國立清華大學, 數學系, 教授 2009/08 -
國立清華大學, 數學系, 副教授 2006/08 - 2009/07,
國立清華大學, 數學系, 助理教授 2004/08 - 2006/07
2006年 碩士班 謝昆宏
2007年 碩士班 李建明, 陳乃嘉, 蕭俊賢
2009年 碩士班 呂俊賢, 顏欣頡, 潘柏宇
1. The action-minimizing problem with free boundaries for the n-body problem. Proceedings of the International Congress of Chinese Mathematicians, Vol III, 269-282, 2007.
2. Collision-free equivariant minimizers for the n-body problem without equal-mass constraint. Proceedings of the 13th Workshop on Differential Equations, Chiayi, 165-178, 2005.
3. What can calculus of variations do for the N-body problem? Proceedings of the 12th Workshop on Differential Equations, Hsinchu, 27-38, 2004.
1. On the barycenter of the tent map (with Xun Dong). Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., to appear.
2. Variational constructions for some satellite orbits in periodic gravitational force fields. Amer. J. Math., 132, 681-709 (2010).
3. On action-minimizing retrograde and prograde orbits of the three-body problem (with Y.-C.Lin), Comm. Math. Phys., 291, 403-441 (2009).
4. Existence and minimizing properties of retrograde orbits to the three-body problem with various choices of masses. Annals of Math. 167, 325-348 (2008).
5. Removing collision singularities from action minimizers for the n-body problem with free boundaries. Arch. Rational Mech. Anal. 181, 311-331 (2006).
6. Binary decompositions for planar N-body problems and symmetric periodic solutions. Arch. Rational Mech. Anal. 170, 247-276 (2003).
7. Variational methods on periodic and quasi-periodic solutions for the N-body problem. Ergodic Theory & Dynam. Systems 23 (2003), 1691-1715.
8. Action-minimizing orbits in the parallelogram four-body problem with equal masses. Arch. Rational Mech. Anal. 158, 293-318 (2001).
9. On Chenciner-Montgomery,s orbit in the three-body problem. Discrete Contin. Dynam. Systems 7, 85-90 (2001).
10. Symmetry of positive solutions of semilinear elliptic equations in infinite strip domains (with K.J. Chen, H.C. Wang). J. Differential Equations 148, 1-8 (1998).