1) 2013.08-2016.08,新加坡南洋理工大学,环境工程,博士,导师:Prof. Victor W.-C. Chang,Prof. Wang Rong
2) 2007.09-2011.06,河海大学,给排水工程,学士
3) 2014.05-2014.08,德国图宾根大学,访问学生,导师:Prof. Christian Zwiener
1) 2018.04-至今,华东理工大学,资源与环境工程学院,讲师,硕士生导师
2) 2012.11-2013.08,新加坡南洋理工大学,研究助理
1) 上海市自然科学基金,膜法去除泳池水中高浓度高毒性污染物的基质效应及损伤机理研究,2019/07-2022/06,主持。
2) 上海市环境与生态IV类高峰学科, 工业污水氮素污染控制及回收利用,2018/03-2021/03,参与。
3) 水体污染控制与治理科技重大专项,金泽水源地养殖业抗生素和激素类新型污染物防控关键技术研究与示范(2017ZX07207002-02),2017/01-2020/12,参与。
4) 新加坡国家研究基金会,可持续城市垃圾管理(子课题:生活污废水处理系统研究及资源回收)(NRF-CRP5-2009-02),2010-2015,参与。
5) 新加坡裕廊镇管理局,裕廊岛植物景观植被修复研究(JTC C05202013),2013-2015,参与。
6) 新加坡德国联合研究项目,水循环中的有机污染物专题讨论会议,(SGP-PROG2-023),2013,参与。
1) 2013-2017年,新加坡政府授予“全额博士奖学金”
2) 2014年,德国政府授予“Baden-Württemberg Stipendium奖学金”
3) 2018,2019年,华东理工大学资源与环境工程学院青年教师授课大赛二等奖
1) 膜法水处理技术
2) 微污染物(消毒副产物、抗生素等)形成机理及减量化
3) 生活及工业污废水处理技术
1) Yang, L., Schmalz, C., Zhou, J., Zwiener, C., Chang, V.W.C., Ge, L., Wan, M.P., 2016. An insight of disinfection by-product (DBP) formation by alternative disinfectants for swimming pool disinfection under tropical conditions. Water Research 101, 535-546.
2) Yang, L., She, Q., Wan, M.P., Wang, R., Chang, V.W.C., Tang, C.Y., 2017. Removal of haloacetic acids from swimming pool water by reverse osmosis and nanofiltration. Water Research 116, 116-125.
3) Yang, L., Zhou, J., She, Q., Wan, M.P., Wang, R., Chang, V.W.C., Tang, C.Y., 2017. Role of calcium ions on the removal of haloacetic acids from swimming pool water by nanofiltration: mechanisms and implications. Water Research 110, 332-341.
4) Yang, L., Chen, X., She, Q., Cao, G., Liu, Y., Chang, V.W.C., Tang, C.Y., 2018. Regulation, formation, exposure, and treatment of disinfection by-products (DBPs) in swimming pool waters: a critical review. Environment international 121, 1039-1057.
5) Yang, L., X. Liang, Y. Han, Y. Cai, H. Zhao, M. Sheng, and G. Cao. 2019. The coupling use of advanced oxidation processes and sequencing batch reactor to reduce nitrification inhibition of industry wastewater: Characterization and optimization. Chemical Engineering Journal 360:1577-1586.
6) Yang, L., M. Sheng, Y. Li, W. Xue, K. Li, and G. Cao. 2020. A hybrid process of Fe-based catalytic ozonation and biodegradation for the treatment of industrial wastewater reverse osmosis concentrate. Chemosphere 238:124639.
7) Yang, L., M. Sheng, H. Zhao, M. Qian, X. Chen, Y. Zhuo, and G. Cao. 2019. Treatment of triethyl phosphate wastewater by Fenton oxidation and aerobic biodegradation. Science of the Total Environment 678:821-829.
8) Yang, L., Giannis, A., Chang, V.W.C., Liu, B., Zhang, J., Wang, J.-Y., 2015. Application of hydroponic systems for the treatment of source-separated human urine. Ecological Engineering 81 (0), 182-191.
9) Chen, X., Yang, L., Sun J., Dai X., and Ni B.-J.. 2019. Modelling of simultaneous nitrogen and thiocyanate removal through coupling thiocyanate-based denitrification with anaerobic ammonium oxidation. Environmental Pollution 253:974-980.
10) Zhou, J., Fang, W., Cao, Q., Yang, L., Chang, V.W.C.*, Nazaroff, W.W., 2017. Influence of moisturizer and relative humidity on human emissions of fluorescent biological aerosol particles. Indoor Air 27 (3), 587-598.
11) 韩跃飞,蔡宇,盛梅,杨林燕,曹国民.催化剂可循环使用的CWPO工艺处理高盐废水[J].工业水处理,2019,39(07):77-80.