[ 1 ] X. Hu, D. Kinet, K. Chah, P. Mégret, C. Caucheteur, Bragg gratings inscription at 1550 nm in photosensitive step-index polymer optical fiber, IEEE Photonics Benelux Chapter Workshop, pp. 21-22, Brussels (Belgium), 03/05, 2013. (Oral presentation);
[ 2 ] X. Hu, D. Kinet, K. Chah, P. Mégret, C. Caucheteur, Bragg gratings inscription at 1550 nm in photosensitive step-index polymer optical fiber, SPIE Conference—European Workshop on Optical Fiber Sensors (EWOFS), vol. 8794, p. 87942Q, Krakow (Poland), 19/05-22/05, 2013.;
[ 3 ] X. Hu, C. Zhang, D. Kinet, M. Debliquy, P. Mégret, C. Caucheteur, Etched polymer optical fiber Bragg gratings for ethanol vapor sensing, International Conference on Plastic Optical Fibers, pp. 48-52, Buzios (Brazil), 11/09-13/09, 2013. (Oral presentation);
[ 4 ] X. Hu, C. Zhang, D. Kinet, M. Debliquy, P. Mégret, C. Caucheteur, Study of etched polymer optical fiber Bragg gratings for ethanol vapor sensing, The 18th Annual Symposium of the IEEE Photonics Benelux Chapter, pp. 117-120, Eindhoven (Netherlands), 25/11-26/11, 2013. (Oral presentation);
[ 5 ] X. Hu, D. Saez-Rodriguez, O. Bang, D. J. Webb, C. Caucheteur, Investigations on birefringence effects in polymer optical fiber Bragg gratings, SPIE Conference, vol. 9128, p. 91280Q, Brussels (Belgium), 14/04- 17/04, 2014. (Oral presentation);
[ 6 ] X. Hu, X. Chen, C. Liu, C. Caucheteur, D-shaped Polymer Optical Fiber Bragg Grating for Bend Sensing, OSA Optical Sensors, p. SeS2B.5, Boston (USA), 27/06-01/07, 2015. (Oral presentation);
[ 7 ] (Invited) X. Hu, C. Caucheteur, Highly reflective Bragg gratings in slightly etched polymer optical fibers and their application for sensing, International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON), p. Th.A6.4, Budapest (Hungary), 05/07-09/07, 2015. (Oral presentation);
[ 8 ] X. Hu, P. Mégret, C. Caucheteur, Surface plasmon excitation at telecommunication wavelength in tilted polymer optical fiber Bragg gratings, The 20th Annual Symposium of the IEEE Photonics Benelux Chapter, Brussels (Belgium), 08/02–09/02, 2016.;
[ 9 ] X. Hu, D. Kinet, P. Mégret, C. Caucheteur, Study of thermal anneal- ing effect on Bragg gratings photo-inscribed in step-index polymer optical fibers, SPIE Conference, vol. 9886, p. 98860U, Brussels (Belgium), 03/04–07/04, 2016. (Oral presentation);
[ 10 ] X. Hu, D. Kinet, K. Chah, P. Mégret, C. Caucheteur, Bragg gratings inscription in step-index PMMA optical fiber by femtosecond laser pulses at 400 nm, SPIE Conference—European Workshop on Optical Fiber Sensors (EWOFS), vol. 9916, p. 99161X, Limerick (Ireland), 31/05–03/06, 2016.;
[ 11 ] X. Hu, G. Woyessa, D. Kinet, J. Janting, K. Nielsen, O. Bang, P. Mégret, C. Caucheteur, Bragg grating photo-inscription in doped microstructured polymer optical fiber by 400 nm femtosecond laser pulses, The 25th International Conference on Plastic Optical Fibres (POF 2016), p. OP23, Birmingham (UK), 13/09–15/09, 2016. (Oral presentation);
[ 12 ] X. Hu, D. Kinet, P. Mégret, C. Caucheteur, Fiber Bragg gratings inscription in doped PMMA polymer optical fiber by 400 nm femtosecond laser pulses, The 21st Annual Symposium of the IEEE Photonics Benelux Chapter, pp. 33-36, Ghent (Belgium), 17/11–18/11, 2016. (Oral presentation);
[ 13 ] X. Hu, D. Kinet, C. Caucheteur, Effective Bragg grating inscription in doped PMMA optical fibers using a femtosecond pulsed laser, The 5th Workshop on Specialty Optical Fiber and Their Applications (WSOF'2017), Limassol (Cyprus), 11/10–13/10, 2017.;
[ 14 ] X. Hu, D. Kinet, C.-F. J. Pun, H.-Y. Tam C. Caucheteur, Study of Bragg grating inscription mechanisms in PMMA POFs using 400 nm femtosecond pulses, The 26th International Conference on Plastic Optical Fibres (POF 2017), Aveiro (Portugal), 13/09–15/09, 2017. (Oral presentation);
[ 15 ] X. Hu, B. Luo, C. Caucheteur, M. Zhao, C.-F. J. Pun, N. Zhong, H.-Y. Tam, S. Fang, Refractometric Sensor in Polymer Optical Fibers, The 27th International Conference on Plastic Optical Fibres (POF 2018), Seattle (USA), 04/09–06/09, 2018. (Oral presentation);
[ 16 ] T. Paix?o, L. Pereira, R. Min, C. Marques, X. Hu, C. Caucheteur, O. Bang, L. Ferreira, F. Araújo, P. Antunes, Thermal stability of fiber Bragg gratings inscribed in microstructured polymer optical fibers with a single UV laser pulse, The 26th International Conference on Optical Fiber Sensors (OFS 2018), p. WF61, Lausanne (Switzerland), 24/09–28/09, 2018.;
[ 17 ] R. Min, C. Broadway, X. Hu, O. Bang, C. Caucheteur, P. Antunes, B. Ortega, C. Marques Chirped mPOF Bragg grating for strain sensing, The 26th International Conference on Optical Fiber Sensors (OFS 2018), p. WF76, Lausanne (Switzerland), 24/09–28/09, 2018;
[ 18 ] X. Hu, L. Wei, L. Han, K. Wang, ‘Tm:YAP laser at 2 μm using laser-diode end pumping’, Laser & Infrared, Vol. 40, Issue 5, pp. 488-490, 2010.;
[ 19 ] L. Wei, X. Hu, L. Han, J. Wu, K. Wang, ‘Laser diode-dual-end-pumped Tm:YAP laser’, Chinese Journal of Lasers, Vol. 38, Issue 5, pp. 33-37, 2011.;
[ 20 ] X. Hu, C.-F. J. Pun, H.-Y. Tam, P. Mégret, and C. Caucheteur, Highly reflective Bragg gratings in slightly etched step-index polymer optical fiber, Optics Express, vol. 22, no. 15, pp. 18807–18817, 2014. (Impact Factor: 3.356);
[ 21 ] X. Hu, C.-F. J. Pun, H.-Y. Tam, P. Mégret, and C. Caucheteur, Tilted Bragg gratings in step-index polymer optical fiber, Optics Letters, vol. 39, no. 24, pp. 6835–6838, 2014. (Impact Factor: 3.589);
[ 22 ] X. Hu, D. Saez-Rodriguez, C. Marques, O. Bang, D. J. Webb, P. Mégret, and C. Caucheteur, Polarization effects in polymer FBGs: study and use for transverse force sensing, Optics Express, vol. 23, no. 4, pp. 4581– 4590, 2015. (Impact Factor: 3.356);
[ 23 ] X. Hu, P. Mégret, and C. Caucheteur, Surface plasmon excitation at near-infrared wavelengths in polymer optical fibers, Optics Letters, vol. 40, no. 17, pp. 3998–4001, 2015. (Impact Factor: 3.589);
[ 24 ] X. Hu, D. Kinet, P. Mégret, C. Caucheteur, Control over photo-inscription and thermal annealing to obtain high-quality Bragg gratings in doped PMMA optical fibers, Optics Letters, vol. 41, no. 13, pp. 2930–2933, 2016. (Impact Factor: 3.589);
[ 25 ] X. Hu, G. Woyessa, D. Kinet, J. Janting, K. Nielsen, O. Bang, C. Caucheteur, BDK-doped core microstructured PMMA optical fiber for effective Bragg grating photo-inscription, Optics Letters, vol. 42, no. 11, pp. 2209-2212, 2017. (Impact Factor: 3.589);
[ 26 ] X. Hu, D. Kinet, K. Chah, C.-F. J. Pun, H.-Y. Tam, C. Caucheteur, Bragg grating inscription in PMMA optical fibers using 400-nm femtosecond pulses, Optics Letters, vol. 42, no. 14, pp. 2794-2797, 2017. (Impact Factor: 3.589);
[ 27 ] S. Korganbayev, R. Min, M. Jelbuldina, X. Hu, C. Caucheteur, O. Bang, B. Ortega, C. Marques, D. Tosi, Thermal profile detection through high-sensitivity fiber optic chirped Bragg grating on microstructured PMMA fiber, Journal of Lightwave Technology, vol. 36, no. 20, pp. 4723-4729, 2018. (Impact Factor: 3.652);
[ 28 ] R. Min, B. Ortega, X. Hu, C. Broadway, C. Caucheteur, C.-F. J. Pun, H.-Y. Tam, P. Antunes, C. Marques, Bragg gratings inscription in TS-doped PMMA POF by using 248-nm KrF Pulses, IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, vol. 30, no. 18, pp. 1609-1612, 2018. (Impact Factor: 2.446);
[ 29 ] L. Pereira, R. Min, X. Hu, C. Caucheteur, O. Bang, B. Ortega, C. Marques, P. Antunes, J. Pinto, Polymer optical fiber Bragg grating inscription with a single Nd:YAG laser pulse, Optics Express, vol. 26, no. 14, pp. 18096-18104, 2018. (Impact Factor: 3.356);
[ 30 ] A. Theodosiou, X. Hu, C. Caucheteur, K. Kalli, Bragg gratings and Fabry-Perot cavities in low-loss multimode CYTOP polymer fibre, IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, vol. 30, no. 9, pp. 857-860, 2018. (Impact Factor: 2.446);
[ 31 ] R. Min, S. Korganbayev, C. Molardi, C. Broadway, X. Hu, C. Caucheteur, O. Bang, P. Antunes, D. Tosi, C. Marques, B. Ortega, Largely tunable dispersion chirped polymer FBG, Optics Letters, vol. 43, no. 20, pp. 5106-5109, 2018. (Impact Factor: 3.589);
[ 32 ] R. Min, B. Ortega, C. Broadway, X. Hu, C. Caucheteur, O. Bang, P. Antunes, C. Marques, Microstructured PMMA POF chirped Bragg gratings for strain sensing, Optical Fiber Technology, vol. 25, pp 330-335, 2018. (Impact Factor: 1.35);