教 育 工 作 经 历
起止时间 教 育 工 作 经 历
2005.9-2009.6 山东大学 物理与微电子学院微电子专业 本科
2010.9-2018.1 北京科技大学 新金属材料国家重点实验室材料科学与工程专业 博士
2018.4-至今 河北工业大学 电气工程学院讲师
1. Mingming Li, Jiheng Li, Xuexu Gao*, et al, Anomalous temperature dependence of Young’s modulus in Fe73Ga27 alloys, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 701(2017) 768-773.
2. Mingming Li, Jiheng Li, Xuexu Gao*, et al, Variable stiffness Fe82Ga13.5Al4.5 spring based on magnetoelastic effect, Applied Physics Letters. 110(2017) 142405.
3. Mingming Li, Jiheng Li, Xuexu Gao*, et al, Electromagnetic induced voltage signal to magnetic variation through torquing textured Fe81Ga19 alloy, Applied Physics Letters.
4. Mingming Li, Jiheng Li, Xuexu Gao*, et al, Magnetostrictive Fe82Ga13.5Al4.5 wires with large Wiedemann twist over wide temperature range, Materials & Design. 135(2017) 197-203.
5. Jiheng Li, Mingming Li*, Mu Xing, et al. Temperature and magnetic field dependencies of the Young's modulus in magnetostrictive Fe-Ga alloys. Journal of Applied Physics, 2018, 123(7):075102.
6. Jiheng Li, Mingming Li*, Mu Xing, et al. Magnetostrictive Fe–Ga Wires for Application in the High-Temperature Waveguide Device. Materials Transactions, 2018, 59.