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王涛,男,2013年毕业于浙江大学物理系,理学博士(光学方向);2016.5-2016.8美国南佛罗里达大学(USF)访问学者;2017.3-2017.6苏州大学物理系访问学者;现为四川师范大学物理与电子工程学院副教授、四川省学术技术带头人后备人选、四川师范大学“狮山学者”杰出青年。近十年来,主要从事光束传输与光波散射的研究工作。目前已在《Progress in Optics》、《Optics Letters》、《Optics Express》、《JOSAA》、《Physics Letters A》、《Optics Communications》、《Chinese Physics B》、《物理学报》等学术刊物发表论文40余篇,特邀综述论文2篇,其中第一作者或通信作者论文被SCI收录30多篇(SCI二区9篇)。主持国家自然科学基金青年项目1项,参与国家自然科学基金面上项目3项。曾获得2010中国光学重要成果、福建省自然科学三等奖、浙江省高校优秀科研成果一等奖、四川师范大学2014/2016/2017年理科科研十佳等学术荣誉。 科研项目 1、国家自然科学基金项目《光波经半软边介质散射后的统计光学特性及其逆问题研究》(11404231)(项目负责人); 2、四川师范大学培育项目《矢量光波散射过程中的光谱特性及其逆问题》(14py02)(项目负责人); 3、浙江省研究生创新科研项目《光波经过介质的散射特性及其应用的研究》(YK2010001) (项目负责人); 4、国家自然科学基金项目《随机电磁涡旋光束的传输特性及其调控研究》(11274273)(主研,排名第2); 5、国家自然科学基金项目《光波经介质或粒子系统散射的统计光学特性研究》(11074219)(主研,排名第3)。




查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

1.Li Zhu, Zhenfei Jiang, Ke Cheng and Tao Wang, “Degree of paraxiality of an anisotropic generalized multi-Gaussian Schell-model beam”, JOSAA, 35, 1-5 (2018). 2.Xiaoning Pan, Zhanghang Zhu, Ke Cheng, Tao Wang, “Can light wave behave as a beam as it is scattered by a particulate medium?” Optik, 166, 132-137 (2018). 3.Zhenfei Jiang, Li Zhu, Xiaoling Ji, Ke Cheng and Tao Wang, “Far-zone behaviors of light waves on scattering from anisotropic quasi-homogeneous media with semisoft boundaries,” JOSAA, 34, 1463-1468 (2017). 4.Hao Wu, Xiaoning Pan, Zhanghang Zhu, Tao Wang and Ke Cheng “Equivalence theorem of light waves on scattering from media with different types,” Optics Express, 25, 21410-21418 (2017). 5.Hao Wu, Xiaoning Pan, Zhanghang Zhu, Xiaoning Ji, and Tao Wang, “Reciprocity relationsof an electromagnetic light wave on scattering from a quasi-homogeneous anisotropic medium,” Optics Express, 25, 11297-11305 (2017). 6.Tao Wang, Xiaoning Pan, Zhanghang Zhu, Xiaoning Ji, and Ke Cheng, “Far zone behavior of light waves on scattering from an arbitrary-orientated ellipsoidal random particle,” JOSAA, 34, 2120-2125 (2017). 7.Tao Wang, Darrick Hay, Hao Wu, Zhimin Shi, “Spectral shift of a light wave on scattering from an ellipsoidal particle with arbitrary orientation,” JOSAA, 34, 493-497 (2017). 8.Zhenfei Jiang, Li Zhu, Xiaoling Ji, Tao Wang and Ke Cheng, “The correlation of intensity fluctuation of light waves on scattering from a particulate medium,” Optik, 140, 743-748 (2017). 9.Hao Wu, Xiaoning Pan, Xiaoling Ji, Daomu Zhao and Tao Wang, “Equivalence theorem for light waves on scattering from particulate media,” JOSAA, 33, 2077-2080 (2016). 10.Tao Wang, Hao Wu, Yi Ding, Xiaoling Ji, Daomu Zhao, “Changes in the spectral degree of coherence of a light wave on scattering from a particulate medium,” Optics Communications, 381, 210-213 (2016). 11.Tao Wang, Zhenfei Jiang, Li Zhu, Xiaoling Ji, “The spectrum of light wave on scattering from an anisotropic semisoft-boundary medium,” Optik, 127, 9231-9235 (2016). 12.Tao Wang, Zhenfei Jiang, Xiaoling Ji, “Can different media generate scattered field with identical spectral coherence?” Optics Communications, 363, 134-137 (2016). 13.Tao Wang, Zhenfei Jiang, Xiaoling Ji, “Spectrum of an electromagnetic light wave on scattering from an anisotropic semisoft boundary medium,” JOSAA, 33, 625-629 (2016). 14.Tao Wang, Yi Ding, Xiaoling Ji, “Condition for generating the same scattered spectral density by random and deterministic media,” JOSAA, 32, 267-270 (2015). 15.Tao Wang, Yi Ding, Xiaoling Ji, “The influence of the characteristics of a collection of particles on the scattered spectral density and its applications,” Chinese Optics Letters, 13, 102901 (2015). 16.Tao Wang, Xiaoqing Li, Xiaoling Ji, Daomu Zhao, “The spectral shift of two correlated light waves on scattering from a collection of particles,” Optik, 126, 780-783 (2015). 17.Tao Wang, Xiaoling Ji, Daomu Zhao, “Equivalence theorem for the spectral density of light waves on weak scattering,” Optics Letters, 39, 3837-3840 (2014). 18.Tao Wang, Xiaoqing Li, Xiaoling Ji, “Spectral changes and spectral switches of light waves on scattering from a semisoft boundary medium,” Optics Communications, 324, 152-156 (2014). 19.Tao Wang, Xiaoqing Li, Xiaoling Ji, “Factors affecting the spectrum of an electromagnetic light wave on scattering from a semisoft boundary medium,” Chinese Optics Letters, 12, 122901 (2014). 20.Tao Wang, Daomu Zhao, “Effects of source correlation on the spectral shift of light waves on scattering,” Optics Letters, 38, 1545-1547 (2013). 21.Tao Wang, Daomu Zhao, “Stokes parameters of an electromagnetic light wave on scattering,” Optics Communications, 285, 893-895 (2012). 22.Tao Wang, Daomu Zhao, “Determination of correlation function of scattering potentials of a random medium from the scattered spectral density,” Physics Letters A, 375, 780-783 (2011). 23.Tao Wang, Daomu Zhao, “Condition for far-zone spectral isotropy of an electromagnetic light wave on weak scattering,” Optics Letters, 36, 328-330 (2011). 24.Tao Wang, Daomu Zhao, “Determination of pair-structure factor of scattering potential of a collection of particles,” Optics Letters, 35, 318-320 (2010). 25.Tao Wang, Daomu Zhao, “Condition for the invariance of the spectral degree of coherence of a completely coherent light wave on weak scattering,” Optics Letters, 35, 847-849 (2010). 26.Tao Wang, Daomu Zhao, “Scattering theory of stochastic electromagnetic light waves,” Optics Letters, 35, 2412-2414 (2010). 27.Tao Wang, Daomu Zhao, “Polarization-induced coherence changes of an electromagnetic light wave on scattering,” Optics Letters, 35, 3108-3110 (2010). 28.Tao Wang, Daomu Zhao, “Scattering of scalar light wave from a Gaussian-Schell model medium,” Chinese Physics B, 19, 084201 (2010). 29.Tao Wang, Jixiong Pu, “Partially coherent aberrated beam propagating in a turbulent atmosphere,” Optik, 120, 829-834 (2009). 30.Tao Wang, Jixiong Pu, Ziyang Chen, “Beam-spreading and topological charge of vortex beams propagating in a turbulent atmosphere,” Optics Communications, 282, 1255-1259 (2009). 31.Tao Wang, Jixiong Pu, Ziyang Chen, “Propagation of partially coherent vortex beams in a turbulent atmosphere,” Optical Engineering, 47, 036002 (2008). 32.Tao Wang, Jixiong Pu, “Band gap structure of disordered chiral photonic crystals,” Optical and Quantum Electronics, 40, 757-765 (2008). 33.Tao Wang, Jixiong Pu, “Propagation of non-uniformly polarized beams in a turbulent atmosphere,” Optics Communications, 281, 3617-3622 (2008).


现为Optics Letters、Optics Express、JOSAA、Optical Engineering、Laser Physics Letters等杂志审稿人。
