2018-2019 Spring
Survival Analysis
Categorical Data Analysis
2018-2019 Fall
Statistical Learning
2017-2018 Spring
Survival Analysis
Categorical Data Analysis
2017-2018 Fall
Statistical Learning
2016-2017 Spring
Survival Analysis
2016-2017 Fall
Generalized Linear Model
High Dimensional Survival Data Analysis
2015-2016 Spring
Survival Analysis
Statistics (II)
2015-2016 Fall
Statistics (I)
2014-2015 Spring
Survival Analysis
Statistics (II)
2014-2015 Fall
Statistics (I)
2013-2014 Spring
Survival Analysis
Statistics (II)
2013-2014 Fall
Statistics (I)
2012-2013 Spring
2012-2013 Fall
Survival Analysis
2011-2012 Spring
Categorical Data Analysis
2011-2012 Fall
Survival Analysis
2010-2011 Spring
Incomplete and Correlated DataAnalysis
2010-2011 Fall
Survival Analysis
2009-2010 Spring
Longitudinal DataAnalysis
2009-2010 Fall
Survival Analysis
1.Yu-Jen Cheng*, Mei-ChengWang and Chang-Yu Tsai. Estimations of the joint distribution of failuretime and failure type with dependent truncation. Biometrics, accepted, 2018.
2. Hsiang Yu, Yu-Jen Cheng*, and Ching-Yun Wang. Methods for multivariate recurrent event data with measurement error and informative censoring. Biometrics, 966-976, 2018.
3. Hsiang Yu, Yu-Jen Cheng*, and Ching-Yun Wang. Semiparametric regression estimation for recurrent event data with errors in covariates under informative censoring. The International Journal of Biostatistics, vol. 12, issue 2, 18, 2016.
4. Yu-Jen Cheng* and Mei-Cheng Wang. Causal estimation using the semiparametric transformation models under prevalent sampling. Biometrics, 302-312, 2015.
5. Yu-Jen Cheng* and Chiung-Yu Huang. Combined estimating equationapproaches for semiparametric transformation models with length-biasedsurvival data. Biometrics, 608-618, 2014.
6. Yu-Jen Cheng* and Mei-Cheng Wang. Estimatingpropensity scores and causal survival functions using prevalent survivaldata. Biometrics,707-716, 2012.
7. G. Nestadt*, C. Di, J. F. Samuels, Yu-Jen Cheng, O. J. Bienvenu, I. M.Reti, P. Costa, W. W. Eaton and K. Bandeen-Roche. Concordance betweenpersonality disorder assessment methods. Psychological Medicine,657-667, 2012.
8. Irving M. Reti*, Jerry Z. Xu, Jason Yanofski, Jodi McKibben, MagdalenaUhart, Yu-Jen Cheng, Peter Zandi, et al. Monoamine oxidaseA regulates antisocial personality in whites with no history of physicalabuse. Comprehensive Psychiatry, 52:188–194, 2011.
9. Veronica Rolim S Fernandes, Susan Cheng, Yu-Jen Cheng, Boaz Rosen, Sachin Agarwal, Robyn L McClelland, David A Bluemke, Joao A C Lima*.Racial and ethnic differences in subclinical myocardial function: theMulti-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis. Heart, 97:405-410, 2011.
10. Yu-Jen Cheng* and Ciprian M. Crainiceanu. Cox modelswith smooth functional effect of covariates measured with errors. Journal of theAmerican Statistical Association, 104, 1144-1154, 2009.
11. Andrea Carlson Gielen*, Lara B McKenzie, Eileen M McDonald, Wendy CShields, Mei-Cheng Wang, Yu-Jen Cheng, Nancy L Weaver,Allen R Walker. Using a computer kiosk to promote child safety: results of arandomized, controlled trial in an urban pediatric emergency department. Pediatrics, 2007 Aug; 120 (2):330-9.