Vaughan Macefield is Foundation Chair of Integrative Physiology at the School of Medicine, Western Sydney University (WSU), and a Conjoint Principal Research Fellow at Neuroscience Research Australia (NeuRA), formerly Prince of Wales Medical Research Institute. A former NMHRC Senior Research Fellow, he completed his PhD at UNSW in 1986, then undertook advanced training in human neurophysiology in Sweden and the USA. In 1994 he established his own laboratories at NeuRA, prior to joining WSU in 2006. Vaughan specializes in recording from single nerve fibres via tungsten microelectrodes inserted into the peripheral nerves of awake human subjects, and is known internationally as a world expert in recording the firing properties of human sympathetic neurones in health and disease, and as a leading investigator in human sensorimotor control. He has active collaborations with many groups in Australia, Sweden and the USA and has attracted postdoctoral scientists from Sweden, Denmark, Canada and Australia. For over ten years Vaughan has been examining the changes in control of the autonomic nervous system following human spinal cord injury, extending his research into the study of pain and its effects on the autonomic and somatic nervous systems, using brain imaging techniques (fMRI) to study the processing of pain.
Integrative Physiology
Integrative physiology
fMRI (brain imaging)
Youssef, A., Macefield, V. and Henderson, L. (2016), 'Pain inhibits pain : human brainstem mechanisms', NeuroImage, vol 124, no Part A , pp 54 - 62.
Bolton, P., Hammam, E., Kwok, K. and Macefield, V. (2016), 'Skin sympathetic nerve activity is modulated during slow sinusoidal linear displacements in supine humans', Frontiers in Neuroscience, vol 10 .
Macefield, V., Norcliffe-Kaufmann, L., Goulding, N., Palma, J., Fuente Mora, C. and Kaufmann, H. (2016), 'Increasing cutaneous afferent feedback improves proprioceptive accuracy at the knee in patients with sensory ataxia', Journal of Neurophysiology, vol 115, no 2 , pp 711 - 716.
Henderson, L., Fatouleh, R., Lundblad, L., McKenzie, D. and Macefield, V. (2016), '[In Press] Effects of 12 months continuous positive airway pressure on sympathetic activity related brainstem function and structure in obstructive sleep apnea', Frontiers in Neuroscience, .
Brown, R., Celermajer, D., Macefield, V. and Sander, M. (2016), 'The effect of nitric oxide inhibition in spinal cord injured humans with and without preserved sympathetic control of the vasculature', Frontiers in Neuroscience, vol 10, no MAR , pp 65 - 65.
Knellwolf, T., Hammam, E. and Macefield, V. (2016), 'The vestibular system does not modulate fusimotor drive to muscle spindles in relaxed leg muscles of subjects in a near-vertical position', Journal of Neurophysiology, vol 115, no 5 , pp 2529 - 2535.
Youssef, A., Macefield, V. and Henderson, L. (2016), 'Cortical influences on brainstem circuitry responsible for conditioned pain modulation in humans', Human Brain Mapping, vol 37, no 7 , pp 2630 - 2644.
Henderson, L. and Macefield, V. (2016), 'Obstructive sleep apnoea and hypertension : the role of the central nervous system', Current Hypertension Reports, vol 18, no 7 , pp 59 - .
Kobuch, S., Fazalbhoy, A., Brown, R. and Macefield, V. (2016), 'Inter-individual responses to experimental muscle pain : baseline anxiety ratings and attitudes to pain do not determine the direction of the sympathetic response to tonic muscle pain in humans ', International Journal of Psychophysiology , vol 104 , pp 17 - 23.
Macefield, V. and Henderson, L. (2016), '[In Press] 'Real-time' imaging of cortical and subcortical sites of cardiovascular control : concurrent recordings of sympathetic nerve activity and fMRI in awake subjects', Journal of Neurophysiology, .
Wright, J., Macefield, V., van Schaik, A. and Tapson, J. (2016), '[In Press] A review of control strategies in closed-loop neuroprosthetic systems', Frontiers in Neuroscience, .