2010年3-5月 法国贝蒙理工大学 工作
2012年6月-2013年6月 多伦多大学 访问学者
1. Wang WZ, Wei JJ, Hong HX, Xuan FZ, Shan YJ. Effect of processing and service conditions on the luminescence intensity of Plasma Sprayed (Tm3++ Dy3+) co-doped YSZ coatings. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2014, 584, 136-141.
2. W.Z. Wang*, F.Z. Xuan, J.C. Liang, L.B. Wang, H.X. Hong. Dissolution of plasma-sprayed wollastonite coatings: The effects of microstructure coupled with stress. Journal of Thermal Spray Technology, 2012, 21 (5), 908-916.
3. Wang WZ, Liang JC, Xuan FZ, Hong HX. Effect of Applied Stresses on the Microstructure and Dissolution Behavior of Plasma Sprayed Wollastonite Coatings. Rare Metal Materials and Engineering, 2012, 41(1): 443-447.
4. Wang WZ, Xuan FZ, Wang ZD, Wang B, Liu CJ. Effect of overheating temperature on the microstructure and creep behavior of HP40Nb alloy. Materials and Design, 2011, 32(7), 4010-4016.
5. Wang WZ, Liang JC, Guo XP, Xuan FZ, Hong HX. Mechanical properties and dissolution behavior of plasma sprayed wollastonite coatings deposited at different substrate temperatures, Journal of Thermal Spray Technology, 2012, 21 (3), 496-504.
6. Wang W.Z, Sun F, Guo XP, Liao HL, Elkedim O, Liang JC. Effect of substrate surface temperature on the microstructure and ionic conductivity of lanthanum silicates coatings deposited with plasma spraying. Surface & Coatings Technology, 2011, 205, 3665-3670.
7. Wang WZ, Wang B, Xuan FZ, Wang ZD, Liu CJ. Characterization of mechanical properties of HP40Nb using indentation creep test. International Symposium on Structural Integrity, 2010, 57-60.
8. Wang Q, Wang WZ, Xuan FZ, Tu ST. A new method improving intergranular corrosion resistance of AISI 304 stainless steel: deep cryogenic treatment, Evalutation, inspection and monitoring of structural integrity, 2008, 411-16.
9. Wang WZ, Xuan FZ, Zhu KL, Tu ST. Failure Analysis of the Final Stage Blade in Steam Turbine, Engineering Failure Analysis, 2007, 14, 632-641.
10. 王鲁斌,王卫泽,陈雨帆,轩福贞.粉末粒度对硅灰石涂层断裂的影响,焊接学报,印刷中。
11. 梁佳春,王卫泽,轩福贞。化力学交互作用对热喷涂生物活性涂层组织与性能的影响,中国组织工程研究与临床康复,2010,14(16):2953-2957。
12. 张春子,王卫泽,涂善东。水煤浆喷嘴温度场分析及涂层材料应用,中国表面工程,2010,23(4):70-73
13. 王卫泽,梁佳春,王博,轩福贞。烟机静叶固定螺栓失效分析,机械工程材料,2010,34(4):84-86。
14. 王卫泽, 王钥,朱月梅,涂善东。P91/T91钢管在我国的制造及其性能的研究进展,机械工程材料,2010,34(6):6-9。
15. 黄青,王卫泽,万雷,轩福贞,涂善东。喷涂工艺参数对硅灰石涂层结构的影响,焊接学报,2010,31(3):45-48。
16. 涂善东,王卫泽. 材料老化过程的化学动力学, 10000个科学难题 [M]. 科学出版社, 2009, 193-195.
17. 涂善东 轩福贞 王卫泽。高温蠕变与断裂评价的若干关键问题,金属学报,2009,45(7):781-787