Hussein, R., Everett, B., Hu, W., Smith, A., Thornton, A., Chang, S. and Salamonson, Y. (2016), 'Predictors of new graduate nurses' satisfaction with their transitional support programme', Journal of Nursing Management, vol 24, no 3 , pp 319 - 326.
Ung, A., Salamonson, Y., Hu, W. and Gallego, G. (2016), 'Assessing knowledge, perceptions and attitudes to pain management among medical and nursing students : a review of the literature', British Journal of Pain, vol 10, no 1 , pp 8 - 21.
Flynn, E., Woodward-Kron, R. and Hu, W. (2016), 'Training for staff who support students', Clinical Teacher, vol 13, no 1 , pp 63 - 68.
Surmon, L., Bialocerkowski, A. and Hu, W. (2016), 'Perceptions of preparedness for the first medical clerkship : a systematic review and synthesis', BMC Medical Education, vol 16, no 89 .
Reath, J., Abbott, P., Dadich, A., Hosseinzadeh, H., Hu, W., Kang, M., Usherwood, T., Murray, C. and Bourne, C. (2016), 'Evaluation of a sexually transmissible infections education program : lessons for general practice learning', Australian Family Physician, vol 45, no 3 , pp 123 - 128.
Abbott, P., Gunasekera, H., Leach, A., Askew, D., Walsh, R., Girosi, F., Lujic, S., Hu, W., Reath, J. and [and fifteen others], .. (2016), 'A multi-centre open-label randomized non-inferiority trial comparing watchful waiting to antibiotic treatment for acute otitus media without perforation in low-risk urban Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children (the WATCH trial) : study protocol for a randomised controlled trial', Trials, vol 17 .
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Yoon, M., El Haddad, C., Durning, S. and Hu, W. (2016), 'Coaching early-career educators in the health professions', Clinical Teacher, vol 13, no 4 , pp 251 - 256.
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Wilkinson, T., Hudson, J., McColl, G., Hu, W., Jolly, B. and Schuwirth, L. (2015), 'Medical school benchmarking : from tools to programmes', Medical Teacher, vol 37, no 2 , pp 146 - 152.
Rosenkranz, S., Wang, S. and Hu, W. (2015), 'Motivating medical students to do research : a mixed methods study using Self-Determination Theory', BMC Medical Education, vol 15, no 1 .
Hu, W., Thistlethwaite, J., Weller, J., Gallego, G., Monteith, J. and McColl, G. (2015), ''It was serendipity' : a qualitative study of academic careers in medical education', Medical Education, vol 49, no 11 , pp 1124 - 1136.
Hu, W. and Little, M. (2015), 'So what's the problem? : reflection and reflexivity as agents of change', Medical Education, vol 49, no 12 , pp 1181 - 1183.
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Weston, K., Mullan, J., Hu, W., Thomson, C., Rich, W., Knight-Billington, P., Marjadi, B. and McLennan, P. (2015), '[In Press] Academic guidance in medical student research : how well do supervisors and students understand the ethics of human research?', Journal of Academic Ethics, .
Dadich, A., Hosseinzadeh, H., Abbott, P., Hu, W., Usherwood, T., Kang, M., Bourne, C., Murray, C. and Reath, J. (2014), 'Improving sexual healthcare in general practice', British Journal of Healthcare Management, vol 20, no 7 , pp 344 - 349.
Abbott, P., Reath, J., Rosenkranz, S., Usherwood, T. and Hu, W. (2014), 'Increasing GP supervisor research skills : enhancing clinical practice and teaching', Australian Family Physician, vol 43, no 5 , pp 327 - 330.
Tan, L., Hu, W. and Brooker, R. (2014), 'Patient-initiated camera phone images in general practice : a qualitative study of illustrated narratives', British Journal of General Practice, vol 64, no 622 , pp 290 - 294.