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Wendy graduated with the University Medal in Medicine from the University of Sydney in 1986 and went on to specialise in General Practice with special interests in Child Health. She has postgraduate qualifications in paediatrics, health administration and general practice. Since 1989 Wendy has worked at the Children's Hospital at Westmead as a clinician, researcher, administrator and educator. Her career in medical education began by co-authoring a textbook based on her experiences working in Emergency Department ambulatory paediatrics. In 2009, Wendy was appointed Director of Education. In this role she oversaw education and training for all staff, and the development of the hospital’s education facilities, including the first high fidelity paediatric simulation centre in Australasia. Wendy maintains her clinical practice as a medical officer in hospital's paediatric refugee health clinic. Wendy joined the School of Medicine as Associate Professor of General Practice in 2010. She was appointed Chair and Professor of Medical Education in 2012, and became Associate Dean (Learning and Innovation) in 2016. Wendy's PhD, supported by an NHMRC Scholarship, examined uncertainty and risk in clinical decision making. Her research interests and expertise include qualitative and mixed methods research, educational leadership and management, research training, faculty development, and the experiences of students, staff and consumers.


Qualitative and mixed methods research and program evaluation Medical Education Curriculum renewal, evaluation and quality improvement Educational leadership and faculty development Research capacity building and training Lay and consumer perspectives on illness and healthcare


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Hussein, R., Everett, B., Hu, W., Smith, A., Thornton, A., Chang, S. and Salamonson, Y. (2016), 'Predictors of new graduate nurses' satisfaction with their transitional support programme', Journal of Nursing Management, vol 24, no 3 , pp 319 - 326. Ung, A., Salamonson, Y., Hu, W. and Gallego, G. (2016), 'Assessing knowledge, perceptions and attitudes to pain management among medical and nursing students : a review of the literature', British Journal of Pain, vol 10, no 1 , pp 8 - 21. Flynn, E., Woodward-Kron, R. and Hu, W. (2016), 'Training for staff who support students', Clinical Teacher, vol 13, no 1 , pp 63 - 68. Surmon, L., Bialocerkowski, A. and Hu, W. (2016), 'Perceptions of preparedness for the first medical clerkship : a systematic review and synthesis', BMC Medical Education, vol 16, no 89 . Reath, J., Abbott, P., Dadich, A., Hosseinzadeh, H., Hu, W., Kang, M., Usherwood, T., Murray, C. and Bourne, C. (2016), 'Evaluation of a sexually transmissible infections education program : lessons for general practice learning', Australian Family Physician, vol 45, no 3 , pp 123 - 128. Abbott, P., Gunasekera, H., Leach, A., Askew, D., Walsh, R., Girosi, F., Lujic, S., Hu, W., Reath, J. and [and fifteen others], .. (2016), 'A multi-centre open-label randomized non-inferiority trial comparing watchful waiting to antibiotic treatment for acute otitus media without perforation in low-risk urban Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children (the WATCH trial) : study protocol for a randomised controlled trial', Trials, vol 17 . Kwan, J., Crampton, R., Mogensen, L., Weaver, R., Vleuten, C. and Hu, W. (2016), 'Bridging the gap : a five stage approach for developing specialty-specific entrustable professional activities', BMC Medical Education, vol 16, no 1 . Abbott, P., Magin, P. and Hu, W. (2016), '[In Press] Healthcare delivery for women in prison : a medical record review', Australian Journal of Primary Health, . Yoon, M., El Haddad, C., Durning, S. and Hu, W. (2016), 'Coaching early-career educators in the health professions', Clinical Teacher, vol 13, no 4 , pp 251 - 256. Griffin, B. and Hu, W. (2015), 'The interaction of socio-economic status and gender in widening participation in medicine', Medical Education, vol 49, no 1 , pp 103 - 113. Wilkinson, T., Hudson, J., McColl, G., Hu, W., Jolly, B. and Schuwirth, L. (2015), 'Medical school benchmarking : from tools to programmes', Medical Teacher, vol 37, no 2 , pp 146 - 152. Rosenkranz, S., Wang, S. and Hu, W. (2015), 'Motivating medical students to do research : a mixed methods study using Self-Determination Theory', BMC Medical Education, vol 15, no 1 . Hu, W., Thistlethwaite, J., Weller, J., Gallego, G., Monteith, J. and McColl, G. (2015), ''It was serendipity' : a qualitative study of academic careers in medical education', Medical Education, vol 49, no 11 , pp 1124 - 1136. Hu, W. and Little, M. (2015), 'So what's the problem? : reflection and reflexivity as agents of change', Medical Education, vol 49, no 12 , pp 1181 - 1183. El Haddad, C., Damodaran, A., McNeil, H. and Hu, W. (2015), '[In Press] The ABCs of EPAs : an overview of 'Entrustable Professional Activities' in medical education', Internal Medicine Journal, . Weston, K., Mullan, J., Hu, W., Thomson, C., Rich, W., Knight-Billington, P., Marjadi, B. and McLennan, P. (2015), '[In Press] Academic guidance in medical student research : how well do supervisors and students understand the ethics of human research?', Journal of Academic Ethics, . Dadich, A., Hosseinzadeh, H., Abbott, P., Hu, W., Usherwood, T., Kang, M., Bourne, C., Murray, C. and Reath, J. (2014), 'Improving sexual healthcare in general practice', British Journal of Healthcare Management, vol 20, no 7 , pp 344 - 349. Abbott, P., Reath, J., Rosenkranz, S., Usherwood, T. and Hu, W. (2014), 'Increasing GP supervisor research skills : enhancing clinical practice and teaching', Australian Family Physician, vol 43, no 5 , pp 327 - 330. Tan, L., Hu, W. and Brooker, R. (2014), 'Patient-initiated camera phone images in general practice : a qualitative study of illustrated narratives', British Journal of General Practice, vol 64, no 622 , pp 290 - 294.
