教 育 工 作 经 历
起止时间 教 育 工 作 经 历
2001.09 2005.07 中国民用航空学院自动化专业获得学士学位
2005.09 2007.07 天津大学检测技术与自动化装置专业获得硕士学位
2007.09 2010.12 天津大学检测技术与自动化装置专业获得博士学位
2011.08 至今 河北工业大学电气工程学院任教
1. Y. Xu, F. Dong, and C. Tan. "Electrical resistance tomography for locating inclusions using analytical boundary element integrals and their partial derivatives." Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements 34.10(2010):876-883.
2. Y. Xu, and F. Dong. "Galerkin boundary element method for the forward problem of ERT." Flow Measurement & Instrumentation 21.3(2010):172-177.
3. Tan, Chao, Y. Xu, and F. Dong. "Determining the boundary of inclusions with known conductivities using a Levenberg–Marquardt algorithm by electrical resistance tomography." Measurement Science & Technology 22.10(2011):104005.
4. S Ren,F Dong,Y Xu,C Tan, et al. "Reconstruction of the three-dimensional inclusion shapes using electrical capacitance tomography." Measurement Science & Technology 25.25(2014):149-156.
5. S Ren,F Dong,Y Xu,C Tan. "Reconstructing the geometric configuration of three dimensional interface using electrical capacitance tomography." International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 96.10(2013):628-644.