博士 2000 至 2005 香港城市大学
学士 1988 至 1992 武汉大学病毒及分子生物学系
1992年 至 1995年 国家海洋局第三海洋研究所 实习研究员
1995年 至 1999年 国家海洋局第三海洋研究所 助理研究员
1999年 至 2006年 国家海洋局第三海洋研究所 副研究员
2006 至 现在 汕头大学 教授
[ 1 ] 广东省高等学校学科与专业建设专项资金 海洋天然溴化有机物及其生物活性研究;(编号:2012gjhz0008),
[ 2 ] 环境顾问项目 汕头市东部城市经济带河口治理及综合开发项目施工期海洋环境跟踪监测;
[ 3 ] 国家海洋局公益科研专项 东南沿海半封闭海湾生态系统对人类活动干扰的响应评价、生态重构技术及示范;
[ 4 ] 农业部公益科研项目 生态增殖型海洋牧场高效利用配套模式研究与示范;
[ 5 ] 农业部渔业种质资源保护项目 粤东白海豚种群生态及其栖息地研究;
[ 6 ] 国家自然科学基金项目 粤东韩江口及其周边水域中华白海豚种群动态与保护研究;(编号:41176155),
[ 1 ] Wang Li, Liang Bo, Li Liang, Liu Wenhua*, 2013;Induction of HepG2 cell apoptosis by Irgarol 1051 through mitochondrial dysfunction and oxidative stresses;Toxicol. in Vitro, 27:1771–1779;
[ 2 ] Liu Wenhua*, Ming Yao, Huang Zhongwen, Li Ping, 2012;Impacts of florfenicol on marine diatom Skeletonema costatum through photosynthesis inhibition and oxidative damages;Plant Physiology and Biochemistry,60:165-170;
[ 3 ] Shi Jingchun, Li Yuelin, Liang Hong, Gene J. Zheng, ?Wu Yinglin, Liu Wenhua*, 2013;OCPs and PCBs in marine edible fish and human health risk assessment in the eastern Guangdong, China;Arch Environ Contam Toxicol 64:632-642;
[ 4 ] Liang Bo, Wang Li, He Tangtian, Liu Wenhua*, Li Qi, Li Mingfeng, 2013;In vitro reactive oxygen species production by mitochondria from the rabbitfish Siganus fuscessens livers and the effects of Irgarol-1051;Environmental Toxicology and pharmacology, 35:154–160;
[ 5 ] Wu Yinglin, Shi Jingchun, Gene J. Zheng, Li Ping, Liang Bo, Chen Tufeng, Wu Yuping, Liu Wenhua*, 2013;Evaluation of organochlorine contamination in Indo-Pacific humpback dolphins (Sousa chinensis) from the Pearl River Estuary, China;Science of the Total Environment, 444: 423–429;
[ 6 ] Chen Bin, Yu Weiwei, Liu Wenhua*, Liu Zhenghua. 2012;An assessment on restoration of typical marine ecosystems in china - Achievements and lessons;Ocean & Coastal Management, 57:53-61;
[ 7 ] Liu Wenhua*, Huang Zhongwen, Li Ping, Xia Jinfeng , Chen Bin. 2012;Formation of triacylglycerol in Nitzschia closterium f. minutissima under nitrogen limitation and possible physiological and biochemical mechanisms;Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 418-419:24-29;
[ 8 ] He Tangtian, Liang Bo, Liu Wenhua*, Paul K.S. Shin, Rudolf S.S. Wu. 2012;Estrogenic potential of benzotriazole on marine medaka (Oryzias melastigma);Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, , 80:327-332;
[ 9 ] Liu Wenhua, Ming Yao, Li Ping, Huang Zhongwen;Inhibitory effects of hypo-osmotic stress on extracellular carbonic anhydrase and photosynthetic efficiency of green alga Dunaliella salina possibly through reactive oxygen species formation;Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 54 (2012): 43-48;