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学历简介: 学士 1996-9 至 2000-7 华中师范大学 硕士 1999-9 至 2002-7 华中科技大学(原华中理工大学) 博士 2002-9 至 2005-7 中科院上海光机所 工作经历: 2005年9月 至 2006年12月 厦门大学 讲师 2007年1月 至 2008年10月 韩国光州科学技术学院 博士后 2008-11 至 2013-11 汕头大学 副教授 2013年12月 至 现在 汕头大学 教授



承担项目: [ 1 ] 国家自然科学基金项目 基于锥形微结构保偏光纤的高灵敏无标记免疫传感器的研究 ;2013/1/1—2015/12/31; [ 2 ] 主管部门科技项目 高双折射微结构光纤在光纤多参数传感中的应用;2010/1/1—2015/7/29; [ 3 ] 国家部委其它科技项目 基于少模保偏光纤的超宽调谐掺铒光纤激光器的研究;2010/1/1—2011/12/31; [ 4 ] 其它课题 基于拉锥保偏光纤双折射效应的高灵敏折射率光纤传感器的研究;2012/1/1 [ 5 ] 其它课题 基于少模高双折射光纤的宽调谐光纤激光器的研究;2009/9/1—2011/12/31;


查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

[ 1 ] 孙国勇, Yingwu Zhou, Yihui Hu and Youngjoo Ch;Polarization controlled tunable multiwavelength SOA-fiber laser based on few-mode polarization maintaining fiber loop mirror;Optical Fiber Technology; 17;79-83;2011/10/09 [ 2 ] 孙国勇, Y. Zhou, L. Cui, Y. Chung;Tunable multiwavelength SOA-fiber ring laser based on Sagnac loop mirror incorporating few-mode high birefringence fiber;Laser Physics; 21;1899-1902;2011/10/08 [ 3 ] 孙国勇, Y. Zhou, L. Cui and Y. Chung;Polarization controlled multiwavelength switchable erbium-doped fiber laser based on high birefringence few-mode fiber loop mirror;Laser Physics; 21;1914-1918;2011/10/06 [ 4 ] 孙国勇, Yingwu Zhou, Yihui Hu and Youngjoo Ch;Switchable erbium-doped fiber ring laser based on Sagnac loop mirror incorporating few-mode high birefringence fiber;Optics Communications; 284;1608-1611;2011/03/04 [ 5 ] 孙国勇, Y. Hu, Y. Zhou, Y. Chung;Broad tunability of erbium-doped fiber ring laser based on few-mode polarization maintaining fiber Sagnac interferometer;Applied Physics B: Lasers and Optics; 102;589-594;2011/03/02 [ 6 ] 孙国勇, H. Tang, Y. Zhou and Y. Chung;Dual-wavelength switchable erbium-doped fiber ring laser based on merged Sagnac and intermodal interferences in Sagnac loop mirror;Laser Physics; 21;194-197;2011/01/01 [ 7 ] 孙国勇, Yihui Hu and Youngjoo Chung;Switchable and tunable dual-line erbium- doped fiber ring laser in the C- plus L-band based on merged interference effects;IEEE Photonics Technology Letters; 22;1440-1442;2010/10/01 [ 8 ] 孙国勇, Yingwu Zhou, Yihui Hu, Youngjoo Chung;Broadly tunable fiber laser based on merged Sagnac and intermodal interferences in few-mode high birefringence fiber loop mirror;IEEE Photonics Technology Letters; 22;766-768;2010/06/01 [ 9 ] Guoyong Sun(孙国勇), Dae Seung Moon, Youngjoo Chung;Theoretical analysis of feedback high birefringence fiber loop mirror for application in single-frequency fiber lasers;Optics Communications; 283;1047-1049;2010/03/01 [ 10 ] 孙国勇,周赢武, Yihui Hu and Youngjoo Ch;Theoretically analysis of Sagnac loop mirror with an inline high birefringence fiber ring resonator: Application in single-frequency fiber lasers;Optical Fiber Technology; 16;86-89;2010/02/09
