B.Sc. (Hons) 1977, Department of Zoology, University of Western Australia.
Ph.D. 1983, Department of Zoology, University of Western Australia.
Evolutionary consequences of variation in the mating systems of terrestrial plants
Population genetics and marine ecology of invertebrates and fish
Behavioural Ecology - especially pollinator behaviour and behaviour of marine invertebrates
Ayre, D. J and R. J. Whelan. (1989) Factors controlling fruit set in hermaphroditic plants: studies with the Australian Proteaceae. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 4: 267-272.
Ayre, D.J. and Grosberg, R.K. (1995) Aggression, habituation, and clonal coexistence in the sea anemone Anthopleura elegantissima. American Naturalist 146: 427-453.
Ayre D.J. and T.P. Hughes (2000) Genotypic diversity and gene flow in brooding and spawning corals along the Great Barrier Reef, Australia. Evolution 54: 1590-1605.
Ayre D.J. and T.P. Hughes (2004) Climate change, genotypic diversity and gene flow in reef-building corals. Ecology Letters 7: 273-278.
Roberts, D.R., D.J. Ayre and R.J. Whelan (2007) Are Urban Plants Genetic Reservoirs or threats to the Integrity of bushland plant populations. Conservation Biology 21: 842-852.
K.J. Miller and D.J. Ayre (2008). Protection of genetic diversity and maintenance of connectivity among marine protected areas. Conservation Biology 22: 1245-1254.
Sherman C.D.H. and D.J. Ayre (2008) Fine-scale adaptation in a clonal sea anemone. Evolution 62: 1373-1380.
Ayre D.J., T.E. Minchinton and C. Perrin (2009) 'Does life history predict past and current connectivity for rocky intertidal invertebrates across a marine biogeographic barrier? Molecular Ecology 18: 1887-1903.
Ayre, D.J., K. Ottewell, S.L Krauss and R.J. Whelan (2009) Genetic structure of seedling cohorts following repeated wildfires in the fire-sensitive shrub Persoonia mollis ssp. nectens Journal of Ecology 97: 752-760.
Ayre D.J., E. O’Brien, K. Ottewell and R.J. Whelan (2010) The accumulation of genetic diversity within a canopy stored seed bank. Molecular Ecology 19: 2640-2650.
Roberts, D. G., Gray, C. A., West, R. J. & Ayre, D. J. (2010). Marine genetic swamping: hybrids replace an obligately estuarine fish. Molecular Ecology, 19: 508-520.
Field, D. L., Ayre, D. J., Whelan, R. J. & Young, A. G. (2011). The importance of pre-mating barriers and the local demographic context for contemporary mating patterns in hybrid zones of Eucalyptus aggregata and Eucalyptus rubida. Molecular Ecology, 20: 2367-2379.
Clarke, L. J., Robinson, S. A., Hua, Q., Ayre, D. J. & Fink, D. (2012). Radiocarbon bomb spike reveals biological effects of Antarctic climate change. Global Change Biology, 18: 301-310.
Roberts D.G., K.M. Ottewell, R.J. Whelan, D.J. Ayre (2014) Is the post-disturbance composition of a plant population determined by selection for outcrossed seedlings or by the composition of the seedbank? Heredity 112: 409-414.
Aguilar L.A. , D.G. Roberts, T.E. Minchinton, D.J. Ayre (2015) Genetic differentiation in the barnacle Catomerus polymerus despite migration across a biogeographic barrier. Marine Ecology Progress Series 524: 213-224.
Lathlean, J., R.A. McWilliam, D.J. Ayre and T.E. Minchinton (2015) Biogeographical patterns of rocky shore community structure in south‐east Australia: effects of oceanographic conditions and heat stress. Journal of Biogeography DOI: 10.1111/jbi.12511