教 育 工 作 经 历
起止时间 教 育 工 作 经 历
2014. 9至今 讲师 河北工业大学电气工程学院生物医学工程系
2009.09-2014.7 博士 天津医科大学生物医学工程学院
2005.09-2009.7 学士 天津医科大学生物医学工程学院
1. 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目:极低频电磁场长期作用影响工作记忆的网络连接机制研究(51507047),2016.1-2018.12
1. Shuangyan Li, Mei Ouyang, Tiaotiao Liu, Wenwen Bai, Hu Yi, Xin TianCA. Increase of Spike-LFP Coordination in Rat Prefrontal Cortex during Working Memory. Behavioural Brain Research, 2014. 261: p.297-304. (SCI)
2. Shuangyan Li, Wenwen Bai, Tiaotiao Liu, Hu Yi, Xin TianCA. Increases of theta-low gamma coupling in rat medial prefrontal cortex during working memory task. Brain Research Bulletin, 2012. 89(3-4): p. 115-23. (SCI)
3. Mei Ouyang, Shuangyan Li (co-first authors), Xin TianCA, Functional connectivity among spikes in Low dimensional space during working memory task in Rat. PLoS ONE, 2014 Mar 21; 9(3):e91481. (SCI)
4. Xinyu Xu, Yu Tian (co-author), Shuangyan Li, Yize Li, Guolin Wang, Xin TianCA. Inhibition of propofol anesthesia on functional connectivity between LFPs in PFC during rat Working Memory task. PLoS ONE, 2013, 8(12): e83653. (SCI)
5. Wenwen Bai, Tiaotiao Liu, Hu Yi, Shuangyan Li, Xin TianCA. Anticipatory activity in rat medial prefrontal cortex during a working memory task. Neuroscience Bulletin, 2012. 28(6): p. 693-703. (SCI)
6. Xu Liu, Tiaotiao Liu, Wenwen Bai, Hu Yi, Shuangyan Li, Xin TianCA. Encoding of rat working memory by power of multi-channel local field potentials via sparse non-negative matrix factorization. Neuroscience Bulletin, 2013. 29(3): p. 279-286. (SCI)
7. Shuangyan Li, Xinyu Xu, Xin TianCA. PP-PCA Eigenvalues Analysis of Cerebral Cortex Local Field Potentials. (EI: 20104613375808).
8. Shuangyan Li, Xin TianCA. Spike- LFP Encoding Working Memory in Rat. (2013, One of the 9 Student Travel Awardees/ Best Paper award Finalists of the 6th International IEEE EMBS conference on Neural Engineering).