Conservation Biology
Melanie's research focuses on estuarine and coastal ecosystems, not only some of the most important ecosystems in terms of carbon sequestration and marine productivity, but also areas that have borne the brunt of human impacts. She uses field experiments to address questions at ecologically meaningful scales, spanning coastlines, continents, years and decades. The contribution her research is making to environmental management in Australia, and globally has been recognised with the 2010 NSW Scientist of the Year Award in the Category Environment, Water and Climate Change Sciences and the 2012 Brian Robinson Fellowship from the Banksia Environmental Foundation.
Byers JE, Smith RS, Pringle JM, Clark GF, Gribben PE, Hewitt CL, Inglis GJ, Johnston EL, Ruiz GM, Stachowicz JJ, Bishop MJ (2015) Invasion expansion: time since introduction best predicts global ranges of marine invaders. Sci Reports 5:12436
Bishop MJ, Byers JE (2015) Predation risk predicts use of a novel habitat. Oikos 124:1225-1231
Coen LD, Bishop MJ (2015) The ecology, evolution, impacts and management of host-parasite interactions of marine molluscs. J Invert Pathol (accepted, 12 August 2015)
Ainley LB, Bishop MJ (2015) Relationships between estuarine modification and leaf litter decomposition vary with latitude. Est Coast Shelf Sci 164:244-252
Garside CJ, Coleman MA, Kelaher BP, Bishop MJ (2015) Putative predators of Carcinus maenas in eastern Australia. Estuaries and Coasts 38:1557-1568
Gillies CG, Fitzsimons JA, Branigan S, Hale L, Hancock B, Creighton C, Alleway H, Bishop MJ and 15 others (2015) Scaling-up marine restoration efforts in Australia. Ecol Manag Rest 16:84-85
Garside CJ, Stone L, Glasby TM, Bishop MJ (2015) The timing of Carcinus maenas recruitment to a south-east Australian estuary differs to that of native crabs. Hydrobiol (accepted, 17 May 2015)
Garside CJ, Glasby TM, Coleman MA, Kelaher BP, Bishop MJ (2014) The frequency of connection of coastal water bodies to the ocean predicts Carcinus maenas invasion. Limnol Oceanogr 59:1288-1296
Manning LM, Peterson CH, Bishop MJ (2014) Dominant macrobenthic populations experience sustained impacts from annual disposal of fine sediments on sandy beaches. Mar Ecol Prog Ser 508:1-15 Featured article in its issue of MEPS
Hughes AR, Gribben PE, Kimbro D, Bishop MJ (2014) Additive and site-specific effects of two foundation species on invertebrate community structure. Mar Ecol Prog Ser 508:129-138
Peterson CH, Bishop MJ, D’Anna LM, Johnson GA, Bishop MJ (2014) Multi-year persistence of beach habitat degradation from nourishment using coarse shelly sediments. Sci Total Env 487:481-492.
Bell JE, Bishop MJ, Taylor RB, Williamson JE (2014) A facilitation cascade maintains a kelp community. Mar Ecol Prog Ser 501:1-10. Featured article in its issue of MEPS
Burden CT, Stow AJ, Hoggard SJ, Coleman MA, Bishop MJ (2014) Genetic structure of Carcinus maenas in south-east Australia. Mar Ecol Prog Ser 500:139-147.
Garside CJ, Bishop MJ (2014) The distribution of the European shore crab, Carcinus maenas, with respect to mangrove forests in south-eastern Australia. J. Exp Mar Biol Ecol 461:173-178
Amaral V, Cabral HN, Bishop MJ (2014) Prior exposure influences the behavioural avoidance by an intertidal gastropod, Bembicium auratum, of acidified waters. Est Coastal Shelf Sci 136:82-90.
Cooke BC, Goodwin ID, Bishop MJ (2014) Small-scale spatial structuring of interstitial invertebrates on three embayed beaches, Sydney, Australia. Est Coastal Shelf Sci 150:92-101
Bishop MJ, Fraser J, Gribben PE (2013) Morphological traits and density of foundation species modulate a facilitation cascade in Australian mangroves. Ecology 94:1927-1936
Kelaher BP, Bishop MJ, Potts J, Scanes P, Skilbeck G (2013) Detrital diversity influences estuarine ecosystem performance. Global Change Biol. 19:1909-1918
Keith DA, Rodríguez JP, Rodríguez-Clark KM, Nicholson E, Aapala K, Alonso A, Asmussen M, Bachman S, Basset A, Barrow EG, Benson JS, Bishop MJ, and 22 others (2013) Scientific foundations for an IUCN red list of ecosystems. PLoS ONE. 8(3): e62111
Bishop MJ, Kelaher BP (2013) Replacement of native seagrass with invasive algal detritus: impacts to estuarine sediment communities. Biol Invasions 15:45-59
Kelaher BP, Van den Broek J, York PH, Bishop MJ, Booth DJ (2013) Positive responses of a seagrass ecosystem to experimental nutrient enrichment. Mar Ecol Prog Ser 487:15-25
Wilkie EM, Bishop MJ, O’Connor WA (2013) The density and spatial arrangement of the invasive oyster Crassostrea gigas determines its impact on settlement of native oyster larvae. Ecol Evol 3:4851-4860
Bishop MJ, Kelaher BP (2013) Context-specific effects of the identity of detrital mixtures on invertebrate communities. Ecol Evol 3: 3986–3999
Nicastro N, Bishop MJ (2013) Weak and habitat-dependent effects of nutrient pollution on macrofaunal communities of southeast Australian estuaries. PLoS ONE. 8(6): e65706
Wilkie EM, Bishop MJ, O’Connor WA, McPherson RG (2013) Status of the Sydney rock oyster in a disease-afflicted estuary: persistence of wild populations despite severe impacts on cultured counterparts. Mar Freshwater Res. 64:267-276