Vascular Science & Cardiology
Expending along previous research in quantitation and automation of image data processing, output, and interpretation
Cardiac resynchronisation therapy with echo & nuclear imaging
Multi-modality imaging in Medicare regulated practice environment
Multi-modality imaging - development and validation of test indications
Cost-effectives studies
Relative and complementary roles of anatomic vs. function cardiac imaging
Novel PET tracers in cardiovascular medicine
Molecular imaging of atherosclerotic and vulnerable plague imaging
CRTs in preventative cardiology
Grant SJ, Yu SB, Kiat H, Chang D. "The use of complementary and alternative medicine by people with cardiovascular disease: a systematic review." BMC Public Health. 2012;12(1):299.
Currie, G.M., Iqbal, B., Wheat, J.M., Wang, L., Trifunovic, M., Jelinek, H.F., Kiat, H., "Risk stratification in heart failure using ¹²³I-MIBG." J Nucl Med Technol. 2011;39(4):295-301.
Kiat, H., Bin, Y., Grant, S., Chang, D., "Complementary medicine use in cardiovascular disease: a clinician's viewpoint." The Medical journal of Australia. 2011;195(11-12), 654-6.
Currie, G. M., Kiat, H., Wheat, J. "Scintigraphic Evaluation of Acute Lower Gastrointestinal Hemorrhage Current Status and Future Directions." Journal of Clinical Gastroenterology. 2011;45(2): 92-99.
Currie, G. M., Wheat, J., Kiat, H. "Pharmacokinetic considerations for digoxin in older people." Open Cardiovasc Med J 2011;5: 130-135.