Conservation Biology
- Integrating earth system science and climate impacts modelling
- Understanding and reducing uncertainty in species distribution modelling
- Biological responses to climate change, particularly
- Distribution changes
- Phenological shifts
- Invasive species
- Conservation implications of climate change
- Climatic niche shifts and invasive species
Beaumont LJ, Hartenthaler T, Keatley MR, Chambers LE (2015) Shifting time: a review of recent changes to the phenology of Australian species. Climate Research, 63: 203-214.
Delport TC, Asher AJ, Beaumont LJ, Webster KN, Harcourt RG, Power ML (2014) Giardia duodenalis and Cryptosporidium occurrence in Australian sea lions (Neophoca cinerea) exposed to varied levels of human interaction. International Journal for Parasitology: Parasites and Wildlife, 3:269-275.
Larson ER, Gallagher RV, Beaumont LJ, Olden JD (2014) Generalized “avatar” niche shifts improve distribution models for invasive species. Diversity and Distributions, 20: 1296-1306.
Beaumont LJ, Gallagher RV, Leishman MR, Hughes L, Downey PO (2014) How can knowledge of the climate niche inform the weed risk assessment process? A case-study of Chrysanthemoides monilifera in Australia. Diversity and Distributions, 20: 613-625.
Chambers LE, Altwegg R, Barbraud, R, Barnard P, Beaumont L, Crawford RJM, Durant JM, Hughes L, Keatley MR, Low M, Morellato LPC, Poloczanska E, Ruoppolo V, Vanstreels RET, Woehler EJ, Wolfaardt A (2013) Changes in Southern Hemisphere phenology. PLoS One. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0075514
Chambers LE, Beaumont LJ, Hudson IL (2013) Continental scale analysis of bird migration timing: influences of climate and life history traits - a generalized mixture model clustering approach. International Journal of Biometeorology. DOI 10.1007/s00484-013-0707-2
Beaumont LJ, Duursma D (2012) Global projections of 21st century land-use changes in regions adjacent to protected areas. PLoS ONE 7(8): e43714. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0043714
Beaumont LJ, Pitman A, Perkins S, Zimmermann NE, Yoccoz NG, Thuiller W (2011) Impacts of climate change on the world’s most exceptional ecoregions, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA, 108: 2306-2311. ISI Hot Paper
Gallagher RV, Beaumont LJ, Hughes L, Leishman MR (2010) Evidence for climatic niche and biome shifts between native and novel ranges in plant species introduced to Australia, Journal of Ecology 98: 790-799.
Roubicek A, VanDerWal J, Beaumont LJ, Pitman A, Wilson P, Hughes L (2010) Does the choice of climate baseline matter in ecological niche modeling? Ecological Modelling, 221: 2280-2286
Beaumont LJ, Gallagher RV, Thuiller W, Downey PI, Leishman MR, Hughes L (2009) Modelling the impacts of Hieracium spp. on protected areas in Australia under climate change, Ecography, 32:757-764.
Beaumont LJ, Gallagher RV, Thuiller W, Downey P, Leishman MR, Hughes L (2009) Different climatic envelopes among invasive populations may lead to underestimations of current and future biological invasions, Diversity and Distributions 15: 409-420. ISI Highly Cited Paper
Beaumont LJ, Hughes L, Pitman A (2008) Why is the choice of future climate scenarios for species distribution modelling important? Ecology Letters 11: 1135-1146
Beaumont LJ, Pitman A, Hughes L, Poulsen M (2007) Where will species go? Improved projections of species future distributions using new modelling techniques. Global Change Biology, 13, 1368-1385.
Beaumont LJ, McAllan IW, Hughes L (2006) A matter of timing: changes in the first date of arrival and last date of departure of Australian migratory birds. Global Change Biology 12: 1339-1354.
Beaumont LJ, Hughes L, Poulsen M (2005) Predicting species distributions: use of climatic parameters in BIOCLIM and its impact on predictions of species’ current and future distributions. Ecological Modelling 186: 250-269.