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男,先后入选中科协“青年人才托举工程(2018-2020)”、上海市“晨光计划(2018)”和“华东理工大学青年英才培育计划(A类)”,获首届“中国复合材料优秀博士学位论文(2016,全国仅5篇)”。入选人才项目分别被华东理工大大学、哈尔滨工程大学及工信部主页报道。是中国复合材料学会青年工作委员会委员、中国力学学会、美国SAMPE学会会员。目前,主持或完成国家自然科学基金青年科学基金、国家重点研发计划子任务等项目十余项。 研究工作围绕特种设备智能化及其安全问题开展,重点研究复杂环境下材料/设备的安全评价、安全监测理论基础、损伤智能监测装备三个方面。围绕上述工作,以第一/通讯作者在Composite Science and Technology, Composites Part A & B, Composite Structures, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy及Journal of Sandwich Structures and Materials等重要期刊上发表SCI检索论文25篇 (其中,10篇JCR=Q1, 8篇JCR=Q2);另以第一作者于《复合材料学报》、《机械工程学报》(三连载,封面文章)等杂志发表EI检索论文9篇;出版《PCBT基复合材料的力学性能及改性影响》(第二作者,科学出版社出版)和《复合材料学科方向预测及技术路线图》(撰写《功能复合材料》一章,中国科协、中国复合材料学会出版)等中文专著两部。所发表SCI论文三年内累积他引>300次。申请/授权国家发明专利9项,授权软件著作权3项。担任Composites Part A & B, Composite Structures, Journal of Materials Research and Technology等多个国际期刊审稿人。受包括“2017年度‘博士后国际交流计划’学术交流项目”资助,多次参加国际学术大会并作特邀报告,受邀担任第三届中国国际复合材料科技大会(CCCM-3)分会场主席,CCCM-4分会场秘书等,并发表多篇相关会议论文。 承担科研项目 [1] 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金, 编号:11702097, 基于原位测量的复杂环境中石墨烯填充界面相性能预报, 2018/01/01-2020/12/31,在研,主持。 获奖成果 2018年12月 入选中科协“青年人才托举工程(2018-2020)” 华东理工大学校主页报道: https://news.ecust.edu.cn/mobile/news/45770?important=?q=pref9&category_id=68 2018年12月 入选上海市“晨光计划(2018) 2017年6月 获“2016年度中国复合材料优秀博士学位论文” 工业和信息化部报道:http://www.miit.gov.cn/n1146290/n1146402/n1146445/c5806567/content.html




查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

[1] Yang, B., Wang, Z.Q.*, Zhou, L.M., Zhang, J.F., Liang, W.Y. (2015): Experimental and numerical investigation of interply hybrid composites based on woven fabrics and PCBT resin subjected to low-velocity impact, Composite Structures, 132, 464-476. [2] Yang, B., Wang, Z.Q.*, Zhou, L.M., Tong, L.L., Zhang, J.F., Liang, W.Y. (2015): Study on the low-velocity impact response and CAI behavior of foam-core sandwich panels with hybrid facesheet, Composite Structures, 132, 1129-1140. [3] Yang, B., Zhang, J.F.*, Zhou, L.M.*, Wang, Z.Q., Liang, W.Y. (2015): Effect of fiber surface modification on the lifetime of glass fiber reinforced polymerized cyclic butylene terephthalate composites in hygrothermal conditions, Materials & Design, 85, 14-23. [4] Yang, B., Zhang, J.F.*, Zhou, L.M.*, Lu, M.K., Liang, W.Y., Wang, Z.Q. (2015): Effect of fiber surface modification on water absorption and hygrothermal aging behaviors of GF/pCBT composites, Composites Part B: Engineering, 82, 84-91. [5] Yang, B.,Xuan, F.Z.*, Chen, S.J., Zhou, S.P., Gao, Y., Xiao, B. (2017): Damage localization and identification in WGF/epoxy composite laminates by using Lamb waves: experiment and simulation, Composite Structures, 165, 138-147. [6] Wan, Y., Diao, C.Y., Yang, B.*, Zhang, L., Chen, S.S. (2018): GF/epoxy laminates embedded with wire nets: A way to improve the low-velocity impact resistance and energy absorption ability, Composite Structures, 202, 818-835. [7] Yang, B., Xuan, F.Z.*, Wang, Z.Q., Chen, L.M., Lei, H.S., Liang, W.Y., Xiang, Y.X., Yang, K. (2018): Multi-functional interface sensor with targeted IFSS enhancing, interface monitoring and self-healing of GF/EVA thermoplastic composites, Composites Science and Technology, 167, 86-95. [8] Yang, B., Xuan, F.Z.*, Lei, H.S., Wang, Z.Q., Xiang, Y.X., Yang, K., Tang, X.J., Liang, W.Y. (2018): Simultaneously enhancing the IFSS and monitoring the interfacial stress state of GF/epoxy composites via building in the MWCNT interface sensor, Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, 112, 161-167. [9] Yang, B., Xiang YX, Xuan, F.Z.* Hu CJ, Xiao B., Zhou SP, Luo CQ. (2019): Damage localization in hydrogen storage vessel by guided waves based on a real-time monitoring system. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. 2019, 44: 22740-22751. [10] Yun Wan, Bin Yang*, Pengcheng Jin, Zhiqiu Zheng, Yonghu Huang. Impact and CAI behavior of sandwich panel comprised of foam core and wire nets/glass fiber reinforced epoxy hybrid facesheets. Journal of Sandwich Structures and Materials 2019, Accepted.
