[12] Cai Chuanxi, Mei Shue, Zhong Weijun,Configuration of intrusion prevention systems based on a legal user: the case for using intrusion prevention systems instead of intrusion detection systems, Information Technology and Management, 2019,20(2):55-71
[19] Zou X,Wu R,Zhong W,Impression Effect vs. Click-through Effect: Mechanism Design of Online Advertising,Proceedings of the 50th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences. 2017.
[24]Gao Xing,Zhong Weijun, A differential game approach to security investment and information sharing in a competitive environment, IIE Transactions, 48(6): 511-526, 2016.
[25]Zhang Jianqiang, Liu Zhuping, Zhong Weijun, Attack and defend: the role of targeting in a distribution channel, Marketing Letters, 27(2): 375-386, 2016.
[26]朱树婷、仲伟俊、梅姝娥,企业间信息系统治理的价值创造研究,管理科学学报, 19(7):60-77, 2016
[28]Zhang Yanfang, Zhong Weijun, Are Public Firms Always Less Innovative than Private Firms? Japanese Economic Review, 66(3): 393-407, 2015.
[29]Gao Xing, Zhong Weijun, Information security investment for competitive firms with hacker behavior and security requirements, Annals of Operations Research, 235(1): 277-300, 2015.
[30]Zhao Liurong, Mei Shue, ZhongWeijun, An economic analysis of the interaction between firewall, ids and vulnerability scan. Economic computation and economic cybernetics studies and research,49(4): 323-340,2015.
[31] Sha Fan, Han Deren, Zhong Weijun, Bounds on price of anarchy on linear cost functions, Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization, 11(4): 1165-1173, 2015.
[34] Gao Xing, Zhong Weijun, Mei Shue, Security investment and information sharing under an alternative security breach probability function, InformationSystems Frontiers, 17(2): 423-438, 2015.
[35] 赵江、梅姝娥、仲伟俊,基于信号传递博弈的劝说型定向广告投放研究,信息系统学报,第13辑:1-11,2014
[36] 海江涛、仲伟俊、梅姝娥,公共产品技术创新过程中的政府偏袒策略,管理工程学报,28(1): 131-137, 2014
[37] 李治文、仲伟俊、熊强,B2B平台间接网络外部性维度及竞争策略分析,系统工程学报,29(4): 550-559, 2014
[38] 海江涛、仲伟俊,公共产品技术创新研发阶段政府提供租金的策略研究,科学学与科学技术管理,35(11): 153-160, 2014
[39] Xing Gao,Weijun Zhong, Shue Mei, A game-theoretic analysis ofinformation sharing and security investment for complementary firms,Journal of the Operational Research Society, 65:1682–1691,2014
[40] Yanfang Zhang,Shue Mei,Weijun Zhong, New technology adoption in a Cournotoligopoly with spillovers,Journal of Economics, 112:115-136,2014
[41] 海江涛、仲伟俊、梅姝娥,买方决定条件下公共产品技术创新的技术获取策略,系统管理学报,22(2):263-268,2013
[42] 王露、仲伟俊、梅姝娥,公共产品技术创新中公共部门技术获取机制比较研究,科学学与科学技术管理,34(12):37-44,2013
[43] Xing Gao,Weijun Zhong, Shue Mei, Information security investment whenhackers disseminate knowledge, INFORMS Decision Analysis, 10(4):352-368, 2013
[44] Xing Gao,Weijun Zhong, Shue Mei, A game-theory approach toconfiguration of detection software with decision errors,ReliabilityEngineering and System Safety, 119: 35-43, 2013
[45] Yanfang Zhang,Shue Mei,Weijun Zhong, Should R&D risk always bepreferable?Operations Research Letters, 41(2): 147-149, 2013
[46] Xing Gao,Weijun Zhong, Shue Mei, A differential game approach toinformation security investment under hackers knowledgedissemination,Operations Research Letters, 41(5), 421-425,2013
[47] XingGao,WeijunZhong,Shue Mei,The stability of a Cournot oligopoly:the effects of adaptive expectations,Journal of DifferenceEquations and Applications, 19(5): 863-869, 2013
[48] XingGao,WeijunZhong,Shue Mei,Stochastic evolutionary game dynamicsand their selection mechanisms,Computational Economics,41(2): 233-247, 2013
[49] 张建强、仲伟俊、梅姝娥,消费者反广告行为下的供应链合作广告模型,软科学,27(1):132-136,2013
[50] JianqiangZhang,Weijun Zhong, Shue Mei, Competitive effects ofinformative advertising in distribution channels,MarketingLetters, 23(3): 561-584, 2012
[51] JianqiangZhang,Weijun Zhong, Shue Mei, Competitive effects ofpurchase-based targeted advertising,Journal of ElectronicCommerce in Organizations, 10(4): 71-84, 2012
[52] Yanfang Zhang,Shue Mei,Weijun Zhong, Equilibrium selection underevolutionary game dynamics with optimizing behavior,Communicationsin Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 17(9): 3719-3726,2012
[53] XingGao,WeijunZhong,Shue Mei,Nonlinear Cournot oligopoly games withisoelastic demand function: the effects of different behavior rules,Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation,17(12): 5249-5255, 2012
[54] XingGao,WeijunZhong,Shue Mei,Equilibrium stability of a nonlinearheterogeneous duopoly game with extrapolative foresight,Mathematicsand Computers in Simulation, 82(11): 2069-2078, 2012
[55] Nianxin Wang,Huigang Liang,Weijun Zhong, Yajiong Xue, Jinhua Xiao,Resource structuring or capability building? An empirical study ofthe business value of information technology,Journal ofManagement Information Systems, 29(2): 325-367, 2012
[56] XingGao,WeijunZhong,Shue Mei,On local stability of Cournot modelswith simultaneous and sequential decisions,Mathematical SocialSciences, 63(3): 207-212, 2012
[57] Xing Gao,Weijun Zhong, Shue Mei, Convergence of a Cournot oligopolywith extrapolative expectations,Economic Computation and Economic Cybernetics Studies and Research, 46(3): 209-221, 2012
[58] 仲伟俊、海江涛、梅姝娥,公共产品技术创新中企业参与研发的模式,系统管理学报,21(6):748-755,2012
[59] Jia Shu,Zhengyi Li,Weijun Zhong, A production-transportation problemwith piecewise linear cost structures,IMA Journal of ManagementMathematics, 23(1): 67-79, 2012
[60] 仲伟俊、吴金南、梅姝娥,电子商务应用能力:概念、理论构成与实证检验,系统管理学报,20(1):47-55,2011
[61] 吴金南、仲伟俊,电子商务能力影响供应链绩效的机理研究,中国管理科学,19(1):142-149,2011
[62] 王念新、仲伟俊、梅姝娥,我国管理学研究中的测量模型误设及仿真分析,管理工程学报,25(2):109-117,2011
[63] Jia Su,Zhengyi Li,Weijun Zhong, A market selection and inventoryordering problem under demand uncertainty,Journal of Industrialand Management Optimization, 7(2): 425-434, 2011
[64] 王念新、仲伟俊、梅姝娥,信息技术战略价值及实现机制的实证研究,管理科学学报,14(7):55-70,2011
[65] 仲伟俊、王念新、梅姝娥,考虑动态环境的信息技术增强企业竞争力的机理研究,信息系统学报,(1):48-63,2011
[66] Jinnan Wu,Weijun Zhong, Shue Mei, Application capability of e-business,e-business success, and organizational performance: Empiricalevidence from China,Technological Forecasting and Social Change,78(8): 1412-1425, 2011
[67] 王念新、仲伟俊、梅姝娥,信息技术、核心能力和企业绩效的实证研究,管理科学,23(1):52-64,2010
[68] 马家喜、仲伟俊、梅姝娥,不确定环境下基于Bertrand竞争的企业创新模式比较研究,管理工程学报,24(1):152-157,2010
[69] 罗建利、仲伟俊,共营企业和利润最大化企业的R&D战略互动,系统工程学报,25(5):666-674,2010
[70] 鲁芳、仲伟俊、张玉林,成本信息保护下的安全供应链联合订货决策,管理工程学报,23(4):163-165,2009
[71] 仲伟俊、梅姝娥、谢园园,产学研合作技术创新模式分析,中国软科学,(8):174-181,2009
[72] 陆敬筠、仲伟俊、梅姝娥,基于交易成本的电子政务BOO外包模式,系统工程理论与实践,29(4):75-80,2009
[73] 吴金南、仲伟俊,电子商务应用成功的衡量标准研究,科学学与科学技术管理,(4):58-62,2008
[74] 陆敬筠、仲伟俊、梅姝娥,基于委托代理理论的电子政务ASP外包模式研究,科研管理,29(3):172-178,2008
[75] 马家喜、仲伟俊、梅姝娥,企业技术创新组织模式选择范式研究,科学学与科学技术管理,(5):52-59,2008
[76] 王念新、仲伟俊、梅姝娥,基于竞争能力理论的企业信息系统战略规划方法,管理科学,21(5):46-53,2008
[77] 胡广伟、仲伟俊,梅姝娥,电子公共服务战略规划方法研究及实证,管理科学学报,11(3):35-48,2008
[78] 仲伟俊、刘庆富、梅姝娥,中国期市波动性与收益率、交易量与空盘的关系,系统工程学报,23(4):508-512,2008
[79] 李天目、仲伟俊、梅姝娥,入侵防御系统管理和配置的检查搏弈分析,系统工程学报,23(5):589-595,2008