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Structure determination by diffraction plays a crucial role across the field of chemistry: the crystalline solid state, inorganic or molecular can have controllable physical, optical or electronic properties with applications including sensors, reaction catalysis, drug delivery and hydrogen storage. Members of the group collaborate closely with researchers in Inorganic and Organic Chemistry, and undergraduate Part II year projects are available for students interested in almost any kind of chemistry. Our research focuses on developing experimental and computational methods in X-ray and neutron single crystal diffraction. Application of new experimental procedures, tools and models can enhance our ability to characterize and understand the crystalline solid-state. A range of part II projects for Oxford undergraduate Chemistry students are available in the group for the academic year 2013/2014. Email Richard Cooper or visit the group in Chemical Crystallography in the CRL basement laboratory for information. An overview of some potential projects is available on the Chem. Cryst. webpages. We are one of the UK's leading high resolution X-ray crystallography groups. The laboratory is equipped with two state-of-the-art Agilent dual-microsource CCD area detector diffractometers and two Nonius single wavelength ΚCCD diffractometers. All the diffractometers are capable of handling samples down to liquid nitrogen temperatures. The group is based in the X-ray Crystallography Facility in the basement of the Chemistry Research Laboratory.


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Toward the Understanding of Modulation in Molecular Materials: Barluenga's Reagent and its Analogues (Y. Kim, E.J. Mckinley, K.E. Christensen, N.H. Rees, and A.L. Thompson) Crystal Growth & Design (2014). ASAP Article. [ doi:10.1021/cg500983s ] Will it crystallise? Predicting crystallinity of molecular materials (J.G.P. Wicker and R.I. Cooper) CrystEngComm (2015). Advance Article. [ doi:10.1039/C4CE01912A ] DetOx: A Program for Determining Anomalous Scattering Factors of Mixed-Oxidation-State Species (K.J. Sutton, S.A. Barnett, K.E. Christensen, H. Nowell, A.L. Thompson, D.R. Allan and R.I. Cooper) J. Sync. Rad (2013). 20, 200–204. [ doi:10.1107/S0909049512044007 ] CRYSTALS Enhancements: Asymmetric Restraints (R. I. Cooper, A. Thorn and D. J. Watkin) J. Appl. Cryst. (2012). 45, 1057–1060. [ doi:10.1107/S0021889812035790 ] Applications of Leverage Analysis in Structure Refinement (S. Parsons, T. Wagner, O. Presly, P. A. Wood and R. I. Cooper) J Appl. Cryst. (2012), 45, 417-429. [ doi:10.1107/S0021889812015191 ] Alkyl-chain Disorder in Tetraisohexylammonium Bromide (M. A. Kelland and A. L. Thompson) Acta Cryst. (2012), C68, o152-o155. [ doi:10.1107/S0108270112009377 ] An Integrated X-ray and Molecular Dynamics Study of Uranyl-salen Structures and Properties (G. M. Lombardo, A. L. Thompson, F. P. Ballistreri, A. Pappalardo, G. T. Sfrazzetto, G. A. Tomaselli, R. M. Toscano and F. Punzo) Dalton Trans. (2012), 41, 1951-1960. [ doi:10.1039/C1DT11758K ] Methyl 6-amino-6-oxohexanoate & 3-Methoxy-3-oxopropanaminium chloride (T. Gruber, C. J. Schofield and A. L. Thompson) Acta Cryst. (2012), E68, o593-o594. [ doi:10.1107/S1600536812003303 ] CRYSTALS Enhancements: Absolute Structure Determination (A. L. Thompson and D. J. Watkin) J. Appl. Cryst. (2011), 44, 1017-1022. [ doi:10.1107/S0021889811034066 ] Chiral Selection in the Formation of Borates from Racemic Binaphthols and Related Diols (J. A. Raskatov, J. M. Brown and A. L. Thompson) CrystEngComm (2011), 13(8) 2923-2929. [ doi:10.1039/c0ce00709a ]
