余. 基于多属性决策的动态外包信息服务商选择. 系统工程理论与实践,2009,29(7):77-85
59. 范体军,胡继灵,常香云,胡清淮. 连锁经营物流配送系统的动态分析模型研究. 中国管理科学,2007,15(2):47-52.
60. 范体军,李宏余. 磷化工企业计划模型及其算法研究. 系统工程学报,2007, 22(2):113-121.
61. 范体军,李宏余,陈荣秋. 磷化工企业生产分销计划的数学模型及其应用, 系统工程理论方法与应用,2006.15(6):481-489.
62. 范体军,李宏余. 业务外包策略的二维度模型研究. 管理评论,2007,11.
63. 范体军,许淑君,李宏余,刘建香. 设备维护外包策略及其对维护计划组织的影响分析,工业工程与管理,2006,11,(3):15-18.
64. 范体军,李宏余. 企业业务是否外包?怎样外包?经济管理,2006,(7):30-34