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2009-2014, Head of School, Chemistry 1992 - Present, Academic in Chemistry, University of Wollongong October 1988 - February 1992, Officer in Charge, Cape Grim Baseline Air Pollution Station. December 1985 - October 1988, Postdoctoral Position, Max Planck Institute for Chemistry, Mainz, Germany. 1981 - 1985 Senior Tutor, Monash University. 2002 - Member of the UNEP panel for the assessment of the impact of ozone depletion. 1992 - Lead Scientist at Cape Grim Baseline Air Pollution Station.


Atmospheric Chemistry A number of research areas are being currently pursued: Isotopic signatures and emission strengths of Greenhouse gases Ultraviolet/ Visible Solar Radiation Quantifying the emissions of greenhouse gases is very important for the long-term management of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. The emissions are often from a wide range of sources that are difficult to separate. We have been working on the use of FTIR spectroscopy to determine both the strength of emissions from various sources, and the isotopic signature of the emitted gases. Our primary focus is on N2O, and the isotopic label of the two (chemically distinct) nitrogen atoms within the molecule. Projects underway currently are looking at the variations in the atmosphere and studies of soils, estuarine systems and anthropogenic sources. Studies are also underway using low-resolution FTIR spectroscopy to quantify concentrations of a range of key gases (N2O, CO2, CH4, CO) in urban and agricultural environments.


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Paton-Walsh, C., S. Wilson, T. Naylor, D. Griffith, and O. Denmead (2011), Transport of NOX Emissions from Sugarcane Fertilisation into the Great Barrier Reef Lagoon, Environmental Modeling and Assessment, 16(5), 441-452, doi:10.1007/s10666-011-9260-8. Paton-Walsh, C., N. B. Jones, S. R. Wilson, V. Haverd, A. Meier, D. W. T. Griffith, and C. P. Rinsland, Measurements of trace gas emissions from Australian forest fires and correlations with coincident measurements of aerosol optical depth, J. Geophys. Res., 110, D24305, doi:10.1029/2005JD006202, 2005. Solomon, K.R., X. Tang, S.R. Wilson, P. Zanis, and A.F. Bais, Changes in tropospheric composition and air quality due to stratospheric ozone depletion, Photochemical and Photobiological Science, 2, 62-67, 2003. Wilson, S.R., and B.W. Forgan, Aerosol optical depth at Cape Grim, Tasmania 1986-1999, Journal of Geophysical Research, 107 (D8), DOI 10.1029/20001JD000398 , 2002. Esler, M.B., D.W.T. Griffith, S.R. Wilson, and L.P. Steele, Precision trace gas analysis by FTIR spectroscopy 1. Simultaneous analysis of CO2, CH4, N2O and CO in air, Analytical Chemistry, 72 (1), 206-215, 2000. Wilson, S.R., A.L. Dick, P.J. Fraser, and S. Whittlestone, Nitrous oxide Flux Estimates for South-eastern Australia, J. Atmos. Chem., 26 (2), 169-188, 1997.
