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教育背景: 2001-2005 博士, 中国科学院理论物理研究所和研究生院, 导师:向涛 院士 1998-2001 硕士,中国科学院理化技术研究所和研究生院, 导师:何豫生 研究员 1989-1993 学士,华中科技大学,电子与信息工程系 研究经历: 2013.8-目前研究员,陕西师范大学物理与信息技术学院 2012.8-2012.12 访问学者,德国马克斯普朗克复杂系统物理所,Roderich Moessner 组 2008-2011 博士后, 美国北伊利诺大学 和 阿贡国家实验室, Michel van Veenendaal 组 2005-2008 博士后, 德国马克斯普朗克复杂系统物理所,Peter Fulde 组 1993-1998 助理工程师, 华东电子工程研究所 讲授课程: 2014 — 固体物理 2014 — 量子统计力学 2017— 超导物理


凝聚态量子多体理论 和 非平衡电子动力学


查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

部分科研论文: 21. H. Du, J. Liu, N. Zhang, Jun Chang, W. Jin, C. Li, G. Lefkidis and W. Hübner, " Theoretical study of laser-induced ultrafast spin dynamics in small iron-benzene clusters and of related laser and magnetic-field effects", Phys. Rev. B 99, 134430 (2019). 20. J Zhang*, D Yan, S Yesudhas, H Deng, H Xiao, B Chen, R Sereika, X Yin, C Yi, Y Shi, Z Liu, E. M. Pärschke, C-C Chen, Jun Chang*, Y Ding* and H-K Mao, " Lattice frustration in spin-orbit Mott insulator Sr3Ir2O7 at high pressure", npj Quantum Materials 4, 23 (2019). 19. N. Zhang, H. Du, Jun Chang, W. Jin, C. Li, G. Lefkidis and W. Hübner, "Ab initio study of ultrafast laser-induced spin flip, spin-flip transfer, and spin crossover in ComBz+/0n clusters (m, n = 1, 2)", Phys. Rev. B 98, 104431 (2018). 18. J. Zhang, Y. Ding, C-C. Chen, Z. Cai, J. Chang, B. Chen, X. Hong, A. Fluerasu, Y Zhang, C-S. Ku, D. Brewe, S. Heald, H. Ishii, N. Hiraoka, K-D. Tsuei, W. Liu, Z. Zhang, Y. Q. Cai, G. Gu, T. Irifune, and H-k. Mao, "Evolution of a Novel Ribbon Phase in Optimally Doped Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+δ at High Pressure and Its Implication to High-TC Superconductivity", J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 9, 4182 (2018). 17. Feng Guo, Na Zhang, Wei Jin, and Jun Chang*, "Model of ultrafast demagnetization driven by spin-orbit coupling in a photoexcited antiferromagnetic insulator Cr2O3", arXiv:1705.02439, J. Chem. Phys. 146, 244502 (2017). 16. Jun Chang, Jize Zhao, "Theory of dual fermion superconductivity in hole-doped cuprates", arXiv:1606.03656 Eur. Phys. J. B 90, 154 (2017). 15. Jun Chang, Ilya Eremin, Jize Zhao, "Model of nonadiabatic-to-adiabatic dynamical quantum phase transition in photoexcited systems", arXiv:1407.6779, Phys. Rev. B 90, 104305 (2014). 14. Jize Zhao, Shijie Hu, Jun Chang, Fawei Zheng, Ping Zhang, Xiaoqun Wang, "The evolution of magnetic structure driven by a synthetic spin-orbit coupling in two-component Bose-Hubbard model", arXiv:1403.1316, Phys. Rev. B 90, 085117 (2014). 13. Jize Zhao, Shijie Hu, Jun Chang, Ping Zhang, and Xiaoqun Wang, "Ferromagnetism in a two-component Bose-Hubbard model with synthetic spin-orbit coupling", arXiv:1308.6710, Phys. Rev. A 89, 043611 (2014). 12. Jun Chang, A. J. Fedro, and M. van Veenendaal, “Ultrafast X-ray spectroscopy as a probe of nonequilibrium dynamics in ruthenium complexes”, arXiv:1003.4752, Chem. Phys. 407, 65 (2012). 封面文章, News on PhysOrg 11. Y. Ding, Z.H. Cai, Q.Y. Hu, H.W. Sheng, J. Chang, R. J. Hemley and W. L. Mao, “Nanoscale Diffraction Imaging of the High-Pressure Transition in Fe1-xO”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 100, 041903 (2012). News on PhysOrg, ZeitNews 10. Jun Chang, A. J. Fedro, and M. van Veenendaal, “Ultrafast Cascading Theory of Intersystem Crossings in Transition-Metal Complexes”, arXiv:1004.4823, Phys. Rev. B 82, 075124 (2010). (Chang et al. laid the theoretical base) 9. M. van Veenendaal, Jun Chang, and A. J. Fedro, “Model of ultrafast intersystem crossing in photoexcited transition-metal organic compounds ”, arXiv:1002.1467, Phys. Rev. Lett. 104, 067401 (2010). News on PhysOrg 8. Jun Chang, Ilya Eremin and Peter Thalmeier, “Cooper-pair formation by anharmonic rattling modes in the beta-pyrochlore superconductor KOs2O6”, arXiv:0803.2491, New Journal of Physics 11, 055068 (2009). 7. P. Thalmeier, T. Takimoto, J. Chang, I. Eremin, “Multipolar Order and Superconductivity in f-Electron Compounds”, J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. Suppl. A, 77, 43 (2008). 6. Jun Chang, Ilya Eremin, Peter Thalmeier, and Peter Fulde, “Inelastic rare-earth impurity scattering and superconductivity in filled skutterudite La1-xPrxOs4Sb12”, arXiv:0709.3849, Phys. Rev. B 76, 220510(R) (2007). 5. Jun Chang, I. Eremin, P. Thalmeier, and P. Fulde, “Theory of magnetic excitons in the heavy-fermion superconductor UPd2Al3”, arXiv:cond-mat/0609550, Phys. Rev. B 75, 024503 (2007). 4. W. Q. Ran, J. Chang, Y. H. Su, H. T. Lu, H. G. Luo, T. Xiang, “Geometrical Structure Effect on Localization Length of Carbon Nanotubes”, cond-mat/0412525, Chinese Phys. Lett. 22 , 2375 (2005). 3. H. T. Lu, Y. H. Su, L. Q. Sun, J. Chang, H. G. Luo and T. Xiang, “Thermodynamic properties of tetrameric bond-alternating spin chains”, cond-mat/0412275, Phys. Rev. B 71, 144426 (2005). 2. J. Chang, Y. H. Su, H. G. Luo, H. T. Lu and T. Xiang, “Effect of impurity resonance states on the NMR spectra of high-Tc cuprates”, cond-mat/0405480, Phys. Rev. B 70, 212507 (2004). 1. Y. H. Su, J. Chang, H. T. Lu, H. G. Luo and T. Xiang, “Effects of bilayer coupling on tunneling conductance of double-layer high Tc cuprates”, cond-mat/0312091, Phys. Rev. B 68, 212501 (2003).
