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李宝磊,男,1987年4月出生,汉族,中共党员。南阳师范学院物理与电子工程学院讲师。国内外学术期刊上发表论文10余篇。 教学情况 一、主讲课程 课程名称 课程类别 周学时 届数及学生总人数 自适应信号处理 专业课 4学时/周 1届共100人 信号与系统 专业课 4学时/周 1届共120人 C语言程序设计 专业选修课 4学时/周 1届共96人 C++语言程序设计 专业基础课 4学时/周 1届共119人 二、承担的实践教学 1. 指导本科生毕业论文 1届共10人 2. 指导2名学生参加南阳师范学院大学生实践教学活动创新项目活动。 学术研究 一、承担的研究课题 1. 河南省教育厅项目:基于多元优化过程记忆算法的动态多模态寻优问题研究(16A413012), 2015.12, 发明专利: 1. 李宝磊, 赵磊, 安镇宙, 刘亚杰, 张榆锋, 施心陵.一种颅骨缺损区头皮表面积的临床测量方法。 2. 安镇宙, 施心陵, 张榆锋, 陈建华, 张俊华, 赵磊, 李宝磊. 一种具有稳流作用的测流装置. 专利号:ZL 201110349343.5. 3. 吕丹桔, 李宝磊, 张俊华, 刘兰娟, 陈建华,张榆锋,施心陵.一种三级环形柔性链状相关急流测流装置. 受理号:201310686758 4. 张榆锋; 施心陵; 陈建华; 李海燕; 安镇宙;马攀华; 李宝磊,刘柳,发明专利:双声束颈动脉超声检测探头调节固定装置,专利号:201010229467.5,2010.7(公示)




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第一作者身份已发表论文: 1. 李宝磊,施心陵,李敬敬,吕丹桔. 基于改进多元优化算法的动态路径规划算法[J]. 航空学报.2015,36(7):2319-2328(EI 检索) 2. 李宝磊,吕丹桔,刘兰娟,施心陵,陈建华,张榆锋. 多元优化算法可达性分析[J]. 系统工程与电子技术. 2015,37(7):1670-1675. 3. 李宝磊,吕丹桔,张钦虎,施心陵,安镇宙. 多元优化算法的渐近性分析[J]. 控制理论与应用. 2015,32(2):169-177. (EI 检索) 4. 李宝磊,施心陵,苟常兴,吕丹桔,安镇宙,张榆锋. 多元优化算法及其收敛性分析[J].自动化学报.2015,41(5):949-959. (EI 检索) 5. Baolei Li, Danjv Lv, Xinling Shi, Zhenzhou An, Yufeng Zhang, Jianhua Chen. A Grid-based Path Planner using Multivariant Optimization Algorithm [J]. Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology(New series)2015,22(5):89-96. (EI 检索) 6. Baolei Li,Yufeng Zhang,Xin Ling Shi, et al. A spatial interpolation method based on integrated RBF neural networks for estimating heavy metals in soil of a mountain region [J]. Journal of Central South University (Natural Sciences). 2015,31(1):38-45. (EI 检索) . 7. Baolei Li, Lanjuan Liu, Qinhu Zhang, et al. Path planning based on firefly algorithm and Bezier curve [C]. Proceeding of the IEEE International Conference on Information and Automation. 2014,630-633. (EI 检索) 8. Baolei Li, Xin Ling Shi, Chang Xing Gou, et al. Multivariant optimization algorithm for multimodal optimization [C]. Applied Mechanics and Materials. 2013, 483(3): 453-457. DOI: 10.4028/www.scientific.net/AMM.483.453. EI accession number: 20140317210800. (EI 检索) 9. Baolei Li, Xinling Shi, Jianhua Chen, et al. On the unbiasedness of Multivariant Optimization Algorithm [C]. 2013 6th International Congress on Image and Signal Processing. 2013, 2:1251-1255. DOI: 10.1109/CISP.2013.6743864. EI accession number: 14116972. (EI 检索) 10. Baolei Li, Xinling Shi, Jianhua Chen, et al. Recursive identification of servo system based on recursive particle swarm optimization [C]. 2013 IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing, Communications and Computation. 2013, DOI: 10.1109/ICSPCC.2013.6663996. EI Accession number: 20140417228870. (EI 检索) 11. Baolei Li,Xinlin Shi,Jianhua Chen,Zhenzhou An .Recursive Particle Swarm Optimization Applications in Radial Basis Function Networks Modeling System[C]. The 4th International Conference on Bio-Medical Engineering and Informatics. 2011,4:1789-1792. EI Accession number: . (EI 检索) 12. 李宝磊,汪晓锋,丁华伟,施心陵. 基于数学形态学的颜体字合成算法[J].计算机工程. 2011,37:195-198 第一作者身份已录用待发表论文: 1. Baolei Li, Xinling Shi, Danjv Lv, Jianhua Chen, Yufeng Zhang. Path Planning in Dynamic Environment using Multivariant Optimization Algorithm[J]. Journal of Software. (EI 检索) 2. 李宝磊,吕丹桔,张钦虎,施心陵,陈建华,张榆锋. 基于多元优化算法的路径规划[J].电子学报.(EI 检索) 第一作者身份修稿后再审论文: 1. Jianhua Chen (supervisor), Baolei Li, Xinling Shi, et al. Multivariant optimization algorithm by tracking the history information during the optimization process[J]. Swarm Intelligence. (SCIE 检索) 2. Baolei Li, Jianhua Chen, Xinling Shi, Yufeng Zhang, Danjv Lv, Lanjuan Liu, Qinhu Zhang. On the convergence of multivariant optimization algorithm[J]. Applied Soft Computing. (SCIE 检索) 第一作者身份已投稿送审论文: 1. Baolei Li, Danjv Lv, Xinling Shi, Zhenzhou An, Jianhua Chen, Yufeng Zhang. A path planner based on multivariant optimization algorithm with absorption [J]. International Journal of Robotics and Automation. (SCIE 检索) 非第一作者身份已发表论文: 1. Qinhu Zhang, Baolei Li, YaJie Liu, et al. Data clustering using multivariant optimization algorithm [J]. International Journal of Machine Learning and Cybernetics. DOI:10.1007/s13042-014-0294-5. Published online. (EI 检索) 2. Lanjuan Liu, Baolei Li, Qinhu Zhang Multivariant opyimization algorithm for the 0-1 knapsack problems[C]. Applied Mechanics and Materials. 2014, 556-562(2014):3514-3518 . (EI 检索) 3. Danjv Lv, Xinling Shi, Baolei Li, et al. A novel heuristic algorithm in field GIS-based emergency path finding [C]. Proceeding of the IEEE International Conference on Information and Automation. 2014,640-643. (EI 检索) 4. Changxing Gou, Xinling Shi, Baolei Li, et al. A novel multivariant optimization algorithm for multimodal optimization [C]. 2013 6th International Congress on Image and Signal Processing. 2013, 2:1623-1627. DOI: 10.1109/CISP.2013.6743936. EI accession number: 14116940. (EI 检索) 5. Chang Xing Gou, Xin Ling Shi, Baolei Li, et al. Multivariant optimization algorithm with absorption for multimodal optimization [C]. Applied Mechanics and Materials. 2013, 483(3): 458-464. DOI: 10.4028/www.scientific.net/AMM.483.458. EI accession number: 20140317210801. (EI 检索). 6. Yajie Liu, Xin Ling Shi, Baolei Li, et al. Comparative Study of Two-Layer Particle Swarm Optimization and Particle Swarm Optimization in Classification for Tumor Gene Expression Data with Different Dimensionalities[C]. 2013 IEEE 6th International Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Informatics. 2013, 2: 519-524. EI accession number: 20141217493705. (EI 检索) 7. 刘亚杰, 施心陵, 李宝磊, 苟常兴, 张钦虎, 黄云超. 基于双层粒子群优化分类算法的弥漫大B细胞淋巴瘤基因表达样本分类研究 [J]. 航天医学与医学工程. 2014,27 (1):15-19. 8. 刘亚杰, 施心陵, 李宝磊, 苟常兴, 张钦虎, 黄云超. 基于双层粒子群优化算法的肿瘤基因表达样本分类研究 [J].中国卫生统计. 2014,31 (3). 9. 丁华伟,汪晓锋,李宝磊,施心陵.基于部件拆分的颜体字合成[J]. 计算机应用与软件.2012, 29(1):49-51 10. Yajie Liu, Xinling Shi, Guoliang Huang, Baolei Li, Lei Zhao. Classification of Diffuse Large B Cell Lymphoma Gene Expression Data Based on Two-Layer Particle Swarm Optimization [C]. The 10th International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge discovery (FSKD2013). EI Accession number: 20142417815650. (EI 检索) 11. Yajie Liu, Xinling Shi, Changxing Gou, Baolei Li, Lian Gao. Two-layer particle swarm optimization based multi-class tumor classification by gene expression data [J]. The BioTechnology: An Indian Journal.2013, 8(11):1483-1489. (EI 检索) 12. Yajie Liu, Xinling Shi, Changxing Gou, Baolei Li, Qinhu Zhang, LV DanJv, Yunchao Huang. Classification of Leukemia Gene Expression Profiles Based on Multivariant Optimization Algorithm [C]. 2014 IEEE International Symposium on Bioelectronics and Bioinformatics (ISBB 2014) . (EI 检索) 13. Minglu Fan, Jie Cai, Liang Dong, Baolei Li, et al. Optimal rate-distortion based unequal error protection in the transmission electrocardiograph signal [C]. Proceedings of 2014 IEEE Workshop on Electronics, Computer and Applications. 2014,1:291-294. DOI: 10.1109/IWECA.2014.6845613.EI accession number: 20143017987133. (EI 检索) 14. Tiansong Li, Xinling Shi, Yufeng Zhang, Baolei Li, et al. The imperfect sample points of interpolation based on B-spline suface reconstruction [C]. 2013 6th International Congress on Image and Signal Processing. 2013, 1:522-526. DOI: 10.1109/CISP.2013.6744052. EI accession number: 14116755. (EI 检索) 15. Tiansong Li, Xinling Shi, Jianhua Chen, Yajie Liu, Baolei Li. The global double cubic B-spline surface interpolation based on particle swarm optimization [C]. 2013 IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing, Communications and Computin. 2013, DOI: 10.1109/ICSPCC.2013.6664002. EI accession number: 20140417228876. (EI 检索) 16. Zhenzhou An, Xinling Shi, Junhua Zhang, Aimin Miao, Baolei Li. A family Particle Swarm Optimization based on the family tree[C]. 2011 International Conference on Image Analysis and Signal Processing. IEEE, 2011:46 - 51. (EI 检索) 17. Xiaofeng Wang, Xinling Shi, Jianhua Chen, Junhua Zhang, Huawei Ding, Baolei Li. A multi-color Extraction Method Based on Semantic Color Model [C]. The Fourth International Workshop on Advanced Computational Intelligence. IEEE, 2011: 128 – 132. DOI: 10.1109/IWACI.2011.615 9988. (EI 检索) 18. Liu Liu, Zhao Juan, Ma Panhua, Li Baolei, Zhang Yufeng. The Generated Chart for the Yunnan Soil Pollution Data Processing System [C]. 2010 second IITA Conference on Geoscience and Remote Sensing、2010: 612-615 (EI 检索)
