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学历简介: 博士 2007-9 至 2010-10 香港城市大学 工作经历: 2010年10月 至 2014年11月 新加坡国立大学 Research Fellow 2015年9月 至 现在 汕头大学 教授 2018年5月 至 2018年8月 悉尼科技大学 访问教授 2015年1月 至 2015年8月 中央昆士兰大学 访问学者 担任课程: 《发酵工程》、《发酵工程实验》、《生命科学前沿进展》(本科课程) 《生物能源进展》、《合成生物学》(研究生课程)



承担项目: [ 1 ] 广东省自然科学基金项目 Clostridium sp. WST高产丁醇分子机制的探索及其在海藻多糖高值化中的应用; [ 2 ] 广东省高校重大科研项目-特色创新类项目 梭菌菌株WST利用琼胶多糖转化生物丁醇的研究; [ 3 ] 高校重大科研项目-青年创新人才类项目 木质纤维素生产生物丁醇的研究; [ 4 ] 汕头大学科研启动基金 有机废物生物转化生产生物燃料的研究; [ 5 ] 广东省扬帆计划引进紧缺拔尖人才项目;


查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

[ 1 ] Advanced CRISPR/Cas-based genome editing tools for microbial biofuels production: a review.;Renew. Energ.; [ 2 ] Enhanced bioconversion of hemicellulosic biomass by microbial consortium for biobutanol production with bioaugmentation strategy.;Bioresour. Technol.; [ 3 ] Potential of biohydrogen generation using the delignified lignocellulosic biomass by a newly identified thermostable laccase from Trichoderma asperellum strain BPLMBT1. 2018;Int. J. Hydrogen Energy; [ 4 ] Genomic comparison of Clostridium species with the potential of utilizing red algal biomass for biobutanol production. 2018;Biotechnol. Biofuels; [ 5 ] High-efficient production of biobutanol by a novel Clostridium sp. strain WST with uncontrolled pH strategy;Bioresour. Technol.; [ 6 ] Synergistic enzymatic saccharification and fermentation of agar for biohydrogen production.;Bioresour. Technol.; [ 7 ] Catalytic hydrolysis of starch for biohydrogen production by using a newly identified amylase from a marine bacterium Catenovulum sp. X3.;Int. J. Biol. Macromol.; [ 8 ] Molecular characterization of the thermostability and carbohydrate-binding module from a newly identified GH118 family agarase, AgaXa. 2017;Process Chem.; [ 9 ] Characterization of a cytochrome P450 monooxygenase capable of high molecular weight PAHs oxidization from Rhodococcus sp. P14. 2016;Process Chem.; [ 10 ] Characterization of a new xylanase-producing Cellvibrio mixtus J3-8 and its genome analysis. 2015;Sci. Rep.; [ 11 ] Simultaneous fermentation of glucose and xylose to butanol by Clostridium species strain BOH3. 2014;Appl. Environ. Microbiol.; [ 12 ] Production optimization and molecular structure characterization of a newly isolated novel laccase from Fusarium solani MAS2, an anthracene-degrading fungus. 2014;Int. Biodeter. Biodegr.; [ 13 ] Characterization of anaerobic consortia involved in biomethane production coupled with lignin depolymerization. 2013;Bioresource Technol.; [ 14 ] Purification and characterization of an extracellular laccase from an anthracene-degrading fungus Fusarium solani MAS2. 2010;Bioresource Technol.; [ 15 ] Biodegradation of anthracene and benz[a]anthracene by two Fusarium solani strains isolated from mangrove sediments. 2010;Bioresource Technol.;
