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【讲授课程】 研究生:《论文写作》 本科生:《公共管理研究方法》、《专业英语》、《论文写作》 【简历/背景】 2018.01-至今,华东理工大学社会与公共管理学院,讲师、硕导 2013.10-2017.11,柏林洪堡大学农业经济系合作经济组,博士 2011.10-2013.10,柏林洪堡大学农业经济系资源经济组,交流学习 2008.09-2017.11,南京农业大学土地资源管理系,硕博连读 2004.09-2008.06,宁波大学城市科学系,学士 【科研项目】 上海市“浦江人才”计划项目:基于经济实验的特大城市业主租房歧视的测度及其治理研究,2019,主持; 中央高校基本科研业务费项目:农户能源消费转变:驱动机理、绩效评价与政策设计,2019,主持; 教育部人文社科青年项目:农民合作组织中的“精英俘获”与管控研究,2018,主持; 【工作论文】 Ethnic discrimination in the housing markets (in progress) Regional discrimination in the housing markets (in progress) 【参与会议】 2020, 25th Annual Conference of the European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists, Berlin (online), Germany. 2019, “Ecological Economics and Ecological Civilization” International Forum, Peking University, Beijing, China. 2018,自然资源治理:全球化战略与体系创新暨第四届CWINS国际研讨会,浙江大学,中国杭州. 2017, The International Conference of the International Geographical Union Commission on Agricultural Geography and Land Engineering, Yulin City, Shanxi Province, China. 2017, The International Association for the Study of the Commons Conference, Utrecth University, Utrecth, the Netherland. 2016, IAMO Forum: Rural Labor in Transition - Structural Change, Migration and Governance, IAMO, Halle (Saale), Germany. 2011,“经济发展方式转变与国土资源管理创新”学术研讨会,南京农业大学,中国南京. 【获奖信息】 2019,入选上海市“浦江人才”计划 2018,入选华东理工大学首批“青年英才”培育计划 2018,柏林洪堡大学农业经济系2017年度最佳博士论文 2014,国家留学基金委奖学金 2011,欧盟Erasmus Mundus留学奖学金 2010,中国不动产学会学术年会优秀论文三等奖 欢迎具有经济学、管理学或地理学等学科背景并有志于学术研究的学生报考本人的研究生。




查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

Liu, Z., Yu, L. 2020. Stay or leave? The role of air pollution in urban migration choices. Ecological Economics. (forthcoming) Liu, Z., Li, J., Rommel, J., Feng, S., 2020. Health impacts of cooking fuel choice in rural China. Energy Economics. (forthcoming) Dohmwirth, C., Liu, Z.*, 2020. Does cooperative membership matter for women’s empowerment? Evidence from south Indian dairy producers[J]. Journal of Development Effectiveness. (forthcoming) Liu, Z., Zhang, L., Rommel, J., Feng, S., 2020. Do land markets improve land-use efficiency? evidence from Jiangsu, China. Applied Economics 52, 317-330. Lin, J., Zhang, Z., Liu, Z.*, Rommel, J., 2020. The impact of cooperatives’ transportation services on farm income: Evidence from tobacco farmers in Guizhou, China. Agribusiness 36, 146-158. Lu, N., Feng, S.*, Liu, Z.*, Wang, W., Lu, H., Wang, M., 2020. The determinants of carbon emissions in the Chinese construction industry: A spatial analysis. Sustainability 12, 1428. Liu, Z., Feng, S., 2019. Linking political attitude and pro-environmental behaviors in China. Applied Economics Letters. (forthcoming) Liu, Z., Rommel, J., Feng, S., 2018. Does it pay to participate in decision-making? Survey evidence on land co-management in Jiangsu Province, China. Ecological Economics 143, 199-209. Liu, Z., Rommel, J., Feng, S., Hanisch, M., 2017. Can land transfer through land cooperatives foster off-farm employment in China? China Economic Review 45, 35-44. Liu, Z., Müller, M., Rommel, J., Feng, S., 2016. Community-based agricultural land consolidation and local elites: Survey evidence from China. Journal of Rural Studies 47, 449-458. 刘子铭, 李佳. 农户清洁能源采纳能降低中老年人的医疗消费吗?——基于2015年CHARLS数据的实证分析[J]. 生态经济, 2020, 36(4): 156-162. 冯淑怡, 陆华良, 王博, 赖映圻, 吕沛璐, 李芳, 肖泽干, 张兰, 任广铖, 王钥, 刘子铭, 潘长胜, 纪漫云, 黄挺, 穆亚丽, 2015. 江苏农业农村经营发展报告2014. 科学出版社. 郭晓丽, 冯淑怡, 吕沛璐, 刘子铭. 建设用地节约集约利用的制度创新和理论解释——以广东省佛山市 “三旧” 改造为例[J]. 资源科学, 2014, 36(8): 1554-1562. 唐焱, 刘子铭, 李放, 张子婴. 苏南地区农民土地承包经营权置换城镇保障的意愿研究——基于无锡市惠山区的农户调查[J]. 华中农业大学学报(社会科学版), 2012, (5): 75-81.


柏林洪堡大学合作经济研究所兼职研究员; 欧洲环境和资源经济学家学会会员; World Development、China Economic Review、Land Use Policy、Journal of Rural Studies等期刊匿名审稿人。
