2013.10 - 2016.09 博士 会津大学 计算机与工程学院 计算机与信息系统学专业 计算机理工学博士
2010.09 - 2013.07 硕士 大连理工大学 物理与光电工程学院 等离子体物理专业
2006.09 - 2010.07 学士 河南大学 物理与电子学院 物理学专业
Work experience:
2019.09-至今 副教授 桂林电子科技大学 人工智能学院
2019.04-2019.09 研究员 日本产业技术综合研究所(AIST) 人工智能研究中心 机器学习组
2016.10-2019.04 特别研究员 日本产业技术综合研究所(AIST) 人工智能研究中心 机器学习组
The Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) KAKENHI, 4.3 million yen
Research Interests:
machine learning, sparse representation, deep learning, computer vision
Yujie Li , S hotaro Akaho, Hideki Asoh, Benying Tan, “Supervised Saliency Mapping for First Person Videos With an Inverse Sparse Coding Framework”, IEEE Access (Impact Factor: 3.557), Vol. 7, pp. 12547-12556, 2019.
Yujie Li, Shuxue Ding, Benying Tan, Haoli Zhao, and Zhenni Li, “Sparse Representation Based o n the Analysis Model with Optimization on the Stiefel Manifold”, IEEE Access (Impact Factor: 3.557), Vol. 7, No. 1, pp. 8385-8397, 2019.
Benying Tan, Shuxue Ding, Yujie Li, Xiang Li, “No nnegative Sparse Representation of Signals with a Determinant Type Spa rsity Measure Based on the DC Programming”, IEEE Access (Impact Factor: 3.557), Vol. 6, No. 1, pp. 67301-67315, 2018.
Benying Tan, Yujie Li, Shuxue Ding, Incheon Paik, Atsunori Kanemura, "DC programming for solving a sparse modeling problem of video key frame extraction ", Digital Signal Processing (Impact Factor: 2.241) vol. 83, pp. 214-222, December 2018.
Yujie Li, Benying Tan, Atsunori Kanemura, Shuxue Ding, and Wuhui Chen, "Analysis Sparse Representation for Nonnegative Signals Based on Determinant Measure by DC Programming ", Complexity (Impact Factor : 1.829 ), vol. 2018 , pp. 1-12, April 2018.
Zhenni Li, Shuxue Ding, Yujie Li , Zuyuan Yang, and Shengli Xie, Manifold Optimization based Analysis Dictionary Learning with an l 1 / 2 norm Regularizer ”, Neural Networks (Impact Factor: 7.197), vol. 98, pp. 212-222, December 2017.
Xiang Li, Shuxue Ding, and Yujie Li , "Outlier Suppression via Non convex Robust PCA for Efficient Localization in W ireless Sensor Networks ”, IEEE Sensors Journal (Impact Factor: 2. 617 ), vol. 17(21), pp. 7053-7063, November 2017.
Zhenni Li, Shuxue Ding, Takafumi Hayashi, and Yujie Li, "Analysis Dictionary Learning using Block Coordinate Descent Framework with Proximal Operator ”, Neurocomputing (Impact Factor: 3.241 ), vol. 239, pp. 165-180, February 2016.
Yujie Li , Shuxue Ding, and Zhenni Li, "Dictionary Learning with the Cosparse Analysis Model Based on Summation of Blocked Determinants as the Sparseness Measure ”, Digital Signal Processing (Impact Factor : 2.241 ), 48, pp. 298-309, January 2016.
Zhenni Li, Shuxue Ding and Yujie Li , ”A Fast Algorithm for Learning Overcomplete Dictionary for Sparse Representation Based on Proximal Operators”, Neural Computation (Impact Factor: 1.651 ), vol. 27(1), pp. 1-32, August 2015.
Yujie Li, Atsunori Kanemura, Hideki Asoh, Taiki Miyanishi, and Motoaki Kawanabe, “Supervised saliency maps for first-person videos based on sparse coding”, Proceedings of Asia-Pacific Signal and Information Processing Association Annual Summit and Conference 2018 (APSIPA ASC 2018), pp. 12-15, 2018
Yujie Li, Atsunori Kanemura, Hideki Asoh, Taiki Miyanishi, and Motoaki Kawanabe, “A Sparse Coding Framework for Gaze Prediction in Egocentric Video”, Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP) (Google Scholar ranking #1), pp. 1313–1317, April 2018
Yujie Li, Shuxue Ding, Zhenni Li, Xiang Li, and Benying Tan, “Dictionary Learning in the Analysis Sparse Representation with Optimization on Stiefel Manifold”, Proceedings of IEEE Global Conference on Signal and Information Processing (GlobalSIP), pp. 1270–1274, November 2017
Yujie Li, Atsunori Kanemura, Hideki Asoh, Taiki Miyanishi, and Motoaki Kawanabe, “Extracting Key Frames from First-person Videos in the Common Space of Multiple Sensors”, Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP) (Google Scholar ranking #6), pp. 3993–3997, September 2017
Yujie Li, Atsunori Kanemura, Hideki Asoh, Taiki Miyanishi, and Motoaki Kawanabe, “Key Frame Extraction from First-person Video with Multi-sensor Integration”, Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Multimedia & Expo (ICME) (Google Scholar ranking #12), pp. 1303–1308, July 2017
Yujie Li, Shuxue Ding, Benying Tan, Zhenni Li, Haoli Zhao, “Nonnegative Sparse Representation Based on the Determinant Measure”, Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Digital Signal Processing (DSP), pp. 599–603, October 2016
Zhenni Li, Shuxue Ding, Yujie Li, and Wuhui Chen, “Dictionary Learning with l1/2 Regularizer for Sparsity Based on Proximal Operator”, Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Awareness Science and Technology (iCAST), pp. 105–110, September 2015 (Best student paper award)
Yujie Li, Shuxue Ding, and Zhenni Li, “Analysis Dictionary Learning Based on Summation of Blocked Determinants Measure of Sparseness”, Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Digital Signal Processing (DSP), pp. 224–228, July 2015 (Best paper award)