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学历简介: 硕士 1991-9 至 1994-6 西安交通大学 博士 1999-9 至 2002-4 西安交通大学 工作经历: 2002年5月 至 现在 汕头大学 担任课程: 本科生:《数学分析》、《概率论与数理统计》、《数值分析》、《常微分方程》、《小波分析》,《解析几何》等. 研究生:《小波分析》、《科学计算》、《多小波分析理论及应用》、《概率论与数理统计》、《样条函数和样条小波》等



承担项目: [ 1 ] [ 2 ] 广东省自然科学基金博士基金项目 多分辨分析的扩充、多小波的构造理论与应用;(编号:04300917), [ 3 ] 广东省自然科学基金项目 脊波和小波分析理论及其在调和分析中的应用;(编号:05008289), [ 4 ] 国家自然科学基金项目 Sobolev空间上Framelets理论及相关问题研究;(编号:11071152),


查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

[ 2 ] Construction of Biorthogonal Multiwavelets;J. Math. Anal. Appl., 276(1), 2002,1-12; [ 3 ] Approximate Sampling Theorem for Bivariate Continuous Function, Appl;Math. & Mech., 24(11), 2003, 1197-1024; [ 4 ] A Fast Algorithm for Constructing Orthogonal Multiwavelets;ANZIAM Journal, 46(2), 2004, 185-202; [ 5 ] Compactly Supported Interpolatory Orthogonal Multiwavelets Packets;Aust. J. Math. Anal. Appl.,2(1), 2005,1-6; [ 6 ] Extension of Multiresolution Analysis and the Construction of Orthogonal Multiwavelets;Georgian Math. J., 12(3), 2005, 561-571; [ 7 ] A Class of Compactly Supported Symmetric or Antismmetric B-spline Wavelets;Prog. Nat. Sci., 15(2), 2005, 126-131; [ 8 ] High-Order Balanced Multiwavelets with Dilation Factor a;Appl. Math. Comput., 181(1), 2006, 362-369; [ 9 ] An Algorithm for Constructing Biorthogonal Multiwavelets with Higher Approximation Orders;ANZIAM Journal, 47(4), 2006, 513-526; [ 10 ] Construction of high order balanced multiscaling functions via PTST;Sci. China, Ser. F, 49(4), 2006, 504-515; [ 11 ] Raising Approximation Order of Refinable Vector by Increasing Multiplicity;Sci. China, Ser. A, 49(1), 2006, 86-97; [ 12 ] High-Order Balanced Multiwavelets with Dilation Factor a;Appl. Math. Comput.,181(1), 2006, 362-369; [ 13 ] Biorthogonal Interpolatory Multiscaling Functions and the Corresponding Multiwavelets;ANZIAM J.,2007,49(1): 85-98; [ 14 ] Two-direction Refinable Functions and Two-direction Wavelets with Dilation Factor m;Appl. Math. Compu.,188(2),2007,1908-1920; [ 15 ] Two-direction refinable functions and two-direction wavelets with high approximation order and regularity;Science in China, series A, 50(12),2007: 1687-1704; [ 16 ] A Class of Orthogonal Two-direction Refinable Functions and Two-direction Wavelets;International Journal of Wavelets, Multiresolution and Information Processing, 2008. 6(6): 883-894; [ 17 ] Construction of Multiwavelets with High Approximation Order and Symmetry;Sci. China Ser. A, 2009, 52(8):1607-1616; [ 18 ] Construction of a class of compactly supported symmetric and balanced refinable function vector by GTST;Appl. Math. Compu., 2009, 207(1), 83-89; [ 19 ] Two-direction Poly-scale Refinability;Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 2009, 58(1): 119-127; [ 20 ] Construction of Multiwavelets with High Approximation Order and Symmetry(英文版);Sci. China Ser. A, 2009, 52(8):1607-1616; [ 21 ] Construction of nonseparable dual Ω-wavelet frames in L^(R^s);Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2009, 215(6): 2082-2094; [ 22 ] Parameterization of bivariate nonseparable orthogonal symmetric scaling functions;J. Math. Research & Exposition, 2010,30(4): 637-642; [ 23 ] 仿酉对称矩阵的构造及对称正交多小波滤波带的参数化;数学学报, 2010,53(2): 279-290; [ 24 ] 对称的高逼近阶多小波的构造;中国科学A辑, 2009,39(6): 709-718; [ 25 ] Explicit Construction of Symmetric Orthogonal Wavelet Frames in $L^{2}(\mathbb{R}^{s})$;Journal of Approximation Theory, 2010,162(5):891-909; [ 26 ] Construction of Compactly Supported Nonseparable Orthogonal Wavelets of $L^2(R^n) $;Bulletin of the Iranian Mathematical Society, 2010,36(1):183-199;


